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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 2 minutes ago, Guadaloopy said:

    He’d still say no.  Cole is headed west.  Plenty enough cash out there to match his personal preferences.   

    Were it me I would take money from the Angels or Dodgers and enjoy Socal and call it a day. He is definitely setup for a huge payday from a new team. 

  2. I only was able to see the first 4 innings. The Yanks wasted opportunities against a guy that will destroy you if you do. When they were down 2-0 against Cole I said it might as well be 10. That is just a bad man doing some me really filthy things with a baseball right now. Hope the Yanks offer him 40 million a year over 6 this off-season...lol. 

  3. The face of the NBA comes out with that ridiculous statement. Great job LeBron. I like that NBA players have more freedom to speak about social injustice, but holy hell did he just blow it with that absurd statement.

    • Like 1
  4. Just now, GabrielsHorn said:

    These refs are out of control. We need to actually have some punishment for them as it’s getting to the point that it is ruining the games. 

    My friend has the game on and I see why I don't watch the NFL. Trey Flowers got screwed big time. You have to suspend that official for those two atrociously awful calls for at least 4 games that just handed Green Bay the game. Never had a single call against him in his career before tonight. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I'm pretty sure he's referring to the Washington Nationals, who are currently pushing the St. Louis Cardinals' collective stool in (much to my chagrin).

    Yep your guys are taking it dry right now.

  6. 1 minute ago, Irwin F Fletcher said:

    I watched Mattis on Meet the Press on Sunday, you can read him pretty well. I respect him as a career Marine and choosing to stay above the fray, as a military officer should is the right decision, frustrating as it may be. 


    All that said, his body language, what he answered and the way he answered questions that he couldn't comment on left no doubt that he believes the President is unfit to hold office. While we all would like for him to come out and say that, his position really does impede him from doing so.

    I get all of that. I have no disrespect for Mattis and the 50 years of service he provided to our country.

    At the end of the day it amounts to nothing when the country you served has abandoned whatever Democratic principles and ideals we once adhered to and embraced being a fascist state run by a grifting wanna be totalitarian POS. At that point something should awaken in any normal human being to say enough is enough. Mattis has a platform none of us have. I would like to believe that any of us here who oppose Dotard would do the right thing. Maybe we would or maybe we would remian quiet because tradition dictates it. I really hope Mattis uses his voice for the good of people around the world that we are shitting all over becaise Dotard is happy to acquiesce to despots everytime he gets a shiny new object put in from of him by someone like Erdogan. 

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I don’t buy the police state thing, but the first sentence accurately describes a lot of the US today.   

    We never though it would be us because we never thought we would have people in charge that are this inherently evil. Not just bad people, but evil comic book villian level assholes. We have that in spades at the moment. Again we have had shitty human beings run this country before, but we crossed that red line that we did not think we would nor did the rest of the world see us doing it either. 

  8. 12 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    Mattis is old school and won't talk about his old boss, Trump for now other than to warn that it will lead to a resurgence of ISIS (per The Guardian) but I bet he is really not happy about this.He met with the Kurdish leadership right after the President took office.

    At a certain point there has to be something that triggers some kind of human emotion in them to just step up to the damn plate and tell the world that they do not agree with what he is doing and that it is not just wrong, but criminally and morally wrong. 

    This old school way of thinking is ridiculous. Either you take a stand publicly with the platform afforded to you or you stay on the sidelines and nod in agreement with this shit. It is only a hard decision for those who have comfortable lives they do not want to see disrupted. No matter how much progress we make as humans we always have a willing flock of idiots who are okay with nightmare scenario type stuff because it benefits their team. 

    • Like 2
  9. I do not know how any of our allies can believe a single thing we say about human rights and just basic human decency toward those who need our help after what the world has witnessed since January 2017 (I am just using that date as a starting point since it is when Dotard took control.).

    We are openly acknowledging the massacre of the Kurds as no big deal with our silence. Every last one of you assholes who cheer this bastard on should feel some shame, but you don't because who gives a shit about a bunch of people half a world away. You worthless clowns don't even care about the refugees at our own southern border.

    • Like 2
  10. 11 hours ago, Helobious said:

    I just noticed game 3 is at 3pm on Tuesday. Who the fuck thought of that? Lots of competitive programming on Tuesday night? Jesus I might only be able to watch the last 2 or 3 innings if I’m lucky. Bullshit.

    This happened when I went to one of the ALCS games two years ago. I do not know why any network wants to schedule one of these games like this here, but whatever. 

  11. 12 minutes ago, futureman said:

    27-24 jets

    The J-E-T-S have 39 points this season. If they score 27 I think the league should just cancel the rest of the season. Then again never underestimate the worst thing Jason Garrett could do. 

    • Like 1
  12. I am honestly curious about people like Emaw. The human mind is fascinating, but I will never fully grasp how people attach themselves to despots like Dotard.

    How does the mind fully let go of reality to embrace a fictional world? I mean this is what the rest of us are dealing with right now. 63 million Americans voted for a grifting con-man who is actively stealing from them. That number is almost stupifying, but whatever. What is the breaking point in the mind for rubes like Emaw to where they just say "fuck it this is good". 

  13. 7 hours ago, EMAWesome said:

    You want to know one of the main reasons I support Trump? 



    NOBODY wanted to know why. NOBODY here cares why. The moment you said you supported him you outed yourself as a completely irredeemable piece of shit that deserves every single awful thing that happens to you. Find a Breitbart article to comment on instead of being a complete waste of space here. 

    • Like 3
  14. I also want to say that outside of Stanton that the one guy in this series who can beat the ever loving shit out of a baseball at a moment's notice is Yordan. I saw him do it in a game here this year. Among the young sluggers I have seen the last couple of years the two who most impressed me were Yordan and Soto from the Nats. Both are incredibly talented. 

  15. 3 hours ago, spystud13 said:

    Hold up, Giancarlo is worse than Hou’s Corpus LF. Swear I read that somewhere. 

    You know I am okay with Helo's pessimistic assessments. I hear this same stuff at the stadium whenever someone is in a slump. It's just frustrating watching your guy suck for long stretches at times. 

  16. On 10/11/2019 at 12:12 AM, TexArcher said:

    Yeah, the Achilles heel for the Yankee bullpen is all those walks.  We have some guys who will take them (Bregman, Brantley, Yordan) and some who will chase (Springer, Correa, sometimes Altuve).  

    The point I was trying to make above is that a starter can get blown up for 3 runs in the first and the team can still win the game, especially if the other starter is suspect.  When a bullpen implodes, it's much harder to overcome.  And asking any bullpen to pitch 4 or 5 scoreless innings 4 times against this Astros lineup seems like a big ask.  And of course you've got to get the lead first.

    This is gonna be a fun series.  There's a lot to talk about here.

    I appreciate reading that kind of response. I don't disagree with any of that. I should have responded before game one started though. 

    Boone, Larry Rothschild (The pitching coach) and Cashman are asking those four, and I should probably include Chad Green, to do something no bullpen has ever been asked to do. Ottavino and Britton especially will walk guys. 

    Tonight they were the beneficiary of Tanaka pitching exactly like he has so far in his postseason career. I still believe this comes down to a first ballot hall of famer in Verlander and Cole, who is as electric on the mound as anyone in baseball, vs the Yankee bullpen. Houston will hit far better later on tonight in Game 2 and the Yanks will have to show they can man up against those two starters.

    This stuff is what makes baseball so damn fun. I love October baseball and thoroughly enjoy a series like this one with so many stars playing in it. Getting on that 4 train and heading to the Bronx for a postseason game is so damn fun. The anticipation for the games reminds me of why I love this game so much. I realize that Astros fans probably feel the same about their home games as well. Just a great time of the year for those of us who love this sport. 

  17. 50 minutes ago, midtown said:

    Called me shocked.. Really didn't see this coming but I'm loving it

    I thought that this is the guy the Yanks could definitely get to. Tanaka, despite a mediocre regular season, has been very good in October so far in his career. 

    The next two games could be brutal with Verlander and Cole starting. This is where the Yanks see how much they progressed from two years ago. 

  18. 2 hours ago, Helobious said:

    @UpperWestside that’s why I don’t bet on sports. Stanton already proved me wrong.

    Ha. I do it only occasionally. Stanton guesses a good bit when he's struggling, but when he connects there is no doubt about where the ball is landing.

    Just one game for the Savages. I will stick to them winning in six, but baseball is a funny sport at times. 

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