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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 38 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    No, no, no.

    If someone breaks the law.....you should brutally beat and teargas anyone within 1,000 yards of that person.  You clearly didn't get the "how to be a federal paramilitary irregular" manual.  Could have sworn you were sent a copy.

    Any crime committed in an area automatically entitles law enforcement to use brute force on every single human being anywhere near the event.  That's the way it works.  Obviously.

    There’s a scene in the movie Jojo Rabbit that explains the thought process on display here today. 

    Fast forward to 1:28 if you want to see it how our resident morons sound in regards to rounding up nearby protesters.

  2. 38 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    From Yoho's bio on his website:

    The seemingly random capitalization of "Personal Responsibility" notwithstanding, it doesn't seem as if he actually lives up to that particular part of his ethos.

    Status quo: Calling women a fucking bitch without repercussions.

    Ted Dildo and millions of white men like him: *shrugs shoulders* What did I do wrong?

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, Captainant said: Extrajudicial arrests by unmarked irregular military forces is a fucking notable current event, and the persistent move to push anything sensitive into the CR is making the DT an unchallenged right-wing safe space for any topic that remotely involves trump.

    Just don’t go engage with them. You are not going to convince terrible human beings to not be terrible. Keep pushing for change and leave these idiots behind. Brisket’s analogy yesterday of island-hopping them like we did to the Japanese in WWII makes sense when dealing with racist, sexist and backwards morons who are entrenched in their social construct. Move around them and keep going forward.

  4. 49 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    No, I think they can and should all have a role.  I just see libertarians as the ultimate ineffective fart-sniffers.  Which is hugely disappointing, as my beliefs significantly overlap with a lot of libertarian positions.  It just turns out that in practical terms, libertarians turn out mostly to be Ron Paul wingnut types, with a shitload of dope-addled brains and racism thrown in for fun (and don't forget the lizard people who control us from underneath the Denver airport).  What is Aleppo?

    What I'd love is to hear some actual effective, practical libertarians.  Amash provides some helpful perspective....but ultimately, the result of his stand will most likely be strengthening Trumpism because he won't get the fuck out of the way and let real, effective opposition do its work.

    It's a bunch of "now, now, let's cogitate on Mises" tweed jacket fart-sniffing, and it's fucking maddening.

    Amash can get bent and so can the majority of Libertarians. They talk a big game, but do nothing of value to help anyone except themselves when it comes to nut-cuttin' time. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. Hearing her take to the floor to speak like that is pretty damned powerful. She is not taking anyone's shit and she would have been well within her rights to get loud and more forceful because of how she was spoken to by that professional dildo. I think the biggest issue that men have with her, especially white men, is they are refusing to accept that a woman of color believes she is their equal as a human being. Her rightful belief that she nor any other woman has to be subjected to this type of intimidation and behavior upsets their social construct and they aren't having it. I will gladly support her for standing up to this form of sexism and racism. She is young, she is fiery and she is damned good at her job. We need more people like her, Rashida Tlaib, Ayana Pressly and Ilhan Omar in the halls of Congress. If you don't like any of those women, well let me extend a hearty FUCK YOU ahead of time because you are one of the people that will gladly be left behind by people who actually care about this country.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  6. 37 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    How about this take - my problem with both "true believer" progressives and "true believer" libertarians is that they are identical in the most important respect: they mount their lofty perch to pronounce nifty principles.....but don't get shit done.

    Take your academic shit to the professor's lounge, where y'all can sniff each other's pipe smoke and pat each other on the back about how erudite you are and toast the grand purity of your position.

    Meanwhile, everyone else will be out there trying to actually bring about real change.

    I will say that if the last two months has reinforced and taught me nothing else (It has, but for the purposes of this discussion I will focus on protesting) that getting your ass out there and actively protesting against police brutality will eventually turn the tide and the people will get what they want. The rub of it will be convincing people that a month or two spent in the streets does not mean the fight is over. You have to keep going. You have to keep pressuring the politicians and forcing them to enact change. If the collective voice of the people is still not being heard you further organize and back candidates in local elections to get what you are demanding.

    The time for being nice and saying pretty please mr. or ms. representative could you maybe think about changing how the police operate in regards to the citizens they are supposed to protect is over. You fucking demand that these are public servants working on OUR DIME and I'll be damned if I am going to continue contributing my tax dollars to primordial shitheads who shoot first and ask questions later. Until there are complete overhauls (and not the NYPD rearranging of the Titanic deck chairs we got July 1st) in policing I will keep advocating for change out in the streets.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  7. 2 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Now if I can figure out how to make this into my icon.... 

    Go for it. I love seeing how a message like this can spread even to places you would not quite expect it to. I want to get up there before summer ends. Such a cool city!

    • Haha 1
  8. I had to go look after seeing what Brisket posted. This is just about what I thought I might see as a response to really anything this judge says on social media. Screw the guy for being a member of the Cult of Personality party, but double fuck the racist assclown who wrote those responses. I will never vote for a Republican the rest of my life, but I sure as hell won’t dislike one because of being an immigrant with a different skin color. There are some really shitty people who need to be exposed for stuff like those responses.



  9. 1 hour ago, elfenix said:

     it's not like kids went back to their jobs or started barhopping in may. 

    How long before he tweets out that kids need to start working to bring the economy back?

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  10. 39 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    It's just that we see the irony of their new "Please Gestapo, Come to Bastropo" signs....and find it chuckleworthy.

    They are all cowards. Every last one of them. It was never about defending the 2nd Amendment with any of those chucklefucks. Bill just said in his out loud voice what they quietly have been thinking all along.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. 4 minutes ago, Biff Tannen said:

    It’s been over 24 hours. I’m actually shocked he hasn’t reverted back to his normal self. Did someone really reign him in?

    No, no they did not. He is absolutely incapable of repressing himself. Lucy and her football out front shoulda told ya.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Because he's a gutless, nutless coward.  First, he calls a female colleague a "fucking bitch."  Then, he's not man enough to even apologize to her (that speech wasn't an apology in any way).

    Remember, if you're looking for men -- you know, men of honor, integrity, courage, the ideals we apply to men -- don't waste any time looking in the GOP.  They are sniveling cowards....at best.

    I would go with racist assclowns as being the nicest description of them.

  13. 22 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Tell ya what, fellas -- fuck off, we the people will stick with what's working, and we'll ignore the advice of people who are lying when they say "I sympathize with the movement, but they're going about it the wrong way."  What they find most wrong about it....is that it's fucking working.

    This, this and more of this. It is absolutely working and I am glad that it will leave behind a significant portion of our current population that has intentionally stuck its head in the sand in the fight for equality for all and what that entails. This movement is not mine to define and our resident idiots who want to tell black people how they should go about things have a level of obtuse stupidity that you just cannot ever hope to fix.

  14. There is a vigil at Carl Schurz Park that I go to that's on 86th. I have mentioned it before and don't go everyday to this, but I went on Monday evening. They let anyone who wants to talk for a couple of minutes do so when the speaker they have is finished. After Maeve Higgins was done speaking (Pretty funny Irish woman and NYT contributing writer) a few people got up to talk. A young girl got up and read from her phone a list of black people who have been killed by the police and a few others who have murders that have not yet been solved. When we were done with the nightly march around the park I told this young girl that she did a great job. I think it's good to encourage young people and give them the confidence to continue to be vocal. I asked her what she wanted to be when she grows up and one of the two things she said was she wants to play in the WNBA. That's not uncommon to hear kids wanting to be a professional athlete. I think most of us that played sports as kids had that dream at some point. 

    She says her favorite athlete is Candace Parker (I laughed and told her Candace would kill me one-on-one), but where she goes in an entirely different direction was she began to tell me the salaries of the average WNBA player. She told me what Lebron James makes each year from his NBA salary. She then says that she understands that the WNBA doesn't have as many fans and does not take in as much money as the NBA, but she doesn't like how underpaid female professional athletes are. She also does not like that they have to go overseas in the winter to play to make more money. Unprompted she tells me about Maya Moore taking two years off from the WNBA to pursue social justice causes and that if Elena Delle Donne's health situation happened to an NBA player that the league would not have hesitated to let that player sit out the season. 

    What really got me was that she mentioned that if they go back to school in the fall she wants to give a speech to her school about slavery. In her own words "It won't be a speech that talks about good things" and she is not certain how she will be received for giving that speech, but she wants to do so. She said she has already sat down with her principal and voiced concern that not enough attention is paid to black history and that she wants her school to have a more diverse options for learning history. She said she wants to learn more about slavery and that she uses the internet right now to do it since she is taught very little in school about it. I gave her the name of a friend (She grew up in the same neighborhood and has spoke at this vigil before) she could get in contact with who can help her out in attempting to get the curriculum she wants because my friend has a focus on a multicultural curriculum in NYC schools. This young lady was all of 11 going on 12. When I was that age I was playing video games and sports. I told her to keep going to that vigil and keep talking. Hearing her speak with such passion and knowledge about what is important to her at such a young age was pretty freaking cool. An older woman there remarked to me how awesome it was to hear this young lady having her voice heard and that she speaks so confidently in regards to her convictions.

    For people who are on the fence about going to anything this is what you are helping just by being there. You give confidence to people to grow into leaders that may have otherwise felt like there was not a support system for them. 

    • Like 1
  15. 3 hours ago, Lobo said:

    Username does not check out. 

    It was not supposed to. My favorite museum is on the UWS and when we could go to the movies I would often go to the AMC near Lincoln Square or the one off 84th. Not a whole lot more to having chose the name than that. I am in her district in Astoria. Not my favorite neighborhood.  

  16. 46 minutes ago, Homesickhorn said:

    Well I guess my spelling was off, but it was due to my grammatical use of the apostrophe and the addition of the letter ‘e’, is where I made my error. I think I’ve apologized enough. Do you want to attack my parents on my upbringing as well?


    I have obviously stepped into an area where people are way too serious, and I apparently really upset y’all. For that I AGAIN apologize.


    That said, you should probably stop as well. Or keep white-knighting. You’re call.


    But if you’d like to continue talking shit, I’ll gladly stay right here.

    She’s my representative and you’re a worthless piece of trash.

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Gourmand said:


    I'm genuinely curious how the fuck you arrive at "dizzy" as an adjective though. My opinion is that is an obviously lazy opinion not based in factual analysis. 

    He’s a sexist moron is how. The explanation that it came from his BY GAWD HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBAW coach hammers that point home.

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    • Haha 1
  18. 1 hour ago, cactusflinthead said:

    Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) was coming down the steps on the east side of the Capitol on Monday, having just voted, when he approached Ocasio-Cortez, who was ascending into the building to cast a vote of her own.

    In a brief but heated exchange, which was overheard by a reporter, Yoho told Ocasio-Cortez she was "disgusting" for recently suggesting that poverty and unemployment are driving a spike in crime in New York City during the coronavirus pandemic.

    "You are out of your freaking mind," Yoho told her.


    The two then parted ways. Ocasio-Cortez headed into the building, while Yoho, joined by Rep. Roger Williams (R-Texas), began descending toward the House office buildings. A few steps down, Yoho offered a parting thought to no one in particular.

    "Fucking bitch," he said.


    This fat fucking coward didn’t have the courage of his convictions to say it to her face.

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  19. 6 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    When I was younger and would get into the long, civil arguments that young men do, I always considered it the sweetest of victories to have an opponent reduced to saying, "Fuck you." Sometimes it was said in friendly frustration. Sometimes it was said with genuine anger. For the latter, I'd often laugh and say, "surrender accepted."

    I'm big and used to be physically imposing, so nobody ever completely lost it and hit me. 

    So it is with the GOP knuckle walker. I imagine in the unheard part of the exchange, AOC destroyed him leaving him with the most puerile of retorts.

    I really do love this woman. I rarely pray as I'm not a believer, but God please keep her safe.

    Can’t wait to cast a vote for her this fall.

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  20. 12 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    I would hope that the second it turns into a hate rally speech they'll cut away. 

    Any issues with the sitting president giving a campaign speech from inside the White House? 

    The moment he shows up it turns into that. These are extraordinary times we are living in and it calls for not giving his hate speech a bigger platform to operate from. He is going to play all the hits and I’ll bet I see it posted here later that he talked about bringing his jackboots to NYC, Chicago and other major cities this week to deal with the BLM Movement (His terms will be Antifa and anarchists) protests. He said he would, but he is just itching to get in front of that mic and announce how successful they were in dealing with the mob of lawless mothers in Portland that were threatening his brave soldiers and that it’s time to go national now.

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