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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 1 hour ago, Beau Vine said:

    No one has any actual principles in this thing.

    I do not want to over-generalize this, but my own experiences in life have shown me that even someone who has good principles that guide their decisions will set them to the side for the right amount of money.

    I don't personally care for the old school rules of baseball when it comes to beaning players as a form of retribution, but yes this is going to happen more often to them this year and Dusty Baker pleading for an intervention this far ahead of time is to be expected. If only he cared as much about his pitchers in the past as he now does about players he has managed for a couple of weeks. 

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  2. Just left Showman's in Harlem. Pretty well known jazz club that's been around for 80 years or so. I had a great time. The music minister from my church in The Bronx and the saxophone player were performing tonight. They are a lot of fun to listen to. Very high energy and they perform there once a month. They make singing in the choir at church a great experience every Sunday.

    • Like 1
  3. On 2/3/2020 at 3:16 PM, yoladu said:


    There is a part of me that wants to wish bad things upon Limbaugh, but I think of all the grace and mercy God has shown me over the years when I did not deserve it. I hope that God's mercy and grace extends to this man as well. He does not deserve it anymore than I did, but grace and mercy aren't received based on whether you deserve it. My mother has battled cancer twice. I would never wish cancer upon anyone no matter who they are.

    I hope he recovers and perhaps comes to realize that the life he has lived to this point has not been his best effort. You can always hope. 

    • Like 5
  4. 2 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    I’m convinced they don’t actually want to better their lives. It’s just schadenfreud at this point.  If that’s the right word. 

    Poor rural rubes know they have no shot at ever moving up the food chain and honestly I do not believe they want to.

    As long as they can see what they consider to be "liberal elites", you know those evil city-dwelling folks who make infinitely more money than they do because they outworked them suffer, then all is well. It's a make them feel as miserable as they feel about life type of thing. They feel empowered due to Dotard's constant hateful rhetoric. It's insanity, but here we are.

    • Like 1
  5. I was at work and saw the pre-game ceremony. There was no way they were going to win. They were emotionally drained before they took the court. Dealing with a tragedy like this can take a mighty toll on any of us, much less dealing with the loss of someone they all considered a brother and having to do so while being in the public eye constantly. 

    I am glad they honored him properly and LeBron spoke straight from the heart which was nice. I do not like to hear Amazing Grace. The last time I heard it was at my dad's funeral while the bagpipes were playing it. Just brings back a sad memory. I thought Usher did a tremendous job with it though. I sing in a gospel choir in the Bronx and this is the style I would've heard it in at church.

  6. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    I’ve known that nothing would be enough, from the beginning. Because the dynamic is one of a party held hostage by their own misconduct. They have no choice but to be all-in. They can’t betray him - it would be fatal.

    It just winds up being fatal for the part of the country that wanted something better. Instead we get 51 cowards who do not give one iota about our country. Party and money over country. I am embarrassed to be an American right now. We have so much potential to do good, but we have a raging 5 year old constantly throwing a temper tantrum in the Oval Office and he has an entire party of enablers 

    I will say this again. If you are sticking with this party, even if you are a county clerk, you are complicit in this. You are actively supporting our country being run by a thief and someone who lies everytime he opens his fat ass mouth. I hope y'all feel pride sticking it to the libs and acting exactly like the worthless shitstain holding the highest office in the land. 

    • Like 7
  7. Cowards. The lot of them are traiterous cowards who chose Dotard over their country. Every single one of them who chose to not allow witnesses to be heard from can burn in hell. This is not a functioning anything on any level of government. We all knew he would not be removed, but to be this cowardly and spineless sinks the Dotard cult lower than they already are.

    • Like 1
  8. I was in shock when I heard the news. I had left church and was cooking for the folks that will be my in-laws and my brother sent me a text saying Kobe died in a helicopter crash. I got so many texts. People who hate the Lakers were sad and crying about this. 

    It did not fully hit me until I listened to Shaq break down in tears. I have been a Laker fan almost all of my life. I go back to the Showtime era. Seeing a mountain of a man like Shaq burst into tears was hard.

    Athletes are people just like us and they hurt. I cannot fathom the pain Kobe's wife is feeling right now. To lose not only your husband, but also a daughter would be unbearable. I put in a prayer for them and all the rest of the families who are suffering from those who died in that crash. Those of you who are parents must feel some connection to something like this when it happens. 

    • Like 3
  9. 10 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    LOL dumb bitch, I'm the owner of a pool cleaning company and really know how business and economics works while she talks about "free" stuff. There's no such thing as a free lunch you dumb bitch!, stupid librul professors ramming Marx through all these kids heads. I'm also so smart that I sunk ten thousand dollars into the Iraqi Dinar in the hopes that the economy improves and I will become a multi-millionaire in the process because that's how economies work.

    Who are the people pos-repping this Dotard level response.

    Look at this shit. We are dealing with adults who have the IQ of an 8 year old to be generous. Good God this is ridiculous.


  10. 13 minutes ago, williemackgarza said:

    OMG, what an air head

    Let's stop you right fucking here. She at times goes too far, but she is right. Brown labor is taken advantage of. They are paid less and often times have no idea about it and cannot fight it in court. 

    Keep supporting Dotard. I hate to say this about another human being, but you are really stupid. I mean your entire life has led you to a moment where you post that. You are just dumb. You will probably die one day as ignorant as you are now. I would hope for better for you, but that is up to you to not be less educated about the world outside of your ridiculously small bubble. 

    • Like 3
  11. 3 hours ago, 4th&Five said:


    Mark Levin is a coward who needs his ass kicked repeatedly. Good God I have heard him. That midget just shouts and yells and tries to speak with some asinine authority. He just sounds like an angry old white man who does not realize the sun has long set on his relevance. 

  12. My 11 month old niece and her best friend. I got Diesel for my mother 6 years ago about a month after her dog had passed away suddenly. He's a German Shepherd and Australian Shepherd mix. She crawls all over him and he just lays there. When my brother brought her home from the hospital he would go lay next to her crib and if she started crying he'd go get my brother to come in there. Dogs are amazing in how they will instinctively protect people.


    • Like 9
  13. 3 hours ago, Iceman said:

    And the Yankees can lead the way by vacating anything Aroid and Roger Clemens were part of.

    Rules were knowingly broken, right?

    your position is one of convenience.

    Go for it. I'll explain this again for you. I go to see the Yanks play because it is a short train ride from mid-town and because my mom is a lifelong fan. I could not care any less if they want to take the titles away when those two clowns were cheating.

    My favorite player as a kid was McGwire. Knowing he was one of the biggest steroid users ruins the memories I had of him. 

  14. 58 minutes ago, MC Fresh Breath said:


    When this news first broke, I realized pretty quickly he had to go on ignore.  Debate is one thing...

    He doesn't even bother having a back and forth. It is just gotcha moments with him and that's it.

    If more teams are found to have cheated then I am good with fines, loss of draft picks, lengthy suspensions, loss of international signing bonus money and the team having to vacate wins in the period they were found to have broken the rules. 

    The Astros and Sox should have to vacate their titles and no one should be awarded the World Series. Manfred is a coward though who enjoys the paycheck he gets. That is really all this is about. He keeps sucking on the teet of MLB and just does some damn fine window dressing and keeps his job. What a shitshow of a sport.

  15. 6 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    And if the cheating that was done was the age old offense of sign stealing, I'm OK with the punishment.

    After all, it's just sign stealing. There aren't many things that are as much a part of the game as sign stealing.

    When you use technology to cheat you crossed a line. A guy standing at 2nd relaying things is part of the game. Using a centerfield camera and sending a feed to a hallway and then using trashcans or whatever the hell they did to tell batters what pitch they would see is a ridiculous amount of cheating. If I remember right the Astros title DVD actually had some accidental footage of the hallway setup in it of how they cheated.

    The only Astros title you witnessed thus far in your lifetime came because of cheating. Kinda sad to be honest that they resorted to that.

  16. Just now, David Dennison said:

    So like football and its harsh penalties for, oh, let's say, the New England Patriots?

    I watch New England because of Brady. That is pretty much it. I had a team for a very long time, but I decided to just enjoy watching football so I watched him beginning a few years ago. I know you love the gotcha moments, but not so much here. Your team cheated its way to a title and got off fairly unscathed. 

  17. Just now, David Dennison said:

    So like football and its harsh penalties for, oh, let's say, the New England Patriots?

    I watch New England because of Brady. That is pretty much it. I had a team for a very long time, but I decided to just enjoy watching football so I watched him beginning a few years ago. I know you love the gotcha moments, but not so much here. Your team cheated its way to a title and got off fairly unscathed. 

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