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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 1 minute ago, Brew said:

    See my previous post on going back to the circle jerk thread. Call was horseshit and your clear bias is horseshit. I feel bad as a Braves fan rooting for the Nationals, but I'm all in. The strikezone has been bad enough in this series and now you get this garbage on top of it.

    I have no bias. That was just a laughably bad call. The Nats battled through it though.

  2. Just now, PenelopeWitherspoon said:
    3 minutes ago, UpperWestside said:
    I have no rooting interest, but holy hell was that an awful call. The homer made up for it I guess. 
    I said Martinez needed to make a point by getting thrown out and I am glad he did. He absolutely did the right thing getting tossed.

    No, it was the right call. That has always been the rule. It was bad base running by the runner. Gurriel's glove getting knocked off sealed it. Martinez was up by three and was a jackass for getting thrown out.

    It was a laughable call. He was not in the line of that throw. Martinez knew getting tossed was the right thing to do, especially on the road.

  3. 5 hours ago, horncyclist said:

    There. Were. Republicans. In. The. Room. Who. Asked. Questions. 

    Fuck this stopping with Trump. This whole party needs to go away.

    If you still consider yourself a Republican at this point either abandon the party or off yourself. You do not deserve to live in America with the damage you have done to our country.

    • Like 2
  4. 8 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    "Show respect for the office" -- fuck that.

    This is a man who has called ANYONE WHO DOESN'T BLINDLY SUPPORT HIM "human scum."  How in the blue fuck am I supposed to show respect for that?  And WHY should I show respect for that?  He fucking called me "human scum."  I will show him all the respect that is due to someone who declares the very people he took an oath to serve "human scum"  - and that amount would be ZERO.

    Every day that he is in office, this open sore of a nation that he has helped create festers even more, and the long-term prognosis gets even worse.  Fuck him up his putrid ass.

    Thank you for saying that Brisket. The time for being eloquent with him and the millions of shitheads who support is long since past. He deserves to be booed, mocked, derided, laughed at, made fun of at every turn and treated exactly the way he gives it to the rest of us who hate what he has done to our country. 

    I know we keep up with politics more here than most, but hopefully the rest of the country is waking up.

    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Jack Straw said:

    and really, I wish all of his supporters were treated this way, and worse, in public 24/7

    I'm with you on this. They do not deserve to be treated like normal human beings for what they have done. They should be ostracized every moment of every damn day.

  6. I am so glad that see what the folks in DC did at the game tonight. Fuck Dotard and I hope his supporters heard a very vocal majority in that stadium denounce him. Fuck that white nationalist POS.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    A feel a bit sorry for Melania when Trump needs a power trip after this event

    First off fuck that dumb bitch.

    Do you really think she is having sex with him?

    • Like 8
  8. Biden would not be my 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th choice for president, but if he is the nominee I would vote for him. Try and remember we have a racist, gutless, cowardly white national asshole currently occupying the most powerful office in the world. We may not all like Biden, but if he gets the nomination then we should vote for him in order to get the grifting assclown and his family of thieves out of our nation's capital. 

    • Like 1
  9. 18 minutes ago, perfectchaos007 said:

    I know he's comfortable in the midwest but someone should let him know our university does have a varsity rowing team.

    His interview should consist entirely of rowing a boat in a hurricane. He passes that test the job is his.

  10. 36 minutes ago, Liquor and Poker said:


    i just think he comes off like an MLM salesman, televangelist, motivational speaker, etc. 

    I met one of those frauds about 10 years ago. His name was Kevin Cochran. He was selling 10 different things at the gym I went to. I will never, ever forget bringing one of my best friends to the gym one night. He listens to everything this con-man says and he draws a pyramid on a piece of paper. Kevin saw it and reached for the paper. My friend was 6'3" and four inches taller than the thief. It was funny watching the con-man try to take the paper from him held right above his head.

    PJ Fleck is not that guy. He is brash and upfront, but there is a difference. He can definitely coach.

  11. 29 minutes ago, Wally Pryor said:

    Mayfield was made to look silly on more than one occasion today, including that laughable thing he tried to throw into the line of scrimmage. But nothing to be ashamed of - the Pats defense will do that to most every QB.  Belichick running the defense now is nothing short of awesome.   

    Pats are 8-0. Beyond what I expected but happy as hell.  On to Baltimore next Sunday night.  Ravens should give them a game.    

    I want them to run the table and I want the Dolphins to go winless so we never, ever have to hear from those miserable old fucks from Miami again. 

    • Like 1
  12. So Darnold follows up a 5 turnover performance with three more INT's today. The guy is just not a good QB. I don't know if he was seeing ghosts, goblins, zombies, demons or the headless horseman, but he just flat out sucks.

    I do not think he is equipped to handle the pressure of the media nor the history of futility of the franchise for most of the last half century. He looks like Blake Bortles out there.

  13. On 10/25/2019 at 4:23 PM, American Swindle said:

    Hating 63 million+ people is no way to live my man.  What if they all simply voted for him because they didn't like the idea of voting for the other corrupt candidate?  Given Hillary's moral character, are you willing to say that she was the principled candidate and morally correct choice out of the 2?  In my opinion,The 2 party system is a joke and a theatrical shit show and those that feed into it's tribalism are missing the forest for the trees.  



    I have no attachment to the Democrats, but holy hell are you dumb. 

    One side gets it. One is a farce.You decide which is which. 

  14. On 10/25/2019 at 6:07 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    nd because he’s playing tic-tac-toe instead of chess, he won’t realize how many Senators and Reps facing re-election next year will be putin a bind.   

    Maybe the best post in this entire thread.

  15. 2 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    i'll probably believe it. 

    now when he comes out and claims we killed him again 5-6 more times before election day, i may start doubting things.

    I just do not believe anything this moron says. That's pretty sad that we can't trust a damn thing our president says.

  16. China is not airing the opening night games in the NBA. The loss for the next 3-4 years will be significant for the NBA, but fuck those oppressive communist bastards. Do the right thing Adam Silver and tell them to fuck off. I do not believe he'll do that.

    I am so disappointed in this league. I absolutely supported them going after social injustices. LeBron showing that money was his god, while hanging the citizens of Hong Kong out to dry, made me do an about face. Just sad how money corrupts everything.

  17. The Jets can be angry that it was aired, but it's still funny and they look ridiculous defending it. In this market, especially, he just said something you should never say when you know your comments are being recorded. He looks weak and lost and no team wants their leader to look like that. Being that this is the Jets you can book it that this will not end well. Adam Gase being the head coach should hammer that one home.

    • Like 1
  18. 23 minutes ago, Wally Pryor said:

    There's maybe 3 or 4 QBs in the league, total, that wouldn't look silly against this defense.  Pats have 2 corners that shut down both sides of the field.  Essentially leaving Belichick with 8 guys to play within 5 to 6 yards of the LOS.  You want a recipe for a QB, pretty much any QB, to look for ghosts?  This is it.

    Darnold threw for 350 yards last weekend against a decent / competence defense. The Pats defense is a notch above that and will pretty much toy with any QB in this league.

    50 yards and five turnovers in three quarters at home.  He's definitely a Jet. 

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