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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 40 minutes ago, trauma babe said:

    Every time you are presented with a moral and political dilemma to discuss and learn from in the context of this forum, you make the wrong choice. I am sorry to have seen you go down the path you have gone. 

    I do not understand how he says the things he says consistently. It's either he's a massive contrarian on purpose or he has no understanding of the world outside of his own bubble and does not wish to understand it to boot. Either of those things are wild to have to consider as options.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 8 hours ago, JimmyJames said:

    I mean the notion that white liberals get “angry” at people like diamond and silk and brothahorn is so fucking stupid there is a 100 percent chance it originated from some trumper on Facebook who thought it was a clever post. 

    It wasn’t. 

    I don’t get it either. Is anyone really wasting time getting angry about it? Those two women are grifters first and foremost. They can do what they want though. So can Brothahorn. He wants to vote for Trump he can go right ahead because he doesn’t need permission. The stain that that will leave upon them and everyone else voting for him will not go away though and honestly it should not. You should be held accountable for casting a vote for a virulent racist hellbent on sucking every last dollar he can out of this country and then handing that money to his Russian Oligarch creditors. That money comes from American taxpayers and we should be upset about seeing it happen.

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  3. At my next secretly funded George Soros Antifa March of Death and Destruction I will be bringing some newly developed cans that are filled with shit. Whose shit? I’m not sure, but it will be the best shit George’s money can buy.  And  let me tell you when those cans explode like a canister of biscuits it’s going to be a shitstorm like you wouldn’t believe. It’ll be some manly shit. I’ll tell you more about this new shit when I get it in two weeks.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    What really bugs me is that if it is real, it's just perfectly Trumpy -- if he's going to do something, he's going to do it half-assed.  Mini-stroke?  Figures.  Can't even have a full stroke.

    A big manly man would have a real stroke, the biggest stroke! A stroke like you wouldn’t even believe, let me tell you! 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    The "friends getting him help" thing is a VERY common cop-talk for sounding like they're going to do something without doing anything.

    The family being abused by the cop is guilted into staying and putting up with it because the cop's job is so dangerous and stressful and their suicide rates are so high.

    It's disgusting.


    I won’t disagree with what you are saying. I just attempt to hope for a better outcome than the same old, same old. If he gets help it will take a long time to straighten out his demons. The hurt he has caused his own family is immeasurable because we cannot truly know the extent of what he has said or done to them in private. The whole situation is terrible. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Interesting that all the story is about is his using the n-word, not him being an obvious domestic abuser.

    Middlebrooks was on the receiving end of verbal threats from Wright after she made a friendly encounter with a black employee, identified as Nick Clark. She secretly recorded Wright as he expressed his rage, referring to Clark as a dread head n***** and calling the mother of his child a n***** lover.

    But mainstream media won't touch the massive national disgrace that is police mistreatment of their own families. Political correctness run amok.

    Reading the story and seeing that there was testimony to him doing this at other times leads me to be right there with you on this. This guy is at worst a domestic abuser physically and at best one that is being one emotionally. If his friends do what was said in the article and will seek to get him help then good on them and hopefully something good comes out of something so awful. I do want to say that I believe we should be placing a greater focus on police mistreatment of their families. They aren't just out there harrassing and killing unarmed black men and women. The families are often bearing the brunt of that anger in private and almost no one is helping them out. Our media reporting on this aspect much more often would be very helpful.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    The comments are why we are a failed state, and it is only going to get worse.  A LOT worse.  There is no bottom.

    Many of the comments are absolutely horrific. I personally look at America as currently being in the failboat, but my hope is that our younger generation that is engaged and involved will have the stomach for the fight that is in front of them. It's daunting to say that the future of our country and its ability to right the ship is in the the hands of the youngest voters, but here we are. I have heard folks repeat several times that each generation faces its own set of problems and how they react to them will define them. Our problems right now are multi-generational though and it requires all generations making sacrifices for the good of our fellow citizens. We have way too many right now who haven't gotten aboard to support those who need our help. Again many of those comments are despicable and come from those unwilling to help anyone outside of themselves.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    And a big fuck you to Susan Collins. 

    History is not going to be kind to her. She has helped do so much damage to this country in her refusal to completely condemn Dotard. If she loses that vote for Kavanaugh will likely be looked at as her death knell as a senator. The rest of her actions in regards to Dotard are just indefensible.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 4 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    Again with this.  I don't believe the "Western nuclear family" is fundamentally inconsistent with community raising of children.  It was more or less a way of life in this country until certain "elements" began to emphasize individuality over community. In short, the boomers wrecked that with ideas carried forward from the 60s; and the systematic destruction of poor communities in favor of flawed subsidized housing developments; and the black diaspora in search of work.

    Also, you really should stop with the personal mental health evaluations.  Argue the merits instead of amateur psychological analysis.  It's needlessly antagonistic.

    If you do not like that as being part of their platform take it up with them. I support it.

    If you also do not like the pointing out of a poster who exhibits the behaviors of someone who could use therapy you might want to just put me on ignore because I am not going to sit quietly when someone is writing posts consistently that show they have pent up anger that is spilling over into the public domain that a therapist can help with. We are too quiet as a society on mental health issues. It cannot just be up to a therapist to tell someone to get help. That doesn't even make any kind of rational sense. Do you think there are thousands of therapists just walking around amongst the populace looking for new clients? Leaving people to their own devices with mental health issues is how people end up doing something they regret because no one ever attempted to help direct them to the services of someone that could give them a better way to deal with life. People should ABSOLUTELY speak up and try to get someone help when they see the signs of someone who needs it. I would bet if other posters on this board were honest they would admit that there was a point in their lives when someone had to tell them the same thing about getting help and it wasn't a therapist that directed them to it. I remember when someone stepped up to the plate and did it for me because they knew what would help with something that was bothering me. I am thankful to that person for standing up and intervening and not staying quiet. This sit back and not help people receive proper care is asinine and an outdated way of thinking.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    You don't get to claim self-defense when you pick up a weapon, drive 50 miles to cosplay solider with the intent to use the gun.

    tl/dr:  You can't provoke a fight then claim self-defense.

    It's incredible that there are millions of our fellow citizens who will parrot that exact line of thinking because our big, dumb president/cult leader has normalized the behavior exhibited by Rittenhouse. It was murder and I feel okay saying that because this young coward decided to do exactly what you said he did and he drove there looking for an opportunity to escalate violence. This is only going to get worse thanks to our racist-in-chief who will continue to exacerbate the issue. More cosplaying idiots will decide that they want to get involved in killing people and many of our fellow citizens will just nod in agreement with the ensuing deaths because, among other reasons, "Teach those libruls a lesson about messin' with 'Murica!"

  11. 6 minutes ago, DigDug said:

    You know 17 is legal age to join the military.

    So why is this great patriot illegally carrying a rifle and murdering us citizens in the streets, when he could sign on the line that is dotted and stand up and legally defend this great nation?

    Why sign up to defend the country when you can cosplay being a soldier here, kill people and be looked at as a hero by millions of fellow cult members.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  12. 25 minutes ago, totallynotabuttpirate said:

    Thats right! All those poor black folk that are suffering from the effects of generations of discrimination and economic and social segregation need to just man the fuck up and stop being such victims! 

    I do not think he is going to stop with the incendiary posts. Perhaps he will get some help. I have asked him the same question now twice and I know he has seen it. Instead he carpet bombs this thread trying to distract anyone here from focusing on the BLM Movement’s main message of being tired of brutalized by the police. 

    I know two young men who were taken way too early in situations that involved black-on black gun violence. I do not come to this thread to speak about it though, but I will make an exception here. My last conversation with one young man was talking about him heading to college the following year. He was ready to leave gang violence behind and get a college education. I was proud of him. Then the following summer he was shot to death over a stupid dispute the night before he was leaving for school. I’ll never forget getting that news for as long as I live. Every August it comes back to mind. The situations young black men face in order to just keep their head above water is incredible. If it isn’t the police trying to terrorize them they also get taken out in neighborhood gang violence. Or like this innocent young girl in South Bend they get taken out for no reason at all. I am doing what I am doing with school so I can help change the trajectory of some young lives who need stability and a helping hand at an early age. I do not want to see another kid gunned down by senseless violence.

    The BLM Movement has a main goal. It is ending police brutality. They also want to disrupt the Western nuclear family and make the village be involved in the raising of children when the parents need a helping hand. I absolutely support that. It brings a sense of togetherness and community and can help heal neighborhoods that need it. I also support the defunding of police departments with that money being poured back into communities that need it. We are wasting billions of dollars in this country on police when our own damn citizens are crying out for help and we as a society have mostly ignored them. We have got to get off our collective backside and help our fellow citizens and stop being selfish pricks. 

    • Like 3
  13. 1 minute ago, JimmyJames said:

    When a 7 year old is shot and killed by some asshole the very last reaction should be whose particular political party is at fault. 


    The focus should be squarely on a life lost way too young. I am in school and will within the next year and a half be working with children that age. It makes me incredibly sad to see stuff like this. I can never understand how anyone feels that killing someone is the answer to a problem. Spraying bullets like that and taking out a child makes me want to see that person responsible spend the rest of their life in a prison cell. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 37 minutes ago, Brothahorn said:

    Oh Snap, mental health smack. 

    Nothing says I'm a lil bitch with no ideas better than mental health smack. Do you even post outside of your safe place-echo chamber(cloak room)?

    Stay in your lane, lil dude.

    And thank you for raising your hand and letting me know that you are a chickenshit fraud as well.

    You have anger issues. I say that to you as someone who uses therapy and enjoys it for a different reason than why I mention it to you. I feel free to speak about it because you are clearly exhibiting the behavior of someone who has some mental issues that a therapist can help you with. 

    Again I will ask you this question. What was the moment in your life that caused your brain to be broken? You continue to verbally assault the BLM Movement for not adhering to something that is not the focus of their movement. You know exactly what the movement is centered on and it is police brutality. You attack them constantly like you are a real live caricature of Uncle Ruckus. It’s embarrassing to see you continue to do this for no real reason. If you don’t like the BLM Movement go and start your own and have it focus precisely on what you want.

    I do genuinely feel for you. You are a broken man who is too proud to admit you need the help. I was there once. Many of us were if people here want to be completely honest. You are showing it here that you do need it with what you write. I do not want to be in the lane you are in because it is one filled with hate, unstable anger and that is repulsive to me and most everyone else who posts here. Try and do better and find a more positive way to vent your frustration man.

  15. 41 minutes ago, Brothahorn said:

    So the frauds and 'lookatmes' don't forget

    Say her name cowards!



    What was the moment in your life that caused your brain to be permanently broken? Do you honestly think people do not care about this senseless death if her name is not chanted? Good Lord man find a therapist and talk it out. They can help you live a better life than what you are exhibiting to everyone in here.

    • Hook 'Em 4
  16. 30 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    The biggest change that has to happen is for the comfortable, powerful class in America to fucking ALLOW black voices to gain volume and power.  But we won't.  We shit on them when they kneel, we shit on them when they march, we shit on them when they walk off the basketball court, we shit on them when they get frustrated and break shit, we call for their execution even when they are exonerated (again, a position that was so awful, so abhorrent to basic racial fairness and justice.....that we rewarded its proponent with the US Presidency).

    There is precisely one thing that the rest of America wants black people to do -- STFU and take it.

    I think that the word ALLOW in the context of our current situation is a gigantic part of the problem. The part of our populace that is allied with our black brothers and sisters needs to follow their lead. They know what being trashed by the rich and powerful looks like. They know what racism looks like. Whether it be a convenience store clerk saying the N word to them or a bank loan officer denying them a loan because the house they want is in what is deemed an undesirable neighborhood. African-Americans know this system and how abhorrent and racist it is. The rest of us need to get onboard and follow their lead.

    I am not a part of the BLM Movement to get anything for myself. You aren’t in this Brisket to get anything for yourself. B_T isn’t in it for himself. Dozens of others on this board that support the movement are doing so in order to get equality for our fellow citizens in every aspect of life in American society. That fight is not an easy one. We all have to keep being supportive in every way we possibly can and we have to be willing to pushback at every opportunity against a society that is not inclusive for all. We just have to push through the mental and physical fatigue. African-Americans have four centuries worth of hell they have had to deal with. I will never know the horror of an encounter with a cop possibly being the end of my life. African-Americans are the most resilient group of people we have ever seen and have the honor to share a country with.  The least we can all do that abhor racism is to continue to give them unwavering support in the face of the brutality they face each day just to survive. We’ve let them go it alone for far too long. A broad coalition of people is the only way this racist system based upon hate is going to be defeated.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  17. 10 hours ago, Mdhorn said:

    When they weaken healthcare, pollution regulations, consumer protections, push to privatize education, federal lands, social security, medicare, and straight up grift our tax dollars, they punish most of the population, if not everybody.   This isn't good for anybody except the Trump syndicate.  





    I don’t disagree that it punishes all of us. You are correct in saying that. What I do believe is that all of that will have far harsher effects on black and brown communities and neighborhoods. It is disheartening to see what is going on. We just have to keep pushing back against this. When you completely give up hope and the desire to stand up to what is happening you implicitly say you are okay with this. I believe the majority of this country is not okay with this.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  18. 11 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    If the left wing is in favor of big government, the right wing is in favor of small government, and anarchists are in favor of no government, wouldn't that make anarchists a far-right extremist group?

    I would say they are crazy too. Maninblack shows their mindset pretty well. 

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