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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. Just now, TexasMan said:

    Wouldn't it have been a 55+ yard FG if no penalty?

    I know kickers are way better these days, but there's a reason he's not on the Seahawks anymore. 

    I think it would've been 51, but if not feel free to correct me. I would've taken Hauschka in that moment from 56. Gut feeling is all I have on that. Doesn't matter now though. Just such a weird penalty that I never would have thought existed until recently.

  2. The Bills lineman who got that 15 yarder should probably never suit up for them again. No way Hauschka misses that kick if he had been able to attempt it. The Bills Mafia should take this loss well, I'm sure.

    That one play cost them a win. I know idiot foosball coaches don't like to say one thing lost them a game, but that did. I can't imagine Bills fans want to see him back after that play. If ever there was a cursed franchise they are it.

  3. Pupu platter du jour is sitting at 15-38 for 35 points with 4-17 on 3's

    Davis is 12-16 with 38 points and 3-4 on 3's. Will finish with 40 and 10 in 3 quarters for the 2nd time this year. No one else has pulled that off. I mean that is just ridiculous. 

    Still trying to figure out how anyone thought LA was fleeced or gave up too much.

  4. 12 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:


    Good Lord I remember those days vividly. He just took really large men and treated them like ragdolls. It was so impressive to watch. Shaq's footwork was always underrated because he was so damn big. He knew how to position guys in a way where he just overpowered them really quickly. Watching him in his prime was amazing. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, Llogg said:

    Not sure how Drummond fits on the Mavs. Surprised they'd try and move Drummond before dumping Griffin.

    No one will take Griffin. Well the Knicks still exist so I should preface anything with a move to that black hole of a franchise.

  6. 2 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    I've been telling colleagues and friends for at least a year that if the polling is close...  If it even looks like he'll lose the election and have to face SDNY charges...  He'll pick a fight with Iran or NK.  We won't change leadership in the middle of a major war, especially if it looks like we're winning (and that how it'll look on Fox, regardless of reality).

    What other card does he have to play at this point?


    He will absolutely do this. He does not want to face reality and whatever he has to do in order to avoid it will be done. If you told Dotard he had to conduct a drone strike on Dotard Jr and his family in order to avoid jail you know what he would do.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Thetexashammer said:

    I am 100% in agreement. I opposed the first Iraq War. I remember talking to a roommate about driving to DC to protest. I opposed the 2nd Iraq war. I continue to wonder why we're in Afhanistan, there is obviously no purpose.

    I was way too young to know what was happening in the First Gulf War. My Oma died the day Saddam invaded Kuwait so I did d not care one iota about it. 

    The 2nd Gulf War I supported. I was still a young moron. I had ideals for America. Again I was dumb. 

    The Afghanistan fiasco is still an on-going disaster and monetary drain. We momentarily stopped the Taliban and got to puff out our chest. Here we are two decades later and they are still the same damn backwards society they were in 2001. Women are still treated like baby-making machines who should never learn to count to 10. I also have no idea what the point of being there is.

    It is good to see you have some points you can find common ground on with those of us who do not entirely agree with you. In my youth I read this happened far more often than our currently polarized society. I mean we are all just people trying to find our way through life at the end of the day.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I want regime change here. Very much so. But if a foreign power used violence to try to bring it about, I’d stand with my country. That’s the way 99% of the world thinks. A lot of Iranians aren’t happy with their government. But if we try to bully them into change, they’ll stand with their country. We’ll govern our own affairs, thank you.

    Jesus. We haven’t learned a single thing from misadventure after misadventure. Not a single goddamned thing.

    When I was younger and dumb I thought it was about spreading freedom around the world.

    It's just about finding the next natural resource to extract from a country that we can take it from by force. We are not liberators. We just turn countries into vassal states until their usefulness ends. In that respect I do think the neocons learned how to get what they want. Just wrap it all up in an American flag and say we're doing whatever bumblefuck adventure we're headed into in the name of liberty. It placates morons and it works. Like you have said repeatedly evil is a winning gameplan. It's all in how it gets presented.

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  9. ESPN needs to cut with the we're scared of getting sued crap and just say German is suspended for hitting a woman instead of allegedly doing that. He is not suspended for heresay. People saw it who were in a position to levy the suspension. I thought he should get at least a full 162 in addition to the 18 games served last year with how serious MLB is supposed to be taking this stuff now.

  10. 41 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    If you're more concerned with scoring a political point than being a fucking human being, then maybe you're just a piece of shit.

    That dude just can't find a thread he won't try to screw up. 

    You know who he is now and that's cool. America is about to lose a national treasure. The men and women who fought for civil rights are heroes and should be to every single American no matter your skin color. People like John Lewis are what make the American experiment so amazing. 

  11. 43 minutes ago, 4th&Five said:

    More proof that God and Karma are make believe. 

    Do not wish to sidetrack, but I often think this. The pastor addressed this in her sermon today. I still hate seeing good people taken while people like Dotard and Jerry Jones get to live to be a 110, but it can be hard to be okay with seeing good people die while assholes live longer.

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