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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 21 minutes ago, Gil Bang said:


    George Washington was a bad man who wore a wig. Who does that? My hair is amazing, let me tell you. All the time I meet these big strong men and they come up to me crying and say "Mr. President I would do anything to have such a beautiful head of hair like yours!"

    • Like 2
  2. I am very glad I do not have to see family during the holidays. My mother always votes Democrat. The rest of them voted MAGA in 2016. I have completely stayed away from my family outside of my mom. If any of them renounce that racist clown I'll be glad to be around them. If not they do not really exist to me.

    I text one cousin only because I think he is better than being a Trumpkin. His older brother is a full-blown racist who somehow had three kids with an Hispanic woman before showing his I hate brown people side. My younger brother voted Dotard because he hated Hillary. I think he is redeemable because he now has a daughter and his perspective has changed. I guess I will see how he votes in 2020. He votes for Dotard again and we will never speak going forward and I am okay with that. 

  3. 18 hours ago, RPM said:

    Haven't seen it, but that's where I had it rated by the previews. The trailers seemed forced. I'll wait for HBO.

    It's a good movie to see in a full theatre. Some funny scenes make it worthwhile to see it with other people. It has some very good plot twists. Daniel Craig was very good. He really pulled off the southern gentleman accent. I grew up listening to people who talked like him. I enjoyed him speaking like that much more than I did any of the actual southern gentlemen. 

  4. Such a fun movie. Daniel Craig was great, but it was so cool seeing Jamie Lee Curtis and Don Johnson in it. I personally loved the movie. I watched it because a friend went to the NYC premiere last week and thought it was amazing and he almost never recommends movies to me.

    Saw it this Wednesday and then again on Saturday with my GF. The plot is cool and the humor makes it fun. Chris Evans had a great role as well. Highly suggest seeing it if you enjoy murder mysteries. The scene that showed an Angela Lansbury "Murder She Wrote" cameo was pretty funny if you are old enough to know that show.

    • Like 1
  5. I wish my father had lived long enough to see this movie. He was from Germany and was a gearhead and the best mechanic I will ever meet, by far. He was so dang good at what he did. He lost his sight due to a doctor's screw up and still fixed cars after that. 

    He worked for the Bay Long dealership in the 70's and when he quit they were so mad that they did not give him his last check. True story. He did not like Ford vehicles, but would have loved this film.


    • Hook 'Em 1
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  6. 22 hours ago, Lobo said:

    Though not exactly a powerhouse, a long-standing member of division one basketball, university of Maine falls to highly ranked Virginia, 46-26

    yeah, 46-26 was a score.   Tonight.  In major college hoops.  Da fuh?

    I sat through the 48-34 Virginia-Cuse game recently because my friend roots for Virginia because he grew up in Charlottesville. Graduated from Cornell, but he still roots for them. Bennett makes basketball unwatchable. I stopped watching the title game 7 minutes in. He ruins watching basketball. Basketball is a free-flowing game at its heart. 

  7. So I had to work on Thanksgiving. I work every year because I work in a restaurant in mid-town Manhattan and Thursday is my normal day to work. I really don't care. Get a bunch of tourists leaving the parade and whatnot. Meet some interesting folks so it makes the day go by nicely.

    My girlfriend decided that this year she would have Thanksgiving in the most northeastern part of the Bronx because one of her sisters cannot travel much due to a serious medical condition. She asked me to come after work. I got off at 6 and I tried, but the trip would've taken an hour and a half. Her family is Dominicans and Brazilians and the Dominicans in that family are so freaking loud. Cultural thing from what I can tell. I did not want to go because why the hell do I want to listen to loud people all day only to hear the same thing tonight? 

    I told her mother I could not come because by the time I would get there they would be leaving 30 minutes later and she understood and said she would like to cook us breakfast this weekend. Her mother is from Rio and is just a great person. My girlfriend said very little about me skipping this.She is probably pissed, but I worked all day and either she understands or she doesn't. Not trying to be insensitive to her, but working on this day is very draining and I just really want some nice downtime. Her BIL does not like being around most of them and he endorsed me skipping this. I like that guy. 

    I instead spent my evening with my dog at home in Astoria and watched a movie and have had peace and quiet. Best Thanksgiving in God knows how long. 

    • Like 4
  8. 16 hours ago, Goredho said:

    I have at different times taken solace in the fact that even Germany after Hitler was able to recover and become a strong western democracy.

    But then I remember that it was possible because there was a democratic superpower to help ensure it.

    If the US crumbles, we won't be so lucky.

    To whom much is given, much is expected. 

    There is no country left to completely fill that role that we have abdicated. Watching so many Americans be so unbelievably cruel to immigrants and minorities is just horrific. No one chose the color of their skin. For Christ sakes it just perplexes me how humans decided that darker-skinned people are the devil. 

    If you believe in God (do not care if you do or not) and are a Trumpkin it's going to be a helluva weird experience seeing this dark-skinned man with matted hair coming back. 

    • Like 3
  9. 17 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    IMO, wrong. It’s all about seizing funds and assets. Every person in the US with a Latin sounding name is now a suspected cartel member. Assets will be seized 

    You make excellent points here. We are going down a very dark path right now. I fear that we actually see this happen.

  10. I will also say this again. If you have not seen JoJo Rabbit you should. I have seen it half a dozen times. It is a beautiful movie. The racists supporting Dotard need to see it to see how things end for them. I will not give away what happens, but Scarlett Johanson has a line at a poignant moment where she tells JoJo that "they did what they could". It was pretty damn sad, but it struck a chord with me. 

    Folks we all need to do what what we can. This is not a warning drill anymore. Do what you can and hope for the best. 

    • Like 2
  11. 53 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    My brotha. This mothafucka gets it.

    This is like the Baylor game. It was over the minute trump received the kickoff. Now, we’re just watching clock run down and we’ll see how bad it is at the end. Spoiler: it’s gonna be bad. Really bad.

    I saw bits of that game at work. Good Lord what a fiasco.

    Brisket people give you a bunch of mess for more/less having a Jeremiah from the OT view of things. I think you are spot-on because you recognize the mindset of the populace in our country.

    It is sad that we have embraced demonizing minorities. The Mexicans and other brownskins are the Jews for those hell-bent on hatred. Hell Dotard is laying the groundwork to hate Jews in this country as well. Anyone who thinks this is a joke really needs a foot in their backside. This is not good and even if good ultimately fails you need to at least stand up and let your voice be heard.

  12. 34 minutes ago, seven said:

    Obviously anything that trump supports needs properly vetted, but from the linked article I think the terrorist designation is probably good as well. It could easily turn into military action though and I'm not going to support that. 

    What I think he will do with this is use the terrorist designation as a reason to send American troops into Mexico next year. I fully support the destruction of these cartels, but this just seems like Dotard is doing this to justify military action during an election year in a country that his base despises. Killing brown people (We all know the cartels are filled with terrible human beings) will absolutely get his base very enthusiastic about getting to terrorize and dehumanize every brown person, irregardless of whether they are a law abiding human being or not.

  13. 4 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Man, I don't know. I think Jesus picked a pretty good fantasy squad this year. I care about his teams. 

    Jesus would have chose Derek Carr. His team would be in last place. 

  14. I watched most of the 1st half. Jackson is really good. I still think he is going to wind up taking a really big hit that will not end well for him. The offense has some built-in recklessness to it. If he is truly a guy who wants to throw the ball he is going to have to tell Harbaugh and Roman that he is not going to risk his well-being by running on broken plays. I  just do not see this ending well for him because his well-being is not part of the equation.

  15. My mom votes Democrat in every election. She has attempted to be nice and give Dotard the benefit of the doubt, mostly because she is a saint and thinks the best about people. 

    I told her a few months ago that there is no positive side to Dotard. She gets that and realizes how bad he is for our country. She'll vote for the Democrat again in 2020. I wish the rest of my family had her resolve. They do not though. Some real hardcore Dotard fans in my family. 

  16. 11 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Trump gets shot and dies at the end. 


    2 minutes ago, RPM said:

    so, happy ending?

    The happiest ending. You won't believe how happy it is, let me tell you. 

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