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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 1 hour ago, TexArcher said:

    Is there any better proof that this was really, really egregious than the fact that James freaking Harrison thinks it's over the line?

    When you have offended that guy you really have done some heinous stuff. If we get a tweet from Vontaze Burfict saying this was too much then Garrett might want to find a new career.

  2. 36 minutes ago, Underdog said:

    Shooters touch. 

    It was like watching Kawhi Leonard bounce shot against Philly if he were a slender looking distance runner who you might mistake for a 30 year old playing in a rec league. Great shot though and a well earned road win.

    • Like 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, Spider2YBanana said:

    I didn't even realize Gilder went to Gonzaga until you pointed it out. He has to be thrilled to be coached by someone who likes winning 

    Oh I would imagine that he is thoroughly enjoying playing for Few instead of Kennedy. After sitting out last year due to blood clots I believe this has to be fun starting for the Zags and playing meaningful games again for a team that runs a beautiful offense. 

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  4. 7 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    this scandal is kind of crazy because it involves the entire team actively and knowingly cheating. as a Cubs fan who had to watch his childhood hero get busted using steroids, using a corked bat, pretending he forgot how to speak English, and then literally white washing himself, even I gotta say that this pretty fucking disgraceful and all Astros fans should feel lousy as shit about everything they've accomplished. the same way that Cubs fans don't even talk or really even think about Sosa anymore, Astros fans should be sad and embarrassed by this. everything you won was through systemic cheating. if you're an Astros fan and you aren't completely gut-punched by this then I question where your head is at. 

    I am willing to wait and see what the investigation uncovers. The video that has been presented thus far doesn't help Houston's case. If it is found that they were doing this then you throw the book at their franchise.

    It will be an extremely dark day for the sport and even the casual fan will understand how bad it is. Some may not care and still go to the games because family outings to the ballpark in the summer across the country are a fun way to spend an afternoon. I do not feel real good about everything that is going to come out about multiple franchises once the first dam breaks. Again that is assuming it does and this cheating happened in the systemic way it was described by Fiers and the three others.

  5. 12 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    We're gonna have to take away some Yankee championships.

    Take them away. You find out that this happened with them during any of their titles then they should be stripped.

    Right now the first domino to fall would be Houston if the accusations are found to be true. That could open up the floodgates and I am fine with that. 

  6. A real commissioner of a sport suspends Garrett from the remainder of the season. That's some Burfict level stuff. Garrett has to be go e for the rest of the year. That is the kind of dangerous you never want to see happen to anyone on a football field. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Yeah. About that . . .

    Why is this so hard to do? You get any of them. If every freaking team in MLB is using video technology to do this you systematically get them. Fine them. Stagger a loss of draft picks. Wipe their season from the books. There are times where I find your cynicism legitimate, but this is not one of them.

    This sport that I, and millions of other people love, is teetering on the brink of a disastrous situation. Manfred needs to be front and center on this and should be forceful in the penalties he hands down. If a World Series winner cheated you take it away. This is not that hard to comprehend.

  8. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Was coming to post this

    You really have to find a new state to call home...Good Lord your home state is an abject failure in almost every imaginable way. Dotard even makes fun of them and they cheer his message. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Beau Vine said:

    Yeah, I can't wait for people to start blowing whistles and setting the whole MLB world on fire.

    Good. Get every franchise who has done this. This is a bridge too far. 

  10. 5 hours ago, Mack Tripper said:

    Beltran was working in the Bronx last season, pal. You think he just closed up shop and started walking on the straight and narrow? See Bregman’s quote above.

    Question for you because apparently you missed this. Did you read the FIRST SENTENCE in the post? I clearly said you go after whatever franchise you have to. If the Yankees did it you fine them with the same 8 figure fine and dock them multiple draft picks over several years and forfeit their entire season.

    Why is it so hard to comprehend that I think everyone who participated in this should face the same penalties? If the Yanks did it in any season and they can prove it you throw the book at them as well. Fix this damn sport and save it from itself. 

  11. 28 minutes ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    Whether you believe this or not, you know damn well it doesn’t work that way and you’d blindly defend the Yankees if they did the same thing

    No I would not. I am just not wired that way. If you cheat in this manner there has to be a far more harsh set of penalties. I do not care who would suffer from breaking the rules on this. I enjoy the sport more overall than anything else. Again if this cheating can be found to have actually happened you have to bring the hammer on this. It is not a good look for the sport. 

  12. 48 minutes ago, Chuckie Finster said:


    Beltran and Cora now implicated by name.  We gonna investigate the Red Sox title now, or do we believe that Cora suddenly decided to stop what was working once he got more responsibility?  

    Beltran was obviously the player who brought the technique over from another team, so which other club needs to be looked at?  The Rangers, his previous stop?  The Yankees, who immediately snatched him up as an adviser after he retired?  The Cardinals?  Should the Mets get ridiculed for hiring a known cheater?

    This is going to get messy.

    You follow the evidence and go after whatever franchise it leads you to. Anyone who used video technology to steal signs deserves to have their season wiped from the books and they should be penalized with multi-million dollar fines and the loss of draft picks. Manfred cannot go soft on this. Grow a spine and do the right thing.

  13. 10 hours ago, High Plains Drifter said:


    Even this is bullshit.

    I've only been to New York city three times, but I've found New Yorkers to be no more or less nice, polite, and helpful than people is Austin, Dallas, or any small town. And they certainly are less judgemental.

    At the worst they are a little pushy getting on or off the subway.


    (Not picking on you Atom, just making an observation about what a lot of people (incorrectly imo) think of New Yorkers.

    New Yorkers get a bad rap honestly. They have some big hearts and do well by folks for the most part. New Jersey on the other hand, hoo boy...

  14. I am all for stealing signs the way it has been done since the inception of the sport. A runner gets to 2nd and has a clear view of what is going on. A coach or player in the dugout picks up on signals from the 1st or 3rd base coach. Do it and gloat about it. 

    Where I go sideways is using technology to aid you. I do not care about the team that has done it. Obviously the Astros are in the crosshairs right now. If it is proven that they were stealing signs using a camera to do so then I believe Manfred has to take the unprecedented step to strip them of their title and fine them and forfeit draft picks. The Dodgers do not get the title. It is just a year with no winner. No team should be doing this. If other teams are found you forfeit their season and fine them and take draft picks. There has to be a line you do not cross. I love the sport quite a bit and this saddens me if the evidence corroborates what Fiers and three others said.

    I am no traditionalist who thinks you should not gawk at homers or celebrate. I want more of that stuff. I want less of what Houston has been accused of. 

    • Like 5
  15. 5 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Know how I know you have a teen daughter?

    Sigh. Mine carries it as her every day backpack. Her German and Norwegian friends were wearing them two years ago, so she jumped on that trend.

    Not to go too far off-topic, but everyday last year when I went to work they had a giant advertisement in Times Square for their products not far from where I work. Honestly it looks like a really good product from what I can tell. I am going to look inthe morning to see if they are running that advertisement again this year.

    I am thinking about buying their backpack and using it for hiking when I go to the mountains upstate this winter or hopefully a trip to Norway and Finland if I can convince my better half to endure the cold so we can see some amazing sights. If nothing else I think she would like Lofoten.

  16. 5 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    That piece from the Baylor professor hits close to home.

    I finally had it out with my father on Sunday.

    We were on the phone and he was bemoaning the result of the Bama/LSU game. I made a joke that it was Trump’s fault - we hadn’t lost a home game in four years and he shows up and boom.

    He lost his shit - practically screaming about me disrespecting “the best president of his lifetime” and people who criticize him should be punished.

    I pointed out that he was unhinged over a joke and he was acting like a triggered snowflake.

    That elicited a good ten seconds of sputtering denial.

    I told him to calm down and quit acting like an emotional toddler over a joke and he said, and I quote, “I hate liberals and we need to ‘cleanse’ them from our country!”

    And I lost it. I asked him “So, you hate me and your granddaughter and your son (he’s a liberal too)? You think we should be punished and ‘cleansed’ from the population?”

    He tried to backtrack and say, “I didn’t say that! I just hate your politics!”

    I told him to stop lying.

    I said the only reason he even came to that game was to assuage his bartered ego after getting booed at the World Series and the UFC match.

    “Ah, those people aren’t real Americans! They’re just yankee New York liberals!”


    I told him ever since his retirement he’s turned into someone I don’t recognize and he’s been brainwashed by watching Fox News nonstop and radicalized by Facebook.

    Then I got petty and said “You’ve become like a cult member. You’re letting your emotional attachment to a con-artist criminal destroy your relationship with your family.”

    He, a 69 year old man who has always been a kind and loving person, proceeded to tell me he won’t speak to me if I don’t “change my ways” and, like a petulant child, hung up on me.

    I’ve ignored and tiptoed around his behavior for far too long.

    After a few minutes I called my mom and she said he said he refuses to speak to me until “I apologize for disrespecting our president.”

    My mom says she just ignores him when he gets like that and I told her that’s part of the problem. She said she doesn’t want to put up with the “abuse” if she engages.

    I joked my sister will be happy because my brother and I will get cut from the will. (My sister isn’t a Trumpkin, she’s just totally apolitical).

    My mom replied “I control the will”.

    Part of me is sad because I’ve always been Daddy’s Girl and we’ve always had a great relationship. He was never like this. He’s become a different person over the last three years.

    The other part of me is relieved for having finally told him how horrible he is for letting his slavish devotion to an evil man take priority over his flesh and blood.

    I’m seriously concerned about what he’ll do if Trump loses. I told my mom to take his guns away - half joking, half serious.

    TL;DR - my dad went off the deep end after I made a joke about Trump cursing Alabama football and he’s disowned me.

    Look your father is old. I hope you do not take offense, but the olds are easily manipulated. Your father has been brainwashed. 

    I am thankful to have had parents who were never under the control of what a con-artist says, but your situation is different. Cut him out of the family and let him realize what egregious thing he has done. 

  17. Jimmy Carter is the rare public servant who is exactly that. I admire how tirelessly this man works to help those who cannot help themselves around the world. We need more people like him. 

  18. 33 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    We're not going to have a hot war with China. They have 1.3 billion people and nuclear weapons.

    So yeah, that's not happening.

    I do not believe that that will always be a deterrent. Human beings excel at destroying one another over everything else. Dotard won't be the last crazy person we have running this country. 

  19. That protestor getting shot was horrific. Life seems to mean nothing in that part of the world. I think that within the next decade that this is a country we will be at war with. 

  20. 4 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    Correct.  He also knows that his cultists don't know how the government works, just like him, so he just makes shit up as he goes along that sounds good in his pea brain and passes it on to their pea brains.

    This has really been the game plan of his entire time as a candidate as well as president. Take advantage of dumb yokels and maintain power thanks to said dumb yokels never fully understanding what is going on. 

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