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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. This guy is just amazing. No principles, at all. Does not care even one iota about the people he represents or his country as a whole. 

    If Rand's neighbor wants to run against him the next time he is up for re-election I will donate to the cause. Ron Paul was a bit out there, but he had actual principles. His son is a coward who has no business being an elected official. 

  2. Those last three calls on that drive were just, well, I do not know what that was. I do know that losing at home to a team with Kirk Cousins as the opposing QB is ridiculous. Dallas handed this game to a mediocre team. A real franchise would hand Garrett his walking papers in the tunnel after the game. Actually a franchise who cared about winning would've fired Garrett 5 years ago. 

    • Like 1
  3. 5 hours ago, 4th&Five said:

    Finds a place that doesn’t publicly tell him to eat shit so he spends the flight home tweeting out clips about how loved he is. His funeral should become a national holiday where we all throw big parties and celebrate this asshole being in the ground. 

    I think this is a given. When he finally kicks the bucket we are going to see some epic parties across the country.

  4. On 11/7/2019 at 11:02 PM, Continental Op said:

    It's very well done.  

    When I read some of the reviews that did not enjoy it I kind of wonder if the critic really understood the point this movie is making. It is an absolute must watch movie.

    I like when a movie gets me to feel several emotions and this one does that. It really tugs at your heart at times, but has several moments of brevity while reminding everyone how evil the Nazis were. 

    • Like 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    LuLz her Twitter is glorious 

    Wow at those responses. Not that I have any issue with any of it because all of these people deserve to be treated like the worthless clowns that they are, but holy Jesus did Twitter go after her quickly. All of these people associated in any way with Dotard and his henchmen deserve a lifetime of public shaming.

  6. 18 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:

    I hope it rains on their wedding day, biblical floods. I hope their wedding venue is condemned the morning of. I hope their car breaks down that day and their dogs run away (after shitting all over the place). I hope their reception is over run by rats (real rats, not trumps). I hope all the immigrants working their reception, spits in the food. Hell piss all over it. I hope they try to honeymoon abroad and every country denies them entry. I hope they give each other super aids And damn I hope they never have children. 

    fuck them both 

    I have nothing I could possibly add to that that would make that better. Way to out yourself though as a virulent racist by getting engaged to that cesspool of a human being. 

    • Like 1
  7. 12 hours ago, SimonBolivar said:

    You know I get to thinking every so often that there is no way Trump wins reelection and then every beginning of the month I'm given a stark reminder on why Trump will be reelected. I'm looking out my window at work to a long line of disheveled overweight white retirees standing there waiting to see an available teller. The type that comes in every 1st or 3rd to cash out retirement checks (today happens to be one of those days where as far as banking is concerned the 1st and 3rd are the same day) because they "don't trust computers". Later they'll be coming into my office to explain how a check they wrote to their church got lost so they'll need to close out their account and open a new one. While we're opening an account or financing a car for 75 months they'll casually drop how well Trump is doing as it's their only real human contact they'll have today outside of the cashier at HEB (their kids will give them a call once a week or so) who will only give them a courteous nod. Without any irony they'll pivot from Trump's mandate from heaven to discuss just how awful medical care prices have become in this country. Usually I'm able to shift them from Trump to how awful my generation has become since none of us have jobs or they'll go on a 30 minute tirade about how Mexicans are ruining Texas (I guess they can't see the picture of my Mexican wife on my desk). These people are scared to death of the world in 2019 and with their help Trump is going to win again unless we can get one hell of a flu season.



    All I can think of to say is those one foot in the grave people are heartless assholes who love supporting another heartless asshole. The sooner that generation is no longer above ground the better.

  8. Just now, Beau Vine said:


    Christ...Man that quote nails it for me too. Here's to pitchers and catchers reporting.

    I was at opening day against the O's. Sat in a group of O's fans who came up from Baltimore to the Bronx. They knew their team was awful, but they came up anyhow. I can't believe the season is over. Can't wait to try and make it to more than the 37 games I attended this year. All you guys and gals here who love this sport, no matter your team, are pretty cool. 

  9. 2 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    was it texas hammer that said warren's pursuit of breaking up facebook puts california in play?


    At a certain point I really think the human mind just is fried to a point where it just says pointlessly ridiculous stuff. Hammer just takes his fried mind cues from his brain-worm addled leader. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    You're completely wrong.  He was running with both feet inside the baseline and he ran into the glove of the fielder attempting to make the play.  That is an out at every level.

    I mean that's fine that you see it that way. 


    3 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:
    5 minutes ago, UpperWestside said:
    I have no bias. That was just a laughably bad call. The Nats battled through it though.

    Lol. Not biased. You are a Yankees fan. Why are you even on this site?

    Strasburg turned in one of the best performances in World Series history tonight. That was masterful. Damn I love watching this sport. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    You're completely wrong.  He was running with both feet inside the baseline and he ran into the glove of the fielder attempting to make the play.  That is an out at every level.

    I mean that's fine that you see it that way. 


    3 minutes ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:
    5 minutes ago, UpperWestside said:
    I have no bias. That was just a laughably bad call. The Nats battled through it though.

    Lol. Not biased. You are a Yankees fan. Why are you even on this site?

    Once they are done that's it. I am adult enough to be able to not care. You do not seem to possess that ability. This is just sports. Try to understand that.

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