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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. My mom arrived at 7:10 at La Gaurdia. It's a 10 minute ride from where I live in Astoria. She got in and slept for a coue of hours. Because she was tired we went to Lincoln Square to the AMC and we watched Knives Out. Fantastic movie. It was my 3rd time seeing it and Daniel Craig does an amazing southern gentleman accent.

    We left and went to Bryant Park. I skated and my mom enjoyed seeing me skate. We had to go back to Harlem to get my work shoes so tht was nice.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, YChang said:

    “I know a lot of people don’t like it but, you know, this was going to have to happen in order to make U.S. products become more competitive,” said Andy. “It’s going to hurt for a while.”

    How much of the back and forth negotiations and progress made by this admin with China is just fixing self inflicted damages to begin with? Wonder what this guy’s opinion will be when he discovers the possibility of the market for U.S. milk in China isn’t as great as it was before. It’s not like other countries were sitting still while this admin both burns their industry down while trying to fix it at the same time. 

    These people do not care. All they care about is whatever nonsensical bullshit Dotard says on Twitter, at his klan rallies or his helicopter press conferences. Because fuck the liberals, the brown skinned people and let's make them cry while we go broke and wind up homeless. It's insanity when you think about how crazy the thought process is here when that can be the result. I think that even Hitler would be astonished at this level of cultism or whatever you want to call it.

    I do not feel bad in the least for any of them. They chose to blindly follow someone who cares not one iota about them. They made their bed and it's time to lay down in it. 

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  3. 31 minutes ago, The Ace of Aces said:

    My family is 1,600 miles away back in the greatest state so a FaceTime call yesterday was all we got. Easy peasy.

    However our friends invited us over for her family Christmas dinner, held tonight. This is important: of our friends, he is a state rep and she runs a lobbying firm. Both democrats, both Warren supporters. This isn’t a secret and they’re both well known and respected by both political parties. 

    I go over early in the afternoon to help cook and, of course, to drink. She warns us Christmas dinner might be interesting. I get excited cause I absolutely love family drama when I can be an in-person spectator.

    Dinner is supposed to be at 5:30. 

    Strike 1: At 6:15 her parents roll up, along with the uninvited niece and the niece’s rat terrier. 

    Strike 2: Mom and dad are wearing MAGA gear.

    Strike 3: 10 minutes into dinner the terrier tries to eat our friends’ poodle. The niece doesn’t care and when they tell her to lock her dog up she goes and sits in the car.

    Strike ... 4?: after dinner. before dessert mom says she hopes they aren’t having children unless they start supporting Trump because her heart couldn’t take an indoctrinated grandchild.

    They leave without even eating my banana pudding. 

    Watching someone else’s family drama in person is better than any broadway show we’ve ever seen.

    Give me an IV full of this when I am also not involved. What a clownshow that had to be to witness.

  4. I think Christmas has mostly been okay. I worked Christmas Eve and day because I work in a restaurant in mid-town Manhattan. People were mostly nice and you cannot ask for more than that.

    Spent Christmas Eve night with my girlfriend and her family. It was okay for the most part. They are just really loud, but whatever. Just kind of is part of it when you are amongst Dominicans and Brazilians. 

    They all left to go to Harrisburg for four days. I was good with that. Christmas night was peace and quiet. That is a rarity to get. Might drive out to spend Friday with them, but will see how my mom feels after her flight here from Austin. I might just spend Friday at the model train show at the NY Botanical Garden and then go skate at Bryant Park so my mom can see me skate in-person for the first time. It just depends on how she feels. She's 70 and recently broke her big toe. Combine that with battling leukemia and she can get worn down quickly at times. 

    I really do hope all of y'all are making it through the holidays well and that you have made some lasting memories that are good. 

    • Like 8
  5. 1 hour ago, Gil Bang said:

    My son was born 12-24-87. 


    He's my hero. 

    Awesome. I cannot imagine how proud you are of him. 

    I also cannot imagine how mad he is that you did not pick a better time to conceive. 


  6. 1 hour ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:

    Goddammit, Vikes. Stefanski and Zimmer are making a mess of this game. Second time on 3rd and mid you go to a trick play that doesn't work. The defense is gassed. GB is about to go on a clock chewing drive for points. Fuck.

    If your rant does not begin with blaming Cousins you are knowingly doing it wrong.

  7. I work with a semi-functional moron who roots for the Vikings. He runs his mouth all the time about them. I tell him everytime he gets on a shit-talking spree that Kirk Cousins is his QB and they will fail because of that. Cannot wait to see this guy tomorrow. 

  8. I was hanging out with my girlfriend's family on Saturday and I told her sister about this movie. She is young enough to have not heard much about this movie. My girlfriend SA d she would not like it, bit I showed her some clips and she loved it so we are watching it on Christmas Eve. My "You Serious Clark?" shirt has come in and I think I'll wear that tomorrow.

    I have an Official Jelly of the month Club Member shirt as well.  I got three sweaters for this year and the years to come. I am trying to get my job to let me wear one on Christmas. I personally would wear the one with Randy Quaid on the front in his bathrobe that says "Merry Christmas! Shitter's full!" if they will let me on Christmas Day. 

  9. 27 minutes ago, Bullneck said:

    I used to work with a guy who said Cristie's motorcade stopped into a convenience store while and Christie went in and bought multiple candy bars.

    Well that would be the "yeah no shit" story of the year.  

    • Haha 1
  10. On 12/21/2019 at 10:41 AM, MaybeACoordinator said:

    I'l never understand the mentality some of y'all have. Why ban dumb posters? Especially if you don't agree with them. EMAW is an idiot, but a useful one. Sometimes I wonder if he isn't a deep cover spy, actively working to expose the Trumpian right as the drooling simpletons they really are.

    I miss Grendel, ClearLake, Swam and Rocko and the other morons of yore. Through sheer idiocy and weirdness, they made these boards a better place. 

    My view is this. This board, or any other for that matter, does not need morons posting things that are demonstrably false. If they were just espousing a different viewpoint that would be one thing and it would be worth trying to understand that point of view. 

    This is a full-blown cult that is hell-bent on getting rid of every brown person possible. None of these disgusting Dotard supporters deserve any kind of positive thoughts or benefit of the doubt. 

    • Like 6
  11. 27 minutes ago, Buffsoldier said:

    My daughter has been through some shit she has no fault in, no input into and no way of avoiding.  A few years back, as my divorce was just beginning I started a new tradition with her.  Every year we dressed to the nines, and we will go see The Nutcracker at the Ellie Caulkins Opera house in Denver, followed by a really nice dinner at a very nice/fancy restaurant. 

    Just got home 2 hours ago from this year's extravaganza.  We giggled, and made jokes, we talked and talked, and then giggled some more, we got caught up in the magic and wonderment of Christmas, we watched a really good ballet, we giggled again, we ate like Kings/Queens, we giggled again, we went through one hell of a sugar rush, and then crashed out HARD less than 3 minutes after walking in the front door.  Watching her with her little mouth agape while being caught up in the whimsy of the ballet, and seeing her hands involuntarily moving in artistic circles like she was directing the orchestra itself was absolute magic to me.

    Christmas long ago stopped being about the magic for myself.  9 years ago it started being about MAKING the magic for her, which of course directly translates into it being magic for me.  What comes around goes around and all that.  Tonight I was blessed again to be able to make some of that magic for her and with her.

    I pray to God that when the Alzheimers, or dementia, or whatever else comes to take my mind from me, that the last memory to leave me is the memory of tonight with my little girl. 


    Wow that's such an amazingly beautiful memory you made. Thanks for sharing that.

  12. This was pretty sad. I was working in Times Square that day when this happened. Someone on the street covered her when they saw her laying there. We had it on Spectrum News so we saw the report. Gosh what an awful way to go. Felt so bad for her.

    I believe I read the building had been cited for issues earlier this year. Doesn't bring this woman back though. If anything hopefully we remember we do not know when our last moment is. Make the best of life. 

  13. Just now, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Until we stand up for ourselves and stop letting the fascists get away with making the terms 'liberal' or 'leftist' have supposed evil connotations, this shit isn't going to get better.  Liberal is not only not a bad word, it's a fucking badge of honor these days.  Leftist, meaning someone who leans left is also nothing to be ashamed of.

    Call me a bleeding heart liberal / leftist all day long.  Makes no shit to me because it's true and I'm fucking proud of the fact I don't endorse treason, robbing the poor to pay the rich and other shitty political tactics.

    Can't rep today due to neg repping Chrispy off this damn board hopefully permanently this time.

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