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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 10 hours ago, A-Tex Devil said:

    This is getting crazy.  

    From a Chinese state broadcaster, CCTV: ""We're strongly dissatisfied and oppose Adam Silver's claim to support Morey's right to freedom of expression.  We believe that any remarks that challenge national sovereignty and social stability are not within the scope of freedom of speech."

    Um.... in China, perhaps.  

    The NBA may have mis-stepped at the outset, but would be pretty cool to see them hold their ground here.  The NBA certainly wants China as an ally, but China doesn't have an alternative either.  The NBA can just refocus their marketing cannon on India at this point.  China can deal with the teenagers in Harden jerseys burning flags on Renren.


    If Silver had a spine he would tell these worthless pieces of shit to keep their money and move on to a country like India. 

    China is going to have to be dealt with by a Western Alliance in the next 10 years or so. Eventually the American military will intervene and it will not be a fun time for humans as a whole because it will show the complete annihilation of a foreign adversary we have at our disposal. I do like this eventual outcome, but humans will always default to destroying those not in their group when push comes to shove. The shove the US Military can provide is not a fun time for anyone. 

    I do not want to see it happen because it just means risking the lives of the young for the goals and objectives of the old, but a war with them as our enemy on a battlefield seems inevitable. 

  2. 22 hours ago, Michael Knight said:

    This is what its like to not be the most powerful country in the world, before everyone had to  worry about offending us. Everyone feared losing that American money but now China wears the big boy pants and you can thank the millions of Trump voters for that. In the past if anyone like China had dared to threaten an American corporation the adult in the WH would call them up and tell them to back off, but now we have an idiot child in charge. The future is only going to get worse.

    2020 is important. No need to underscore it because we all know it. Whatever Democrat gets the nomination and wins needs to make it priority one to remind China that we can and will destroy the way of life for the elite in that country. 

    I do not like advocating violence, but these bastards are torturing and killing people who want to be free. I have no sympathy for anyone like Xi. Anyone who does is just a shitty human being. He deserves to sit next to Dotard in the 7th Circle of Hell for the atrocities he has willingly committed. 

  3. 1 hour ago, TexEx15 said:

    Foreign policy with national security implications being handled via Twitter.  Trump’s administration is the ou of administrations.

    Great job Lindsey. Glad you stopped sucking Dotard's mushroom long enough to post that.

    What a fucking fraud. We are going to see those Kurds get massacred and we'll be whistling Dixie (With this administration you can count on it) the whole time. My God we are the actual Evil Empire. What a shameful and embarrassing joke we have become under our new normal. 

  4. 5 hours ago, workswithseed said:


    I do not think that Fuck China can be said enough. I wish the absolute worst upon that cesspool of a regime led by a fat fuck who looks like a morbidly obese Winnie the Pooh. 

    • Like 1
  5. 6 hours ago, Foosters said:

    Not only not intervene, you have people on this site urging the NBA to shut up and appease China so as not to hurt the bottom line.


    Money means more to the part of the human race that can change things than the people suffering. 

  6. I don't believe this is anything not already known, but did anyone really think it would not end like that? They just cannot pitch that well. The Astros and Rays can pitch really well and are better built to deal with this lineup. 

  7. 2 hours ago, DigglerontheHoof said:

    I guess this means I will continue to not watch the NBA.

    The NBA was a big part of my childhood and early adult years as well. That none of these spineless bastards has the balls to speak up because they are afraid of the hit to their pocketbook is shameful and embarrassing. LeBron, Steph, Harden and several others should be stepping up to the plate on this. Instead we get Harden selling out. What a bitch move on his part as well as the others who give no shits about what these human beings are suffering through.

    We are all human beings and to know that money is the deciding factor for guys who are already millionaires and billionaires many times over is just sad. I do not like the Rockets and their bullshit style of basketball, but to see their GM basically have to give a statement we might see from a hostage in Beirut praising their captors is a bridge too far for me. I hope Fertitta gets mowed down by a rickshaw at some point and that all his shitty chain restaurants wind up failing. 

    • Like 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, immortal13 said:

    No one cares if you watch football or not

    I do not care if anyone cares. Let these idiots kill one another on the field. They know the risks. Players from the past were not fully aware of all the damage they were taking. This current group of morons do though. If they die it is on them for playing when all empirical evidence days it is not wise to play this sport. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    What is the best strategy with a narcissist, though? The twitter thread I read from a former lawyer who has dealt with people like Trump, talks of walking away but this is not a case where you can or should do that. So how do you get traction here? How do they go after him when not everyone is interested in doing that? Everyone in DC has an agenda, but DJ really just has one agenda and it's pretty simple. That is why he is so good at it.

    You repeatedly go after him. 9am? Go after him. Just got through with a business lunch at 1pm? Go after him. You punch that fat fucking retard in the mouth the moment he starts uttering bullshit on Twitter. He is a coward and he will back down. This is not the time to try and be civil or be business as usual when it comes to the shitshow in the oval office. 

    • Like 3
  10. 37 minutes ago, Message Board User said:

    It's sad that the Steelers, known throughout NFL history and recent times for fair play and clean tackling, would be the recipient of such a cheap shot.


    I do not feel bad for any of these guys taking kill shots anymore. They know the inherent danger and choose to play. If they want to take their life into their own hands go for it. I watch almost no football anymore. The players get what they deserve by playing this brutal game. 

  11. 28 minutes ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    For a bunch of cynics, many of you seem to believe that public officials are going to do the right thing.

    I have no qualms in believing they will do whatever suits them politically. 

    Nancy Pelosi is closer in birth to the only football title the Ags have than the end of the Korean War. She does whatever suits her politically. It is infuriating to me. That bitch has maybe 10-15 years left on Earth and she wastes it trying to run out the clock on Dotard. I want politicians who give no fucks and will go right after someone like Dotard. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

    The Sunday shows would be so much better if the host could shock the guest, or release attack dogs, even dump bags of novelty goop. At least then there might be a moment of hesitation before they start lying and you can only see a shadow where the soul used to be.

    I would pay good money to see a pack of wolves on the set that are let loose as soon as the person talking starts lying. 

    "Congressman Jordan our president asked for help from China and Ukraine in investigating a potential 2020 nominee? What are your thoughts?

    Well first off the fake" 

    Unleash the wolves.

    • Like 2
  13. https://deadspin.com/daryl-morey-tweets-support-for-hong-kong-protestors-ro-1838805656

    This is a good article that links the Rockets owner to all of the political stances he has taken. I mean, you know, with the Rockets organization committed to not taking political stances. It will shock no one on here to find out what he supports. 

    Adam Silver needs to step up and grow a backbone and tell China to fuck off as well. He won't because of the money though. I hope some of the players get involved in this like LeBron and others. If you are going to fight for equality in America when it comes to human rights for all you sure as hell better step up when your fans across the globe are getting shit on by a dictatorship. 

    • Like 4
  14. On 10/1/2019 at 12:52 PM, GRHorn said:

    Bloomberg obviously bought and paid for. His mouth = Xi Cock Holster 


    That is completely embarrassing to watch. The woman interviewing him needs to be at Dotard's next impromptu press briefing. I mean holy hell how does he believe a single word he said in that exchange?

  15. 7 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    On the “Name this band” thing, this tweet is amazing.

    Somehow Dotard is only the 3rd most obese person in that one. Barr looks to be a rack of ribs away from a heart attack. 

  16. 16 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    I thought Junior, Eric, Ivanka, and Tiffany were his half-siblings, not his step-siblings?  

    You really want to feel sorry for somebody in that family though, feel bad for Donald Trump III, Junior's 10 year old kid.  The shitheap legacy his grandpa and father are projecting onto that kid will hang around his neck for another 70 years.  Poor kid, at least his father got to squeeze some good times outta the family name before it all went up in flames.  This kid was basically fucked from 1st grade until death.  That can't be good.  

    I feel no sympathy for any of them. I think we all have a natural inclination to feel sad for the kids in situations like this. However, this family has wrought so much destruction upon this country in such a short amount of time that I do not feel bad about not caring about any of them.

    They are a collection of grifters. The apples did not fall far from Dotard's tree and there is no reason to believe that the next generation of this white collar trailer trash family will be any different. The day Barron or Dotard III come of age and denounce what their family has done I will gladly eat crow. There is a better chance of the Knicks winning the title in the 21st century than that ever happening. Barron gets to learn from a gold digging bitch of a mother and a sperm donor who sold our country out to make money. When that is who you have as examples I am not feeling real hopeful that he will turn out good. 

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  17. 23 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    I & every yankee fan alive wants the Astros. Take a look at Pinstripe Alley or Replacement Level Yankee Blog if you don’t believe me. It’s been Yankees-Astros all year in the AL, it’s always been clear it would come down to those two. Vengeance time. 

    I'm excited for it. I was at Game 4 in 2017 and I have never heard a game get as loud as that one did when they came back from 4-0. People look at Yankee Stadium as not being a place that gets extremely loud, but it does and it's a damn fun place to watch baseball. 

  18. 4 minutes ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:


    Trying to convince others that Rick Perry is the conniving mastermind who forced you into making a phone call is probably not a good strategy, either. But what do I know?

    It would be pretty funny if Goodhair is his downfall. 

  19. 6 hours ago, 4th&Five said:


    I know he's just making shit up because he has nothing better to do, but I hope someone sent him a tweet letting him know that in 2012 Romney got 73 percent of the vote in his home state. Dotard got 45 percent, which was the lowest percentage a Republican presidential candidate got since Bush in 1992. 

  20. The Yanks, outside of some terrible catastrophe, have the far superior bullpen as it stands right now. I'll take Ottavino (Brooklyn native), Kanhle, Britton and Chapman 95 percent of the time. Still a damn fun game to watch do far. Minny is battling far better than the wildcard in 2017. 

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