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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 14 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:


    Great. Pack them in there. Two to a seat. Get as many of these idiots together as possible in the same place. Hold two rallies a day. Go all out Dotard to get as many of your cult members in the same place and as close together as humanly possible. I would ask that masks also be banned from these rallies.

    • Like 9
  2. 43 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    No need to imagine.  We have good friends in several NATO nations and other allied nations.  Whenever we spent any material time with them -- dinner, drinks, etc. -- the topic came up.  And it generally came up with a tone of "WTF?"  They are appalled, embarrassed for us, etc.

    I work at a restaurant in Times Square (Well when we could work) and it is about 90 percent foreign tourists. Anytime Dotard's name was mentioned by any of them it was just in the utter disbelief that we had elected this guy. It did not matter the country either. I had Russians that couldn't believe it. One told me in particular that we're all just people trying to enjoy life and it shouldn't matter where you are from. I made it a point, especially so when I had groups from Mexico or Latin America, to tell them that not all of us support him and most of us are still glad to see them come to the US to visit or stay permanently. It was just my small way of showing gratitude to them while our idiot president labels all the brown people as being awful human beings. 

    I'd love to hear the conversations that Merkel, Macron, Trudeau and others have about Dotard in private. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:


    Fast Forward to today -- pretty much every person over the age of 12 carries a high-res video camera in their pocket.  That's created a seismic shift.

    This right here is one of the biggest tools people can and are using to fight back against police brutality. You will wind up on video now and you can upload it and have the footage seen around the world in a matter of hours. The more video people continue to take and post of police brutality the better.

  4. 1 hour ago, Matuka said:



    I would have to imagine this is how the rest of the world looks at things here. I can't imagine how mortified some of our closest allies have to be at seeing what he does on a daily basis.

  5. 4 hours ago, 4th&Five said:



    This clown is definitely a coward. The moment he is confronted and pushed back on by protestors he builds a damn wall around the White House. We will never, ever have a worse human being as president than this fugazi.

    • Like 2
  6. 6 hours ago, Bevo14 said:

    If that's a great dude then the rest of us are gods. He can go fuck himself.

    Just fuck him. He does not give two shits about anything except football. Just another dumb fucking meathead that should never be listened to on anything. We have a pandemic going on and he said all he was focused on was football when asked about that as well. People like that guy have no business having the job they have when all they can think about is a damn game while people are dying every single day from a virus ravaging our nation and protests going on to change the very fabric of our country into something far more positive than it currently is.

  7. 13 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    Yeah - he was hospitalized on Saturday but his wife said he’d been feeling run down for 4-5 days before he went to the ER.

    He was at the club pool and started hallucinating and having trouble breathing so they took him to the hospital.

    He coded early Sunday morning and it took them 37 minutes to get him back so he’s really been gone since - he never regained consciousness. His body just finally caught up today.

    Turns out he had some signs of very early CHF but it wasn’t effecting his daily life or causing him symptoms at all but that probably made it harder for him to fight against the virus. He was also 20 odd pounds overweight but nothing out of the ordinary for a middle aged guy.

    I never would have thought of him when worrying about at risk people or people with health issues.

    He wasn’t a triathlete and he wasn’t an obese scooter person. Just your very average man in his late 40s with the normal health stuff for someone his age.

    I bet many of the people that post here are very much like he was and don’t think of themselves as at risk.

    This virus is very serious. And most of America is acting like it’s no big deal and it’s hurting other people.

    Those other people are vibrant human lives with friends and wives and daughters and mothers and sisters. It’s easy to see it as just another abstract danger until it robs you of someone.

    Be safe y’all. And be kind to one another.

    I am very sorry to hear this. You are out there seeing how the virus is ravaging our country on a daily basis and now you've lost a friend. Grieve how you want to and for as long as you want to. God Bless you, your friend's family and all that counted him as a friend.

  8. 4 hours ago, The Ace of Aces said:

    At least 10 black churches have been burned to the ground from arson by white nationalist the past 2 or so years. Not a goddamn peep from this Klan leader.

    This asshole could not possibly care any less about any of those black churches. He's too busy turning the White House into a fortress while the country burns. He is nothing more than a cowardly bully and putting up this fence around the White House is just embarrassing.

  9. 1 hour ago, DefinitelyNotHollywoodColt said:

    I’m kind of vibing with the whole God thing right now because it would be really awesome to think there was some high power that gave a shit right about now.

    I have a pretty strong belief in God, but I will preface what I say that if you do not share that same faith that it is okay. I can say this with some confidence. When enough self-professed Christians turn away from God by their own actions this is what you get. You can look through the Old Testament to see time after time when the Jews turned from God what happened. It was never good.

    We, as a nation, turned our backs on those who needed help. We turned our backs on immigrants and the poor. We stopped showing love to those who need it most. These are the basic tenets of being a Christian. Not all of us do this, but enough do that it is embarrassing and dispiriting to see how we still treat immigrants despite all the positive contributions they make to our society. Thanks to that treatment of our fellow human beings we got this moron as a leader and also due to the actions of hatred, bigotry and about a 100 other things the Evangelicals do that is garbage while still maintaining to be a Christian. It's going to take awhile to clean this mess up. You don't even have to be religious to just be a good human being. I mean my God just treat everyone with dignity and respect instead of looking at someone as being less of a human being than you because their skin is darker. I almost hope Jesus decides to make his return while I am still alive just to see the look on the faces of millions of white people who are going to be shocked to see his skin color.

    • Like 9
  10. 2 hours ago, TexArcher said:

    God damn.  Cops are beating people at the protests about cops beating and killing people.  And cop supporters will get in a little girl's face about it.  Fuck this place, man.  We have lost our way.


    This is so incredibly sad to watch. A pandemic with no end in sight and a populace that is fed up with black men being killed by the police for no reason. The response from the police is not unexpected, but this is not the America I grew up believing in. Protesters should be able to have their voice heard without getting gassed or beaten. This is some 3rd world awfulness going on. We are in some real deep shit and we don't have a way out of this anytime soon. 

    • Like 7
  11. 1 minute ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    TravCo GOP chair Matt Mackowiak, everyone!

    I much prefer the guy reading a script to the fucking buffoon who throws the script out the window and goes on a rant against a journalist he has a grudge against.

  12. 27 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:


    sexy the walking dead GIF

    He is actually wearing a fat suit when you see him on TV to help him relate better to his voting bloc. He also runs 10 miles a day and lifts weights on top of Mt. Olympus each morning with Zeus. Many think he spends his days watching cable news. Not so. He spends his afternoons training Navy Seals to get in as good a shape as he is.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  13. On 6/2/2020 at 6:09 AM, 52-80 said:

    maybe the most well-done Time Loop movie/tv show ive ever seen

    I was talking last week with a friend out in LA that is a successful screenwriter who is from Germany and still does a lot of work in German film and television. We were talking about this show and I asked him if he knew the writers. He said they are friends of his and that he was impressed with what a superb job they have done putting everything together with all the varying timelines. I told him that whenever he sees them to tell them thank you for making such a great series.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    And their names need to be engraved in the history books in a chapter of shame. Their grandchildren should want to change their family name.

    Fuck a chapter. It'll take a book longer than the Bible to get all these names in there from Washington on down to the local county clerk that supports Dotard.

  15. 2 minutes ago, Wanker Bob said:

    Never thought I'd say this but Will actually said the same thing. And it's the truth. Amazingly only one Mormon was principled enough in that party to oppose the wanna be dictator. Everyone else deserves a traitor's death. 

    It is amazing that only Romney stood up to the bully. Exactly one of them. That will never be forgotten.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    There is no cover. Every one of them has to stand for re-election. We go after every. Fucking. One.

    That Atlantic article that was posted earlier encapsulated perfectly why these clowns are acting the way they are. They are no different than the East Germans after the war that chose the safety of siding with the people who had the most power instead of taking a stand. The entire lot of them with an R next to their name have to go. The entire party should be stricken from this country and never be allowed to be formed again. 

    • Like 2
  17. 28 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

    Remind me again why Mattis wouldn't say anything.

    That's incredible that they encouraged them to do so. We are growing closer to an open rebellion by our armed forces against this shitheel in the Oval Office for how he is trying to completely tear down what we have left of our democracy.

    • Like 1
  18. 1 hour ago, Grandioso said:



    Boogie waited five years on one guy. I think it might have been Clay Travis that said he'd be arrested before five years went by and then when he wasn't he tweeted about it.

  19. 2 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

    He should be crows sourced. He’s within the reachable numbers. Someone with his ego would probably rage and rail against losing the handle he’s had for a couple decades now. 

    Got some work to do to see that happen. He is despicable.

    • Like 1
  20. 2 hours ago, SydneyCarton said:

    “A few hours after the dystopian spectacle, I spoke on the phone with Robert Jeffress, a Dallas megachurch pastor and indefatigable Trump ally. He sounded almost gleeful.

    “I thought it was completely appropriate for the president to stand in front of that church,” Jeffress told me. “And by holding up the Bible, he was showing us that it teaches that, yes, God hates racism, it’s despicable—but God also hates lawlessness.”

    I do not have the power to send anyone to heaven or hell, but man that guy doesn’t deserve anything good in the afterlife for saying things like that while professing to be a man of God. Evangelicals are a completely worthless stain on society.

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