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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 14 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Right.  Documented.  Got it. It's like the Kennedy or Lincoln assassinations. Past history that happened before your time.  And I understand that.  You were too young for the steroid era to mean anything to you. You do also realize that there was a team that actually threw the world series in the early 1900s, right?  And the winner of that series still has a title banner.  Nothing will come close to the Black Sox Scandal. But that one is before both our times, so obviously this is bigger. 

    Obviously the "right now" scandal is always the biggest for people living now.  Actual judges put things in better perspective though.  

    Like steroids, this is just the beginning of a snowball. And also like steroids, it starts with a guy that spent time on several teams. One of those teams was yours. 

    I am well aware of the Black Sox scandal. Shoeless Joe should be in the Hall. Spare me the you know more about the National Pastime schtick than I do. I am also well aware of the Steroid era. The player I looked up to as a kid was a central figure in that scandal. Completely changed my childhood in regards to baseball. 

    I have also said SEVERAL TIMES that I could not care any less if an investigation put the Yankees in the crosshairs. I am a fan of the sport more than anything else. I really do not understand why I have to restate that several times. Clean up the sport and if Houston did what was alleged then hit them with the harshest penalty ever handed down and take away the 2017 World Series if the evidence leads Manfred to that conclusion. If he finds evidence of the Yankees doing it then hit them just as hard and take away regular season wins, money, draft picks and any wins from the post-season of whatever year is in question. Christ this is not that hard. 

  2. 16 hours ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Huh?  The steroid scandal was not only much bigger than this, it left a very visible stat spike in it's era that will be seen as an anomaly forever.  The only punishments handed down were suspensions and a soft ban on the hall of fame which will eventually be lifted. 

    What happened is well documented from that time. We are not talking about steroids though. We are talking about a team allegedly using video technology to gain an advantage over the opponent. This is big and the story is not going away. This will be a huge black eye on the sport if it is true. 

  3. I am probably going to see this movie tonight. My girlfriend absolutely loves history and watches war documentaries regularly. We were watching stuff about Pearl Harbor tonight so she is curious to find out about the Battle of Midway. She wants to see it and I love this battle in particular because of the significance of what happened in the overall scope of the war and direction things went afterwards. 

  4. I have a friend who is Jewish who wanted to see it. We went and saw it tonight. He really liked it. I have seen it a few times now because I have been going with other people who wanted to see it and having evenings free makes it convenient to watch it. Rockwell has some great scenes and Merchant played his role to a T.

    The Jewish girl in the movie (Thomasin McKenzie) has some fantastic responses to JoJo. For me it is the best movie I have seen in at least 5 years, if not longer. You just feel good after watching it.

  5. On 11/15/2019 at 3:42 AM, RPM said:

    Just got home from watching. Absolutely no reason not to take kids. As a matter of fact, Ken Miles son is a significant role. Your 10 yo will eat this film up if he's any kind of a gearhead.

    I loved it. The soundtrack alone is reason enough to see this. I'm talking about the engine noise, not the music. Damon and Bale were great. About the only thing I didn't like was a couple shots in the racing scenes where they are obviously going 50-60 but pretend they're going flat out. If you can watch it in IMAX, do it.

    Saw it last Friday in mid-town. Was trying to decide on a movie and at the last minute chose this. It was such a good movie. Highly recommend. The racing scenes are very well done. 

  6. 22 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

     What do you propose?

    He proposed nothing. He never does. His entire life's work is built around being a contrarian because being one gets you attention, even if it is negative. I put him on ignore because reading his posts is like reading fozzz or Emaw. Who wants to waste part of their day doing that?

    • Like 5
  7. Irregardless of the outcome, if Paul George is your 2nd best player you do not have a 2nd best player. I would also say if your best player is a midget by NBA standards then you are not a serious title contender. Zeke was the one and only small guy in my lifetime who was the best player on a championship team. 

    I am also okay with a nuke hitting Staples tonight.

  8. Ellsbury was disastrous money-wise. Bird was disastrous in that he never lived up to any of his hype and was a walking injury. At least Ellsbury was a valuable player at one point in his career. Looks like it'll be Andujar and Voit as the 1st baseman/DH combo assuming Andujar has a good spring and is fully healthy. 

  9. 12 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    Is there any other pro league that has done something like this?  Because I can only remember the NCAA doing this, and it's stupid when they do it and I don't know why a league would want to mimic the NCAA at this point.  

    Honestly I cannot think of an instance where it happened in North American pro sports. The size and scope of this is unprecedented, at least in recent memory, and it's a shame to see this. It doesn't matter the team, it just tarnishes the sport and that's not good obviously.

  10. 6 hours ago, youdunnf'dup said:


    astros are about to get scapegoated. I have a feeling the punishment could be more than we’re leading on. I don’t know what that means necessarily, but I have a feeling manfred is about to make an example out of the Astros.

    That quote is leaving on the table the ability to strip them of post-season victories. That is all that was about. Whether he follows through on that if the investigation leads them to that punishment is another story. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, Pancho said:

    What is the governor trying to say here?


    Loves atrociously awful BBQ and that he is also a terrible human being. I would also say he is letting everyone know he hates the gays and that still plays well in Texas. So much dumb is contained in the coward operating those hot wheels.

  12. 1 hour ago, Horn80 said:

    I see why now.

    When you have outgained a team 312-109, are losing and have 9 points to show for it you do not deserve to see your left column get a positive addition. 

  13. 7 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    So any team that Andy Pettitte, Roger Clemens, or Alex Rodriquez played for that won a championship should have that championship stripped.


    This was the worst gotcha attempt I have read on this site. That was amateur hour right there. You might as well have been posting as Icono. 

  14. If we lived in a country that actually cared about the rule of law instead of the grifter's guide to the galaxy we would already be dealing with the penis-in-chief Pence as the fill-in until November 2020. Instead we get the reality where Dotard continues to steal our tax dollars to line his pockets. What a time to be alive does not apply to this scenario. 

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