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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 16 minutes ago, aggie08 said:

    He played great in beating Dallas last week.  That was his only game since Week 1.  But, yeah, this game isn't going to give Jets' fans much optimism.

    I just do not see why anyone has an optimistic opinion of him. I do not have anything against him as a person, but man sometimes you can just tell what a bust looks like. 

  2. 18 minutes ago, Wally Pryor said:

    No, he's not atrocious, at all. 

    34 yards. Two interceptions, a ridiculous fumble and telegraphing his throws all night. Hell I just turned to my friend and said he's going to Anderson on 4th down. Just too easy to figure out what he is doing. This is just another failed USC QB. I really do not get anyone wanting one from there, especially this franchise. 

  3. 1 minute ago, aggie08 said:

    Gronk still had enough in the tank to open the field up a little bit.

    Gronk will be back. He took off half the season and got to skip training camp. He'll play this season. I was going to go tonight to see this, but the Jets are just not worth paying any amount of money to watch. I'll gladly fork over money for the KC or Dallas game. 

  4. 58 minutes ago, Scraps said:

    Thanks Tony Robbins

    Good job Denny Green. I feel bad for you as a person. I really do. I hope you eventually find a way to enjoy life at some point. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Chad Fuck said:


    The USA is now in the same ballpark as the Argentine and Chilean juntas that would kill protestors and give their kids to military and government officials.



    We have abandoned any democratic principles at this point. We are governed by gutless un-American clowns right now. This is just so sad to witness.

  6. 18 hours ago, Scraps said:



    Great call


    Awesome. I took a position and stuck to it. If anything you ought to be praising Helobious right now since he predicted what happened. The bullpen was completely overworked because of no starters giving them a regular string of quality starts. 

    That pen was built to shutdown the final three innings. It never materialized. That's baseball. Again try and live a happier life than the one you currently have. Your needing to feed of off opposings fans grief is just silly, especially when the one you focus on saw the writing on the wall after game four.

    I congratulated one of the Astros fans I met at the game today. He seemed like a good guy and I hope his guys get him title number two in team history. I really do not get your animosity, at all. I think if you actually sat down and watched a game with me or any other fan who makes it out to a bunch of games you might realize we are all basically the same folks.

  7. 8 hours ago, Pancho said:


    Could be? These stupid motherfuckers by and large stood by quietly while people are murdered. People who have been our most loyal allies. Fuck every last diplomat who has not resigned. Fuck every last person with an R by their name who let this happen. Blood is on your hands. You will not get off scot-free on this. 

  8. It is almost to the point where none of this matters. Our Republic is burning to the ground while one side cheers it on. The abject stupidity of 1/3 of this country is astounding. It's the kind of mental instability that needs to be shunned and set ablaze at every opportunity.

    Some of you should go see JoJo Rabbit when it makes it to theatres where you live. I watched it twice and was fortunate enough to get a ticket to the Q&A showing this morning and listened to Taika Waititi say that it's fucking sad that the world needs to be reminded once again of white nationalists and nazis and he wished it was a movie that never needed to be made. This is where we are now. We never learn. We never, ever fucking learn. 


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  9. On 7/25/2019 at 4:42 AM, Buzzrock said:

    There are very few people who I think could successfully tackle a satire about Hitler. TW is pretty much top of the list. In.

    He absolutely nailed it. He was asked how much he researched Hitler and he said someone gave him a book to read about him. He read the back cover and said that was all he needed to know. 

    He also was asked about this being a timely movie because of the resurgence of nazis here and other parts of the world. He said he thought it was sad that he had to make a fucking movie about them to remind people again about what they did. 

    • Like 1
  10. I watched the movie again this morning and as soon as it was done Taika come in and did a 20-25 minute Q&A. He came off as very affable and cool. One of the questions about scenes with a butterfly in it wound up being pretty funny. He explained several of the scenes and why he did them the way he did.

    He said it was odd walking around on the set all day dressed like Hitler and that he asked someone to hurry and get something one day during shooting. He said he stopped himself and told them it wasn't an order and he was just asking and wasn't trying to be a dictator on the set because he's a New Zealander and is too nice to be like that to someone...lol. 



  11. 12 hours ago, Helobious said:

    I tried, I can’t do it. I can’t fucking let Edwin Encarnacistrikeout dictate anything about my life, even something as meaningless as posting on an internet message board. I am a man of my word, always, when it’s convenient. I don’t feel bad breaking a bet I made only with myself. He literally has ONE fucking hit this whole series. ONE. As in one more than I have.

    UpperWest is a good guy and a smart baseball fan, and his cuddles & rainbows outlook is one I wish I had in my frustrating life. I can’t just stand by & let the Astros fans eat him alive. You guys are jerks. I want the Astros to lose this series, and if not I want the Nationals to mudhole their ass and curbstomp Orbit on live television. I want to see a young Astros fan crying on TV. It would bring me joy.


    Your kind words are cool boss. I hope you can get to where I got with sports. They are supposed to be enjoyed. I love baseball. It is ingrained in who I am. It is such a beautiful game. When I was younger I used to be like Scraps and go apeahit over this stuff and want to find opposing fans to shit on. That's not fun anymore. I used the be that fan. It's not a good look. 

    I also want to say this. I think some Yankee fans went way too far in taunting Greinke before Game 4. I am all for giving guys shit and trashing them and messing with them like the Twins pitcher. I have said here that Greinke's battle with his anxiety would undo him. Well he went out and kicked New York's ass in Game 4.

    There is nothing funny about a person dealing with depression and anxiety. I think Greinke is a damn fine human being and I wish him the best. It really hurt to see him being attacked like that before his start. Sometimes we should all take a step back and remember these are just guys like us living out their dream playing a game all of us want to still play. Talk shit and mess with the opponent, but no when enough is enough. 

  12. 7 hours ago, Mojo Hand said:

    I think she's a useful idiot and Russia is  backing her any way they can.   I don't think she's purposely colluding, but you can be an intelligence "asset" without realizing it. 

    This is the correct answer. She is a moron who has no clue she is being used by a foreign adversary. Listening to her talk about anything of substance is like listening to Michael Scott giving out love advice. 

  13. I watched it this evening. A friend said this was going to be really good and damned if it wasn't the best movie I have seen in God knows how long.

    The cast and crew did two Q&A's after the showings at Lincoln Square. You had to have a separate ticket to get in though. Luckily they have an 11:30 Q&A and it was sold out, but I checked several times tonight to see if someone dropped their reservation and I was able to get a front row seat for this. I would highly recommend seeing this if you have the opportunity to do so. It was hilarious, but man it really got time a few times as well and a great movie will do that.

    • Like 3
  14. 23 minutes ago, Scraps said:
    45 minutes ago, UpperWestside said:
    You take all of this stuff seriously. Houston has the better team, by far. That's readily apparent to Stevie Wonder. Enjoy the Fall Classic. I'll enjoy watching it if I can and I'll be looking forward to next April. I just enjoy being around baseball fans. Hell the first game I ever went to was an Astros game. 

    Read more  

    Still laughing because you don't get it. Go give Helo a handy

    I think you really need to just enjoy life and realize it is just baseball. Christ have fun and live life. Just enjoy baseball and remember it is a game. The older I get the more that sinks in and the less fucks I give about the outcome. 

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  15. 35 minutes ago, Scraps said:


    Your statement was dumb.

    Laughed at it.



    You take all of this stuff seriously. Houston has the better team, by far. That's readily apparent to Stevie Wonder. Enjoy the Fall Classic. I'll enjoy watching it if I can and I'll be looking forward to next April. I just enjoy being around baseball fans. Hell the first game I ever went to was an Astros game. 

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