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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 15 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    hypothetical: if there was audio of Trump saying something to the effect of, "I don't give a shit about the American people. I give a shit about myself!" How many people would that actually sway?



  2. 22 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    Yeah, I’ve pretty much concluded that the only actual landmine is if he said he wanted to raise taxes by a single penny.  The pocketbook is all they really care about, so that might actually lose them just like it caused GHWB to go from 90% approval to out on his ass after one term.

    Shooting people on 5th Avenue, abortion, etc., would be rationalized.

    I think he could not only raise taxes, but he could spin it around and say that it will be off-set by the "billions and billions of dollars we are taking in from China from tariffs". His cult would see that and nod their head because they have no more understanding of tariffs than that toothless jackal does. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Fucking Florida.

    Fucking Florida.  Godfuckingdammit.  They are intent on making sure this fucking thing spreads like wildfire, aren't they?

    I want to say let them go for it, but there are people in Florida doing what is asked of them by the CDC who will die because of being exposed to one of these morons. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    It's not who pays him, it's who adulates him.

    This is really the biggest thing about this cretin. A narcissist needs adulation and it needs to be a very steady flow. If someone told him that adulation was a currency he'd get on twitter and talk about this amazing new monetary source he invested in. Is he retweeting broke racist morons with swastikas and confederate flags on their twitter profile because they are handing him money? The currency he thrives more than the actual one is adulation and attention. That there were 63 million people in this country that looked at this guy and said "Yeah this is the guy we need running this country" becomes more and more insane by the day.

    • Like 1
  5. FIrst couple of episodes didn't really interest me a great deal, but that happens with any series. Things got really good as it went along though. Some of the Uncle Ben stuff was probably not necessary, but overall the character was a pretty raw one emotionally. I was not really that familiar with Tom Pelphrey before this, but I am going to check him out to see what else he has done. Laura Linney's character has had one helluva progression in three seasons. I also generally just like this show because Jason Bateman is one of my favorite actors. Looking forward to season four.

  6. 25 minutes ago, burntorangebongos said:

    I imagine a lot of corruption  stories will come out but long after the damage is done. 

    And this will get buried under the next nefarious thing this moron does because it is never-ending with Dotard.

    • Like 2
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  7. 35 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    To be fair, Trump did it last election.  And with anything that Trump has done, you can't blame a rational person for thinking that action MUST be corrupt.  It's a puzzler.

    I honestly wonder what it will be that is finally the breaking point for this party and its continued existence. Stealing from their own constituents and doing it with a smile on their face hasn't done it. Racist and oppressive policies towards minorities have not done it. Voter oppression hasn't done it. Leaving migrant children to die at the border hasn't done it. The head moron of this cult letting tens of thousands more people die during a pandemic because he does not have the capability of empathy won't do it. 166 years, the last half-century especially, is enough.

  8. 5 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    No, see, this is all overblown to hurt Donald Trump. It’s no worse than the flu, and we’re overreacting.
    I swear to god - I’m still seeing cascades of those takes from Trumpkins, Fox, etc.

    The actual death toll here is, according to DeBlasio, probably 70 percent higher than the total reported. That is absolutely astounding and it is because of the amount of people who are dying at home here. Just using Monday as an example there were 280 home deaths in NYC. The average deaths at home on a normal day here is TWENTY-FIVE. This coward in Washington deserves the worst for what he allowed to transpire by treating this like it was a joke. His tiny little hands are covered in blood and there is nothing he can do to distance himself from this. He'll pay in this life and hopefully the next as well. I do not like to wish stuff upon people, but this is just different when innocent people are gone due to his indifference to people's lives being of zero importance. He is the absolute worst of what a human being can be. 

    • Like 7
  9. On 3/12/2020 at 6:39 PM, Bama Chick said:

    Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders look like Statler and Waldorf from “The Muppet Show” and no one gives a fuck.

    Sorry I am a little late to this one, but thank you for the laugh. That is the funniest thing I have heard in a good while!

  10. 1 hour ago, Bama Chick said:



    My church was doing their weekly Wednesday Bible study on Zoom and one member who does our health ministry at church (Baptist church so we have a ministry for EVERYTHING) also works in a hospital and said that they had 17 patients being treated in her particular part of the hospital and the codes kept going off for them over and over Tuesday night apparently. You could hear in her voice how sad she was. I believe she said 8 or 9 of them passed away. The mental stress of being in that environment is something I cannot even begin to imagine.

    All I can do is pray for the nurses, doctors and other folks there who are trying to save lives while seeing people dying all around them right now. It's just so sad. We are going to wind up seeing a slew of suicides from people in the healthcare profession because of what they are dealing with if we do not get them some counseling and therapy. If this was any other government I would think we would probably try and provide them with some free services, but with this one I feel many will just be on their own to deal with the immense tragedy they are witnessing everyday.

    • Like 5
  11. 1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:

    We'll get Trump's victory lap in mid-may when the curve lowers and he re-opens the country for a few weeks before it spikes back up and we're exactly where we are now.

    If Dotard re-opens this country a little more than a month from now I hope he starts up his rallies again. Might as well get the cultists together who do not believe this is serious so they can see the consequences of not listening to medical professionals. 

    He is definitely going to take a victory lap. His actions follow the same course in every terrible thing he has done in his life up to this point, especially so since becoming president. He denies there is a problem initially, makes things worse with the diarrhea he spews all over the place on twitter and then at the end he steps in and tells everyone how he solved the problem.  The total number of deaths could have been much lower if this buffoon had taken action months earlier. He did not and his cult is so ridiculously gone at this point that they believe everything he says. We have his own words as evidence that he thought this was just a joke and not serious. Then he steps in later and says he knew how serious this was at one of his dumpsterside chats. I would be infuriated if it wasn't so sad that his supporters believe him when he says this or that he knows more than the medical professionals working on this virus. 

  12. 40 minutes ago, Spankytoes said:

    Didn’t say that. But Trump has the mental cognizance to remember that he is the leader, unlike Biden.  

    Yes the guy that stands behind a podium and speaks authentic frontier gibberish (He talks just like us!) is the one acting like a leader. 

    • Like 2
  13. 2 minutes ago, Chooky said:

    But, nah, get as self righteous as a Midland First Baptist preacher and hold out for that truly transcendent candidate who checks all of your finger-wagging boxes and watch a low rent, red state minority rule from underneath a rock for two more generations. 

    If there are adults at this point who aren't going to cast a vote for Biden because their candidate isn't the nominee they don't deserve to have a rock to go live under.

  14. Senator Sanders is a good guy. I would have voted for him if he were the Democratic nominee. I don't care that Joe Biden is the nominee. I would vote for H.R. Pufnstuf if that was the nominee at this point. So long as the name isn't Donald John Trump next to the Democratic option on the ballot they have my vote.

    • Like 1
  15. Just finished all of the seasons a couple of days ago. I usually never have time to watch TV, but with all this newfound free time I watched it and loved it. So well done and the main characters all have good storylines to follow. Naomi has been my favorite character followed by Alex and Bobbie.

    • Like 1
  16. 30 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:





    The actual list of people he has said this about since taking office has to be at least in the triple digits. He has no ability to stop lying. 

  17. 19 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    So, he's worth negative TWO billion dollars now?

    Exactly. How do you lose net worth you do not actually have? Anyone not a part of the cult knows he is in hundreds of millions of dollars of debt. Being the president is nothing more than another scheme to get out of a debt he will one day die with. He was never a billionaire, but it won't stop his cult from believing in him.

  18. 4 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    I do find it interesting (actually totally obvious) that Trump refers to Fauci with his title, Dr. Fauci, and never just Tony but always refers to Dr. Birx as Deborah and never uses her title.

    Casual misogyny, man.

    I am surprised he hasn't said "this broad" when referring to her.

    • Haha 1
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