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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 24 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    So, after careful deliberation, I think that society has presented Black Lives Matter as a question.  "Do Black Lives Matter?

    And the answer from our leadership, and a sizable percentage of the population that supports them is "nope."  We were all too ready to toss out the entire movement because violent unrest happened among a fraction of the people aligned with the movement.  We cut white folks 1,000 times the slack a black man gets.  The answer is "no, black lives do not matter."  Go ahead and write it down, close the book, and put it back on the shelf.  Maybe we'll ask again in another 20-30 years.  I doubt the answer will change.

    We’re more than four centuries in and they are still waiting for their lives to matter. It’s an indictment of our society as a whole that people are protesting for the right to be looked at as equal to everyone else in this country and to, you know, not get randomly shot and killed by police. I truly believe that we are getting better, but change is never easy and the path to a better life is an uphill battle. Our African-American brothers and sisters need the help of everyone who is sick of living in a country where storefront racism continues to happen. I am not going to rely on the government to ever fix the problem because it will always be a half-arsed effort that falls well short.

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  2. I know there are people here who hate Pete Carroll. I never have. He has been around some people who have some nutty views, but I have always thought he actually cares about the players he coaches and society in general going back to what he used to do in the community in LA. This is worth listening to.

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  3. His life was short, but it was a life well-lived. We should all aspire to positively affect people on a daily basis like he did. That he was, by every account, a great human being should be remembered even more than his acting roles. He was great at his profession, but gosh that he did so much for people while privately battling cancer speaks to who he was. We need more folks like him. 

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  4. It was cool to be able to look out and see that view yesterday. We still have a whole bunch of people across this country fighting the good fight. 


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  5. 2 hours ago, Mo Horn said:


    Don't want to CR this thread, but curious if anyone has read this? Is it worth picking up? 

    I read it about a month ago. Many people have found reading it an exercise in frustration, but I felt like it was a good book to have read. It will challenge how you think about things when it comes to race and it’ll make you feel uncomfortable at times, but that’s the point l believe. There were some lessons I took from it that are helpful.

  6. The March on Washington was a great experience today. I took some pictures I will post later. The only two that were hard to listen to are Tom Perez (A voice that drones on should probably never speak at something that size) and Sheila Jackson Lee’s stream of consciousness speech was all over the place. Really cannot understand why those two spoke today. The rest were really good though.

  7. The speakers so far here at the Lincoln Memorial have been great, especially the younger ones. And if I needed a reminder of how much I enjoy hearing an African-American evangelist this morning has done it. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    I don't know that I would call Paul a big supporter of Trump. If you're in the all or nothing mindset I don't think following politics is your best idea.

    Following politics is absolutely a great idea with this mindset. Rand is absolutely a big supporter of the current president. This does not need to be re-hashed. If for some reason you think he isn’t then again Paul’s words and actions show he is. Being there last night to show his support is but the most recent public support he has given our racist-in-chief.

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  9. 12 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    Literally saved our lives. Hyperbole much? 

    He knows that no one who votes for him will actually watch the video. His supporters will say that the mythical ANTIFA brigade overwhelmed him and he was facing certain death of not for the heroic bravery of the police. If this wasn’t all such a clownshow I’d laugh about the video.

  10. 1 minute ago, Message Board User said:

    And they say there’s no such thing as cancel culture...

    If you don’t like seeing Rand cancelled then find someone new to lend support to and believe in that isn’t talking out of both sides of their mouth.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Message Board User said:

    His words ring hollow?

    He introduced actual legislation to ban the police tactic that was used to kill Breanna Taylor!  Which is what the protester was screaming about!

    You can do this all day if you like. Let’s make it as simple as possible here.

    His support for the current president, who is a racist, means everything else he does is immaterial and does NOT MATTER. You do not get it both ways. 

  12. 12 minutes ago, Message Board User said:

    Does it matter that Rand Paul has been among the most vocal in fighting for criminal justice reform in general and called out the Breanna Taylor case specifically?

    Dont believe me?  Just ask Shaun King.



    When your actions show that you support someone responsible for the deaths of thousands upon thousands of our fellow citizens during a global pandemic you lose the right to any high ground no matter what you are doing. I can be vocal about supporting the BLM Movement and go to all the rallies and protest marches I want, but if other actions I partake in do not reflect that commitment it makes my words and actions ring hollow.

    Rand does not get to pontificate on criminal justice reform or invoke Breonna Taylor’s name when his actions and support go to a president who has made it his business to be as cruel as possible to black people that are still getting killed by racist law enforcement officers. You do not get it both ways. He made a choice to get in bed with the devil and he can suffer the consequences for that choice. I do not want to see him get beaten again, but all his words just ring hollow and they will for the rest of his days.

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  13. 5 minutes ago, Mapache said:

    The rubes love loud bangs and purty colors 

    I walked past those folks when I was leaving. That pretty much shows the two different worlds we occupy in the same country. It is sickening that the attendees of that glorified klan rally are cool with that many dead Americans.

  14. 7 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    I don't hate fireworks per se. I hate my property (Washington Monument & the National Mall) being used as a backdrop for a glimmering gimmick to support a political candidate whose narcissism knows no bounds.

    The fireworks were really loud. I hope no one who has a dog was out walking them during that because that had to have been a traumatic amount of noise.

  15. 24 minutes ago, sachick said:

    Seeing 1500 people gathered in close proximity with no mask pisses me off. This is why my kids didn’t start school normally my daughters senior year is shot to hell. Oh yeah, and 180k Americans have died. Because assholes like this think they’re above it all and this virus is a hoax.

    It’s amazing how those people keep enjoying being anti-everything that makes sense. I am on the other side of Dotard’s Wall (If it wasn’t here we’d be right across the street instead of a few hundred feet away from his death cult party). People here are having a good time while protesting against what is happening. Two totally different worlds within just a few hundred feet of each other.

  16. 38 minutes ago, Mo Horn said:

    So, are we going to get monotone reading Trump, or totally off the cuff ranting Trump tonight? 

    Monotone until he gets bored. Off the rails for about 15 minutes talking about the China Virus, LAW AND ORDER, a story about a big 40-something suburban house owning male crying while referring to Dotard as the “Great Protector of the Suburbs and then window talk. He may throw in a Biden will cut social security funding the day he takes office and everyone’s health care insurance premiums will quintuple in monthly cost. He has never said the word quintuple so we will hear seven variations on that one and he’ll say it wrong each time. 

    He’ll probably wrap up the victory lap with a couple of minutes of questions from OAN about how much does he love America and would he be interested being named King of America. 

  17. 10 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    stupid remark from Pence's chief of staff calling any NBA boycott to be absurd or silly.


    Okay, cool. Thanks for weighing in random guy that’ll be unemployed next January.

  18. 26 minutes ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    So they'll be promoted, I assume. 

    With a nice three month paid vacation to allow them to heal from the trauma they suffered from having to resort to this means of getting even. 

  19. 3 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    This. They are screaming fire in a crowded theater and have been for years. They have to be stopped, especially now that they are fully a state run propaganda network. Come the fuck on. 

    They are inciting more violence by encouraging racists to get out and “protect America from the undesirable brown people.” This network should be shutdown the moment Biden is sworn in. It is ncredible that millions of people watch this and just nod their heads in unison at the hate they are being fed.

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