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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 18 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    It’s like us dissecting the distinguished career of ja happ. 

    I have no idea how Happ has a job pitching in the majors. Nice guy, but the worst possible pitcher for this park. He's been Sonny Gray part 2. 

  2. 21 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    astros are 13-4 at home over their last 3 postseasons including 4-0 against the yankees in 2017.  the twins pitcher that got completely rocked in game 2 of the alds was in high a ball when the season started.  you're a fool if you think the twins are anything like the astros.

    The one who complained wasn't the Uber driver who started that game. He was too busy getting newlywed sex after the game.

    Tyler Duffey was the guy complaining. He was the one whose nerves failed him when Didi hit that granny. 

  3. 1 minute ago, TexArcher said:



    Vegas isn't in the prediction business.  All they care about is getting the same amount of money on both side so the winners pay the losers and the house takes the juice with no risk.

    This sounds about right for an opening line.  The Yankees' starters are a concern, folks.  And a lot of people see Garret Cole 18-0 since May and wonder how the Yankees are gonna win 4 of the other 5.  I'm not saying it's right, but there needs to be value in picking the Yankees for neutral bettors.

    That's a really good and accurate explanation on Vegas.

    The Yankee starters are very concerning. I would rank them in order of Tanaka, Seve and Paxton. If CC makes the ALCS roster I would have him 4th if they have him start. Sad to see him go out on such a low note. Again though the Stros  and Yanks have wildly different expectations with their starting rotation .

  4. Just now, ztejas said:

    Please both of you cut the horseshit. The Yankees haven't made a world series in 10 years. If anything they have pressure to do it. 

    And this is coming from someone that relishes any chance to say "fuck the Astros".

    Well no shit they have pressure to make the world series. That really just goes without saying here. 

  5. 7 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    That's pretty silly.  I'm assuming your quote (source?) was about not wanting to pitch for the Yankees.  A lot of players don't want to play there, and it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with mental toughness.

    I think Sabathia said it best about pitching in the Bronx. "Those pinstripes aren't for everyone."

    Sonny Gray was eaten alive here recently. He could not function as a professional pitcher in front of those fans. I saw some of his starts. It was brutal. Greinke was mentally not ready to pitch here. And that's alright. Some guys like to be in low-key environments. We are all humans and we are all very different. I won't fault him for shying away from the Bronx. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    guess vegas hasn’t done their due diligence re: best bullpen of all time; greinke’s mental toughness. 

    greinke will go 1/5 and i don’t see why cole and jv would be fatigued pitching all their games on regular rest.

    but hey why not. 

    I am no bettor to be sure, but lines seem to be placed depending upon the action of the bets. 

  7. Danny Dimes and his ridiculous nickname can eat shit. Outscored 63-17 when you take out the defensive TD. You put him on some shithole NFL team like the Dolphins or Bengals and he is out of this league in three years. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    Here's the thing, though.  If the Yankees can only count on 4 or 5 innings from their starters, they're going to be asking 3 or 4 relievers to ALL be on, every night, to win games.  Any one has an off night and they're cooked.  That's tougher than asking Cole, JV, or Greinke to go pitch 7 or 8 strong.  Hell, Cole hasn't lost in 5 months.

    And the gap between the Yankees' bullpen and the Astros' bullpen isn't as big as people think.  The Yankees have 4 good relievers and the Astros have 3.  

    The gap between the Astros' starters and the Yankees' starters is much bigger.

    And starting pitching tends to win 7-game series.

    I just think those four are good in a way we might not have really seen before in a modern bullpen. 

    Ottavino will scare you with the walks he issues. Chapman has issues more regularly than in the past to be sure. Early in the season the damn Tigers got him to blow a save so anything is possible after witnessing that...lol. 

    I feel like it comes down to Verlander and Cole vs. those four guys. Cole looks like a guy the Yanks should throw 35 million plus a year at this off-season. Just a damn man on a mission out there everytime he takes the bump. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    i appreciate the overview, i don't spend much time following the regular season or past seasons.

    i would counter and say that's it's about whether the astros actually hit.  if we do, it's over in 5 or 6.

    if the yankees depend on getting 4-5 innings out of their pen every game, it's not gonna end well for them.

    I think Boone wants five innings from their starters. Anything above that seems to be a bonus. Paxton appears to be their wildcard. No idea how he responds to the pressure for the first time. 

    Boone really does a good job connecting with the players. That whole audio thing that was caught of him calling his hitters Fucking Savages in that box ingratiated him to the team. They may not win this series, but Boone has done a great job with a revolving door of players all season. 

    Houston hitters can mash, but the Yanks also excel at putting up crooked numbers. Pitching will decide it I believe. 

  10. 6 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    can they make it a full five?


    is britton healthy?  i heard chapman was, but hadn't heard about britton yet.

    Britton is good. Chapman has had issues this year, but he seems to rise to the occasion when necessary. The Yanks biggest strength is their pen. Having two closers and then two high energy guys like Brooklyn's own Ottavino and Kahnle is a big advantage. Verlander and Cole have to be lights out in their starts I believe for Houston to win.

    The hitters almost always get top billing, but this series is all about Houston's rotation vs. the Yanks pen. That is what will decide it. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    They’re dropping receipts!

    "I talked to Prince last week. Little guy who had some great stories about his time in whatever the great beyond is. Totally gave me permission to use his music which is completely legal and cool."

  12. 2 minutes ago, 406W30th said:

    Or if he had to answer a single question about the Constitution. 

    "A lot of people are telling me the Constitution is outdated. Many people are in fact saying that. This big guy, really large and muscular man approached me last week crying and said how much he hates what the constitution has done to me.

    I issued an executive order banning the constitution after talking to that big, brave, crying Patriot American. Everyone is saying how great it is that I did that."

  13. Hi Dotard enthusiasts! Your favorite president sides with Russia again. I am in favor of deporting every single fucking one of you that cast a vote for him to Siberia. None of you have a single redeeming quality. You deserve to live out your days shoveling snow in a Siberian hellhole. 

    • Like 4
  14. 1 minute ago, Helobious said:

    The bullpen is good, but nothing is promised with Chapman on the mound. He’s the furthest thing from a shutdown closer there is. But if he happens to be on, it’s lights out. Otto was also unimpressive in limited ALDS work, he needs to turn it around.

    No hyperbole here, if I was Boone I’d strongly consider batting Stanton 9th or benching him entirely. He’s easily the worst hitter on the team (at the moment) & he has no hope of finding himself against Houston pitching. He’s just missed too much time this year. I’m fast approaching Jayson Nix-levels of hate for the dude. He draws walks from pitchers scared to challenge him due to his reputation, little do they know if they actually tried he’d be helpless. I don’t gamble, but $50 on Stanton not recording an extra base hit during the series would be free money. He fucking sucks /rant.

    Okay I will address the rest of this later, but I'll take your bet on Giancarlo. Deal? I'll venmo you 50 if he doesn't get one and vice versa. 

  15. 10 minutes ago, DaysOff said:
    1 hour ago, UpperWestside said:
    Looks like we're gonna have a great ALCS matchup. Time to buy some tickets. Yankee Stadium in October is the loudest place in the majors. 

    How can you stand all those fucking guidos

    I enjoy it out there and that's a somewhat stereotypical thing to say. There's a bunch of Dominicans at the games and they fucking love baseball just as much as anyone else. They get really loud and make it a living hell for their opponent. Yankee Stadium in games that actually matter is the best pro stadium in any sport in America. It's wild and that's pretty damn fun to be a part of. 

    Most of the Guidos are too busy hanging out in Howard Beach or Long Island to come up to the Bronx for a game anyhow. 😁

    • Like 1
  16. 8 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    Picked the Yankees in 4. My dream ideal scenario is Yankees in 5, with lone loss being a perfect game by Cole. Really want it driven home to Cashman & the Steinbros how stupid it is to penny-pinch when you have more money than anyone. They need to get Cole in the offseason. 

    I will take them in six games. I think the bullpen is the deciding factor in this series. The Yanks have one of the best ever assembled. The starters just need to go five and turn it over to Ottavino, Kahnle, Britton and Chapman. It is far easier said than done to pull that off, but I think that is the plan Boone has for this series. He does not have the horses in the starting rotation that Houston does. 

  17. 23 minutes ago, Gardner Barnes said:



    He is going to pardon everyone involved, and then some, including himself, and then dare the Supreme Court to disallow it.



    I want to see whatever Democratic candidate that beats him in 2020 use the full force of the department of Justice to investigate every single damn person who defrauded this country and for actual criminal charges to be filed against Dotard and all the way down to whomever the low man or woman on the totem pole is.

    I think John Roberts would relish overturning every single pardon Dotard would issue. 

    • Like 2
  18. 1 minute ago, PenelopeWitherspoon said:
    14 minutes ago, UpperWestside said:
    Looks like we're gonna have a great ALCS matchup. Time to buy some tickets. Yankee Stadium in October is the loudest place in the majors. 

    Fuck the Yankees. Go Astros. And I might have to get ALCS tix myself for game 3, 4 of 5 (if needed).

    Those three games will be fun. The series will be decided back in Houston after that. If you were there two years ago then you full well know what to expect as an Astros fan in the Bronx in October. Helluva atmosphere for baseball. 

  19. 13 hours ago, Js1 said:

    Meh, if some nutjob kills him, we don't get the satisfaction of a) seeing him lose, b) watching him stand there and pout as Liz Warren takes the oath of office or c) watching him get dragged off to prison with Don Jr. and The Kush while Melania flees to Europe with Barron and Ivanka goes into witness protection. Oh, and D) witnessing millions of Trumpkins simultaneously stroke out next November. 

    I absolutely want this piece of shit have to watch how badly he is going to get beat next November. I would like that to be followed by the state of New York issuing a warrant for his arrest for tax evasion the day he leaves office.

    Then I would like to see him arrested again for treason committed against the United States for conspiring with a foreign power to win in 2016. I want that asshole to live to be a 110 and have to suffer every single fucking moment until then.

    • Like 6
  20. The biggest point of any of this still remains this.

    New York absolutely despises Dotard. They will gladly prosecute him. They will have the goods on him. He will not skate free on this. Every dumb thing has done will come to light in this investigation. That may sound simplistic, but Dotard is reviled in a way that few others are here. 

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