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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 3 hours ago, bolverk said:

    Yanquis go home!

    Coronavirus: Mexicans demand crackdown on Americans crossing the border

    Residents in Sonora, south of the US state of Arizona, have promised to block traffic into Mexico for a second day after closing a checkpoint for hours on Wednesday.

    They wore face masks and held signs telling Americans to "stay at home".


    I shouldn't laugh about this, but that's funny and appropriate. I need Vicente Fox to weigh in on this with some of his humor.

  2. 1 minute ago, hayden_horn said:

    he did this because abbot tongues his asshole, while he has a personal gripe with cuomo. lives are at stake, and the president is playing favorite. he is an evil man.

    It's incredible. The epicenter is all around myself and others who post from here and yet here we are with this. The cultists are once again tying themselves in knots to justify this decision. This guy is just pure evil and so are his cultists supporting him.

    • Like 2
  3. 5 hours ago, TXSG8R said:

    This entire thread is an exercise in hypotheticals, so I'm not sure where you're going with that.  I'm not sure about SK's travel restrictions either, but their giant leg up on us is their testing and contact tracing.  The latter isn't feasible without the former.  Aggressive testing leads to catching asymptomatic carriers, possible before they are even contagious, so their contact tracing is hours or single days, not weeks.  Even if their travel restrictions weren't draconian, testing means you can catch people at the gates so to speak and means you can effectively quarantine them, not hit all travelers with blanket quarantines that many will ignore because they feel fine.  Its still a borderline miracle that they were able to keep this shit out of Seoul for the most part.  I dont think its a stretch to compare their initial outbreak (Daegu and Washington St) and how their testing kept it out of their equivalent of NYC, LA, etc.  By the time we got our testing rolling this thing was completely uncontrollable.    


    Tomorrow will be one month from when this article was posted.  Pretty hard to square up Trump's travel restriction boasting and the quoted.  

    Facts stopped mattering a long time ago to a large segment of our population. If Dotard came out tomorrow and said he only learned three days ago about Covid-19's ability to spread so quickly they would believe him. Facts just do not matter to the 60 million or so supporters he has that are still above ground. 

  4. If we had a president with a cognitive level above that of a three year old then yes we would've been better off right now. Instead we have a manchild throwing tantrums that are equal to when a kid doesn't get his Happy Meal because he was acting bad. Our pandemic team would not have been bare bones and would have been monitoring China closely while formulating possible plans well before Christmas. Instead we got Dotard laughing the whole thing off.

    The President of the United States and his band of sycophants in the nation's capital that refuse to do their constitutional duty and relieve him of his duties are responsible for this. They know he is an idiot, but he is their idiot so that's not happening.

    We all know our country would be in better hands with someone who has the mental capacity to handle the job. That person would have mobilized every resource at our disposal in January, informed the American public what was going on and that we should be preparing for the worst. None of that happened. Instead the worst Boomer of them all is duking it out with his Twitter wars he wages on a daily basis because he is not being shown enough respect by governors, the media and some made up people that only exist in his mind.

    • Like 2
  5. 7 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    I hate that you're right about this. 

    He's going to do it unless someone gets in his ear and tells him that thousands of people dying on his watch will be worse for him than the economy tanking. I am not real hopeful about anyone getting through to him. I want to be at work, but I realize that right now we all need to stay home as much as possible and do what we can to lessen the impact of this. That is the right thing to do for our fellow human beings if you care at all about those living around you. This guy lacks empathy. When you do not have the ability to show empathy or feel anything for anyone besides yourself these are the kinds of decisions that get made. Dotard is going to be one helluva case study on narcissism for psychologists once this is all said and done. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, henrygandorf said:

    even the people who said 2020 was gonna be fucking crazy had no idea it would be this bad.

    I believe most of us here thought this election cycle was going to be wild, but holy hell we haven't even made it to April and we're already waist deep in crazytown. I am not even going to try and imagine what is in store for all of us going forward because of this lunatic and his pursuit of money and never ending need for any kind of attention he can get. Future generations are going to have a very hard time comprehending just how ridiculously insane this time period was and we haven't even gotten to the craziest stuff yet.

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  7. This maniac is actively trying to have more people die from this just so he can keep his businesses afloat and his approval rating higher. At some point there has to be some adults in the room that quarantine this narcissistic psychopath from communicating with the outside world. I know that won't happen, but in another simulation this guy is not the president and is instead introducing the bearded lady to a crowd of rubes in a traveling circus. 

    This is quickly devolving into one of the darkest periods in the history of our country and all Dotard cares about is money, his approval rating and plenty of attention with these press conferences since his klan rallies are put on hold. I get how we got to the point of this buffoon being in charge because of the last 50 or so years of evangelicals taking over an entire party, but Good Lord enough is enough with this simulation.

    • Like 3
  8. 10 minutes ago, pacman said:


    You will just be back here in 4 years saying you will never vote Democrat ever again. They will let you down. Power corrupts in our duopoly.

    No, no I will not. Feel free to mark this post. I do not trust the Democrats to be anything other than more competent than the inherently evil human beings that make up the party of Dotard right now. When one party allows its leader to freely spread false information for more than three years and does nothing to stop him that is just evil on display. It is right there in the storefront window. I have no qualms about never casting a vote for a Republican again. People are dying right now due to their incompetence and greed. How the cultists twist all of this around to make sense shows an incredible lack of empathy for others and the inherent selfishness with which they operate as a party.

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  9. 3 hours ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    I'll stay independent.  One party is pure evil and the other is pure incompetence....what a country. 

    I will NEVER vote for a Republican for the rest of my life because of what they have done for the past three years, especially right now. This fall I am voting for every Democrat on the ballot just like I did in 2018.

    • Like 7
  10. 1 hour ago, Radical Larry said:


    He doesn't have time to watch TV.

    In another life he's a TV critic and in that one we have a president providing stable and reassuring leadership. In this one we get a narcissistic manchild begging for attention while people are dying due to his inaction. 

    EVERY LAST ONE of you cultists own a share in what is happening. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Some of my buddies who I graduated with work in nyc.  They said this was the first time ever they drove to work.  Mind you, we were in school during 9/11...still crazy.  

    It is surreal to witness the city so empty. There is plenty of parking available in Manhattan, that's for sure. I am glad people here are realizing the severity of what is happening and are mostly staying in. 

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  12. I was shopping earlier on 117th in East Harlem by the FDR Drive. Once you left that shopping area it was a sparse amount of people out. The trains are 90 percent empty. This was my first time going out since Tuesday. I go to that shopping center because they have Costco, Target and Aldi all together which is nice and because I get any prescriptions I need from that Costco. 


  13. 2 hours ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    I don't think he can do that though.

    He is completely incapable of doing this. A narcissist is who they are. He is not capable of showing empathy or concern for others. It is all about him and how unfair everything is in relation to his completely addled mind.

    Our president quit progressing mentally at age 3. We are stuck now with the consequences of having him in office in a crisis he cannot and will not handle. People are dying from this with greater frequency with each passing day and this idiot is tweeting about grudges he has with Democratic politicians. Thanks again cult members for getting an outsider in there who talks exactly like you do. 

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  14. Looks like DeBlasio is ordering all bars and restaurants to only be open for takeout/3rd party ordering. I am glad I save money really well. Some of the servers I work with are absolutely screwed right now who have not saved any money up. I feel really bad for them, but this is the right thing to do. 

    I still think we are just at the tip of the iceberg on this though and things are going to get much bleaker before things improve. If only we had competent leadership in place for a crisis like this. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Francisco 2.0 said:


    Quite possibly the most tone deaf motherfucker on the planet.


    There's no quite possibly about it. The 9/11 building comment out front shoulda told ya. 

  16. If we ever needed to hear a better encapsulation of an entire generation, Dotard standing up there and saying he takes no responsibility for any of this debacle, one that will cost many people their life due to inaction, this was it today. What a selfish generation of people led by the circus sideshow ringmaster himself.

    • Like 6
  17. 1 hour ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Manhattan is 70k/sq mile based on residential density alone. But since its the largest business district in the world, its about 3 to 4 times that density on the average weekday.

    Today, it was a ghost town compared to what it usually looks like. 

    I work in mid-town. It was eerie seeing how empty it was when I left work at 5. The N train had maybe a quarter of capacity on it. I transferred at Lexington to the 6 going to Spanish Harlem and it was maybe 1/3 full. Manhattan is going to be like that for a good long while I think. 

  18. 6 hours ago, Doc Sam Beckett said:

    If he wasn't our god dammed president, he'd be fucking hilarious 

    Many numbers. Some numbers so beautiful you wouldn't believe it. Numbers that the guy from Two Corinthians wouldn't believe. What was his name? Paul or Saul or something.

    That reminds me have you seen Better Call Saul? We need that guy on this Chinavirus thing. Which reminds did you know that China is building a statue in my honor? Going to be the biggest statue ever built. The most beautiful statue. I had a guy come up to me, a big burly Chinaman. We can still say that right? Oh we can't? Okay a big fat Chinaman, the fattest one I have ever seen, ran up to me and said he saw the prototype. He was crying while telling me how big and beautiful it is going to be! The best statue builders in the world are on it right now working around the clock to honor YOUR FAVORITE PRESIDENT! 

    • Like 1
  19. 1 hour ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    It’s stealing signs and cheating. You are trying to play semantics and “levels of guilt”

    I have lost count on the amount of times I have said this, but anyone using technology during the game to steal signs needs their record stricken, from the year or years it happened, completely. I do not care what team this affects. 

    Baseball is unique in that it is the only one of the four major sports where if you go back and watch the replay of the game you are going to see the signs used. Catchers, however, change their sign sequence after every game so I do not see watching those signs as being helpful unless a catcher never changes his pattern from game-to-game. I cannot imagine a single catcher keeping things the same every game though. 

  20. On 2/21/2020 at 11:22 AM, ChickenSandwich said:

    Maybe if we get discovery during a lawsuit against the Astros and we can have all of the Dodger hitters deposed. Ask them under oath if they ever attempted to relay a stolen sign to a hitter during live play regardless of method. 

    chapelle show pleading the fifth GIF

    If they're on 2nd base and do it that is part of the game. That is a way every team tries to get signs from their opponent. Using technology is a bridge too far. I am okay with any team who has done it having that season's win and losses stricken from the official record. Like Joe Girardi I do not think the punishment handed down is any kind of deterrent. I cannot make Manfred do the right thing, nor can anyone else. He botched this badly and that's kind of it for now. 

    I love the game and want to see a great season of baseball up in the Bronx. Hopefully we never see any teams participate in something like this again. 

  21. 49 minutes ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

    Fully expecting a Tweet about how happy he is spending time with real Indians, not fake ones like Elizabeth Warren.

    This would shock no one. It's amazing that we are at this point.

  22. 23 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:

    Dusty has been hired to manage this clubhouse, not appease the Twitter masses. If he senses apprehension among the members of his team, it is literally his job to go out and defend them publicly... even if he knows that the comments won’t do anything.

    Correct. He is taking a paycheck from the Astros organization and it's a pretty good one. It is why I mentioned principles will be thrown out the window for the right amount of money. I absolutely expected him to say what he did and I would assume so did everyone else no matter where you fall on this controversy.

    Aside from Dusty destroying the arms of his starters for years and years I have always found him to be affable and principled as a person.

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