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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 46 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Saw the video of the officer toppling over.

    Not to go full Brisket, but the reality is that peaceful society is perpetually on a knife's edge. We do a good job here of staying on the right side of things through various institutions and protections, but no society or nation is ever that far from collapse, and we have many comorbidities in terms of economic and social inequality.

    I'm still not worried about the safety of officers overall. The veil hasn't been pierced yet, but as I referenced a few days ago (much the chagrin of certain posters), authority doesn't always win. Poor governance and oppression sometimes lead to violent, disorganized insurrection.

    If the powers that be cannot get a muzzle on their enforcers, we may be headed down a road where that video of the cop seems tame by comparison.

    Fuck... all this horrifying shit seems so easy to avoid. Seems so senseless and terrible.


    No matter how much you attempt to reform police they are just incapable of being less violent. Brisket is right in what he said above. They are addicted to violence and causing pain to part of the population and they largely get away with the violence. 

    I told another person on here about a book I read that has helped greatly in how I look at all of this.  It absolutely changed me as a human being. I will pm you about it if you want to know. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    Cool. Let’s vilify a minor because she’s been raised by horrid shitsacks.

    Yeah the parents created all of this by being selfish pricks. Their children are the ones who suffer and that is very sad. The damage done to them does not magically go away. This will take years to fix. 

  3. Now there is video of an officer getting knocked out cold with a brick tonight. I get the anger right now because it is absolutely justified and the price to pay for unjustified violence is often more of it right back in the direction of the idiots who started it.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I mean...it really is the only thing I can think of. They have a compulsion, an addiction. They KNOW it will blow up on them, but they can’t help it, just like an addict can’t help it.

    That’s fucking insane.

    Goddamn, we’re about to go through this shit all over again.

    Stuff is about to get really crazy. I am certain the protest and march I will be attending in DC on Friday will be a pretty livid one. There is no bottom to what cops will do. I am sure our LAW AND ORDER president will try and give this guy the Medal of Freedom for his brave and heroic behavior.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    I don't understand the escalation.

    This is why you aren’t a cop. The first rule of being a cop is to shoot black people whenever you feel like it. The second rule is make sure if you unload six bullets in a black man execution- style that you end his life then and there. This fine upstanding cop just needs more time on the range to get his aim improved for his next attempted execution.

  6. I went to Central Park this morning and finished the last few pages of the John Lewis autobiography called “Walking With the Wind.” I have never read a better book than this one. Not even close. 


  7. 4 minutes ago, Nivek said:

    Being a shithead, racist, or an asshole isn't a crime.   What were you expecting?   

    Making racist and homophobic remarks are a crime here in NYC. You’re right that just being a run-of-the-mill asshole is not. This went way beyond that. I felt bad for the man. He attempted to speak to me, but I know less Spanish than a newborn from Norway. I didn’t have the translator app downloaded to understand him, but the gist of the look on his face showed disappointment in that nothing happened to those three. I gave him something to drink and then had to leave. I will probably see him again and I’ll make it a point to have the app downloaded so I can understand him next time I see him. 

  8. So this is something that just happened. I do not speak with a police officer unless it is absolutely necessary, but I did this afternoon. I’m sitting in the park and an elderly man is doing his job and going around sweeping and picking up trash. He accidentally picks up what looked like trash that was on a ledge and proceeded to get accosted verbally by three white people. Among the things I heard this trio of white trash say to him were “You fucking faggot!” Do you speak English?!?!?!?!” They then asked him to write his name down so they could report him to his boss for throwing away their partially eaten burrito. He obliged and scribbles something down to get them to leave him alone. The most militant of the three yells out “I can’t read this! Did you write it in Arabic?!?!?!?!” This was among several other things said to him.

    So one guy went and got a police officer. The guy working spoke only Spanish and appeared to be Dominican to me. I walk him over to the police so he can try and say what happened. I tell them exactly what was said. In a city with a zero tolerance policy for racist and homophobic slurs, none of the three got arrested. The two cops, both Hispanic, let them off with a warning and didn’t even bother to speak to the guy who called him that slur and accused him of writing in Arabic.

    Once again white people say whatever the hell they want and get off with a mere warning. It wasn’t as though no one else heard it. Five other people told the same story. The trio of trash even demanded he apologize for throwing the burrito away. A black man gets that loud and says that stuff to a white person and I have no doubt he’s sitting in jail for a few days with several court hearings ahead for him.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:


    Cop says "kill them all" in reference to BLM protesters? Gosh, he was just emotional.  Suspend him for a week.

    Cop says that what happened to George Floyd was wrong, and criticizes the actions that have resulted in a murder charge against the cops?  YOU'RE FIRED.

    The double-standard of American police could not be written any clearer.

    So would it be okay for anyone in The Springs to wear a shirt that says “Fuck Wrede”? Faithful servant of the public that he is and all he shouldn’t have an issue with a shirt that says that.

  10. 58 minutes ago, BLKNSTY said:


    “While his statements were harmful and reprehensible, I cannot deprive the community of a good police officer and his services because of an isolated incident of an error in judgment,” Niski stated. “We hope that you can accept our apology and be assured that the CSPD and Sgt. Wrede will continue to faithfully serve the public.”

    Once again it cannot be said enough...




  11. 3 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    My main problem is I don't know how to counter a complete lack of objective truth.  They start spouting fox news talking points at me and I'm just like, "well that is complete and utter bullshit and not reality", but that doesn't change their mind.  They dig in deeper or change it to, "well both sides lie".  I just short circuit and lose my shit.

    I took the tact with a family member of refuting what they said about Dotard. It was through a text and it was not a lengthy response. I ended the text saying that while they may not consider themself to be a racist, voting for someone who is says you implicitly support a racist because the platform Dotard operates on and within is inherently racist. I never got a response back. 

    • Like 1
  12. 48 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:


    Every fucking "accomplishment" he touts either 1) hasn't happened, or 2) happened before he took office.  It's fucking upside-down world, and his idiot base eagerly gobbles it up like an instragram slut in an NBA hotel room (google your sports stories).

    I am eagerly awaiting Dotard’s tweet where the price comes down 200 percent and the drug companies start paying each of us. 

  13. On 7/31/2020 at 7:50 AM, Catdaddyhorn said:


    This is also something that has to change and has been discussed countless times at rallies and protests I have been to. I think this hurdle is the biggest one to overcome because it is going to involve having to separate some obscenely rich white people from billions of dollars just to move the needle on wealth disparity even a little bit. I have found that the wealthy love supporting causes until the conversation turns to their bank accounts.

    The FHA loans from 1934-62 that Nikole Harris-Jones spoke about in the clearest of terms in the NY Times article showed why whites in this country have a leg up, at a bare minimum, on blacks. NINETY-EIGHT percent of those loans went to white people. It is not the only reason and we all know that, but it is just one of many reasons why the wealth disparity is such a wide gulf. We still make it hard as hell on blacks to attempt to purchase homes even when they are much more qualified for a loan than a white person making half as much money with just a fraction of the education. When I attempt to tell other white people that there is structural racism not just in policing, but in our entire monetary system I get some pushback at times because of a lack of understanding just how dire things are outside of the bubble they live in. 

  14. 1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

    I guess what Brothahorn wants is for white liberals to march through black neighborhoods chanting, "STOP KILLING EACH OTHER!"?


    Good Lord Chooky was right. He’s a real-life Uncle Ruckus and it doesn’t matter what you say B_T.

  15. 3 hours ago, TXSG8R said:

    I think it’s fair to say you are attempting to reason with a person to whom reason does not matter and never will. Thankfully this construct is also being tossed to the dustbin of history in favor of people actually pushing forward to enact change even if it is an inch-by-inch proposition at times. 

  16. 19 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    I’m not extorting my employee by telling him to do his job or get fired. 

    He has to be trolling at this point. It’s either that or he is as intentionally stupid and obtuse as Slorch is.

  17. 7 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Which one of those groups literally has, as their entire job, to serve and protect the public.

    Terrorists suck.  Terrorist who demand that I fund their terrorism against me SUPER suck.  That you can't see the significance of that distinction is problematic (not that I concede that people seeking govt change are "terrorists").

    It's. Their.  FUCKING.  JOB.  THAT I PAY THEM FOR, and that they want to be worshiped and adored for.  So, yeah, higher standard than random jagoff off the street.  In fact, the jagoff has the absolute right to petition his gov't for the redress of his grievances, so "give me what I want, government, or I'll raise hell" isn't terrorism -- it's fucking being an American, exercising a right enshrined in the damned Constitution.

    If the cops don't want to do their job, then cool -- GTFO.  But they don't get to use MY money to hold ME hostage.  They can fuck right off with that shit.

    Nevermind the cascade of utter lies in that post.  Want to address that?  Or are you cool with the people sworn to uphold the law with justice and integrity flat-out lying in order to get their way?  No need to answer.  We know.

    Fire it up Brisket. These kinds of shit posts you responded to need to be confronted every single time they are made on here. These are the kinds of fools running amok out there saying stuff like extortion. Apparently demanding equal rights and to not get shot for being black is now getting that label. 

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  18. 1 hour ago, Rougarou said:



    I had the thought the other day that what you've been saying on these threads reminded me of what you are accusing here in this quite (I guess it really is true; all accusations are confessions), in that rioters/looters, protesters, civil disobedience, etc.'s job is to harass the city and people who are indifferent or disagree until they get what they want. A bit of an extortion,

    Sweet God you are dense and apparently have no idea what that word means. It is THEIR JOB to protect people. It is NOT THEIR JOB to harrass, beat, shoot and kill people of color just because they believe it is their right to do so. We pay for these racist idiots and the least that they can do is their actual job which they don't enjoy because it means no more killing black people like it's the Great Marianas Turkey Shoot for ACAB's.

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