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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 42 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    just a little reality check.  

    Every person who doesn't like Dotard should be voting for the Democratic nominee in November and every available resource we have should be used to further that goal. Many of us are not thrilled that Biden is the nominee, but he gets my vote. The choices here are completely abhorrent evil or Biden. That's it. Those are the choices whether anyone likes that or not. The fence-sitters can either do the right thing and get behind Biden or just be indignant and selfish because their candidate is not the nominee. I feel certain that most of the voters who were not supporting Biden in the primaries will vote for him.

    To again borrow from Brisket's plane analogy, the plane wound up crashing and Dotard walked away from it unscathed so here we are 3 plus years later still dealing with the wreckage. This is the mess we're in right now and it's up to all of us to do what we can to fix it and it begins with getting this narcissistic manchild out of the Oval Office. 

  2. 3 hours ago, washparkhorn said:

    Did anyone catch one of the President's prescriptions for the economy? Reinstitute the deductibility of the three-martini lunch. I am not shitting you. He is this out of touch. 


    I work as a server in a restaurant. Dotard is incredibly dumb, even by his standards, to make this statement and think it was smart.

  3. Not sure if this was already posted. Again just follow the money on the ridiculous reasoning from this clown. Money means more than health of the congregation. Truly shocking.




    Tony Spell, a pastor in Louisiana who became the second religious leader to face charges over continuing church services amid coronavirus shutdowns, says he doesn't like livestreaming because he can't "lay hands" on his parishioners as he can in person.

    "I cannot baptize people in a livestream. I can not lay hands on people in a livestream. I cannot pray for people in a livestream, and this is our biblical command - to lay hands on the sick and when they recover baptize them by immersion in water, which we do every day," Spell told Insider. 


    Spell, an evangelical pastor at the Life Tabernacle Church in suburban Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was issued six misdemeanor charges of violating the governor's order that bans large gatherings. 

    Louisiana's state government has issued a stay-at-home order for residents to help protect against the novel coronavirus, asking people to limit movements outside of their homes other than for essential needs, like grocery shopping, refilling prescriptions, and exercising. Health officials have urged people not to gather and said they should remain 6 feet away from others when going out.

    But For the last several weeks, Spell has held in-person services for hundreds of people. Even on Tuesday, hours after his charges were announced, Spell held a service, which he said 300 people attended.

    Spell says he plans to continue his in-person services, even after a police chief called it 'reckless and irresponsible.'

    While many places of worship have transitioned to live-streamed services to help protect their congregations from the spread of the novel coronavirus, Spell says he still plans to be at the church every Tuesday and Sunday.

    Central Police Chief Roger Corcoran, who announced charges against Spell, said in a statement that the pastor's decisions have been "reckless and irresponsible," adding that they "endangered the health of his congregation and our community."

    "Instead of showing the strength and resilience of our community during this difficult time, Mr. Spell has chosen to embarrass us for his own self-promotion," he said.

     © Google Maps

    Spell suggested to Insider that holding church services is no riskier than allowing people to shop for groceries or go to a gas station. 

    "I'm more worried about not living and worshipping like a free man than I am living in fear of the virus," he said.

    When asked about the possibility of one of his parishioners coming down with COVID-19, Spell said he would respond with prayer, and hoped his parishioners would respond in the same way if he tested positive for the virus.

    Spell is the second pastor to be charged after continuing church services.

    Police in Florida announced on Monday that Pastor Ronald Howard-Browne had been arrested after officials said he "intentionally and repeatedly disregarded state and local public health orders." 

    Howard-Browne, pastor of The River at Tampa Bay Church, held two large services over the weekend and had been encouraging his congregation to meet in person, according to My FOX 8. He's facing charges of unlawful assembly and violation of public health emergency rules.

    Meanwhile, in Texas, pastors are calling for places of worship to be considered exemptions to stay-at-home orders, according to Vox.

    Three pastors and Steve Hotze, and anti-LGBT activist and doctor, filed a petition in Texas saying the stay-at-home order violates the "religious liberty" of those who want to gather for church services.



  4. 12 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    We're all going to have to go out on our own separate ledges and connect with each other via Zoom. 

    Just finished the now weekly Zoom Bible study my church is doing. I can only imagine what a Zoom ledge meeting would look like!

  5. 5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    We're getting close to Thunderdome time.  Either I start pushing some of you fuckers off to make room.....or we turn back, head inland, and wreck this fucking murderous regime and everyone participating in it.

    I attempted for a good long while to try and believe that folks would do the right thing. How our leaders and millions of our fellow Americans are acting during this crisis fully shows that the regime and the cultists are beyond help. We absolutely have to rid this country of the damage they have intentionally inflicted upon all of us and it has to start now in whatever capacity we can do it.

  6. 2 hours ago, Lobo said:

    You'd think after this many press conferences, he'd accidentally call for the nation to pray for our health and recovery.  But he can't even do that.  

    Seriously Trumpkins, he doesn't even stumble into seeming Christian.  You can't even anecdotally find a suggestion he believes in your God.  

    There is nothing about him that is Christian.

    He will make one helluva mega-church pastor though next January when he and his gang of grifters need to start that next con.

  7. 52 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:


    It just honestly doesn't matter. He can say he never said it and that this is just more "Fake News" and the cultists will believe even with evidence right in front of their face that he is lying to them. Dotard is operating like an authoritarian with them and they like it. Once these folks went all-in on his stupidity and lies there was no bringing them back. 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    they're also trying to walk the tightrope of "past administrations dropped the ball" and "well, nobody could've seen this coming".  which is it, fucko?

    To his cult members it is both. These conflicting messages are not meant for anyone capable of having rational thoughts. It's for the people who can't count to potato. He has to keep feeding them a steady stream of things to be angry about and saying both of those things, however conflicted and mind-bendingly stupid they are, will do the trick. 

    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, Ghost of LL said:

    And that's really why these pastors are filing this suit.  People attending church via Zoom almost certainly don't give as much as those sitting in the pews.

    Exactly. If the pastor of my church ever signed on to a lawsuit like that I would be done with the church. Thankfully she is a better person than that and puts the congregation ahead of money. 

    My church in the Bronx is doing a Bible study on Zoom. One of the few humorous things to come out of this is watching the older people in the congregation figure out how to use technology. Someone sent an email trying to access the live Bible Study on Friday. It happens on Wednesday...lol. 

    • Like 1
  10. 24 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    This. His utter failures are going to get tens of thousands (if we’re lucky) of American citizens killed, and during the entire process, he’ll show zero empathy, and will think and talk only about himself. He’s a fucking evil, malignant sociopath who is going to be responsible for stacks of American bodies.
    And it was always going to be that way.
    Fuck him to hell.

    When you do not have the capacity to show empathy this is what you get in a person. Giving that person the keys to the kingdom and letting him do whatever he wants leaves situations like the one we are facing. People die and the man with no capacity for empathy keeps sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue eating ketchup on well done steaks while tweeting threats toward two ex-royals to give his base someone to be pissed at for the next 24 hours. Meanwhile the death toll ever increases and all he'll talk about is the ratings from his press conferences/bizzaro world never-ending car crash. That plane you kept using as analogy has crashed and somehow this idiot survived. This is our new normal.

    • Like 5
  11. On 3/27/2020 at 6:38 PM, F250 said:

    The press sucks ass. I would pay good money to watch Lewis Black ask questions.

    Do you want to watch Lewis have a coronary on live TV? He wouldn't get beyond the first five minutes of having to sit across from Dotard and listening to him lie. The man is a national treasure and we need him to be around for years to come.

    • Haha 1
  12. 15 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    Anyone? Now he is talking about ORDERING a a quarantine in NY and other states? Under what authority?

    What authority has he used in the last three plus years for any decision he makes? He just makes it up as he goes along and his sycophants in congress applaud him.

  13. I am sure this has been discussed in here somewhere, but what derogatory name has he given to Senator Murphy from Connecticut after seeing the Senator remind everyone that Dotard and his merry band of grifters turned down an emergency funding proposal almost two months ago? If he gave him one I would imagine he would preface it with "Senator blah blah blah from the failing state of Connecticut". That would be very on-brand of him to do so.

  14. 1 hour ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    The stupid motherfucker just said 'why do they need so many ventilators now?'  

    He is literally the dumbest motherfucker that has ever walked through the white house.  That includes all the 350lb tourists who rolled their rascals through there.  

    I stopped being amazed by his ridiculously high level of pure idiocy. We have a 73 year old child making decisions of a life and death nature. A child doesn't realize the ramifications of inaction and neither does this narcissistic imbecile.

    Actually I think a child would do better than this so we are apparently being governed by one of those lizard people that the Q conspiracy contingent believes in.

    • Like 2
  15. 1 hour ago, F250 said:

    America is having to do a GoFundMe for open source ventilators during a pandemic because the Federal government refuses to take action?


    Anyone still on the Dotard Disaster Express deserves what they get for voting for him again in November. There is no converting any of them or hoping they suddenly discover what empathy is. If a pandemic won't do it they are beyond the reach or scope of help any person can offer them and they are absolutely complicit with what is happening. 

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