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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. Berrios is sitting on 87 pitches after 4. No way he pitches after the 5th. Watching him live he has been overwhelmed by nerves. Not shocking because it's rough opening in the Bronx. I am just glad everyone showed up early and ready to cheer tonight. This is not the usual this season. 

  2. Neither of the starters has looked good this far. The hoser has not been able to keep the ball in the park so far. Berrios is going 5 innings Max and so is Paxton. The Twins hit like the shirt I have on tonight in right field. They look like Fucking Savages in that box so far!

  3. 4 minutes ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    I mean, it would be pretty fucking shocking if they beat the Astros, and this Astros team didn’t make it past the ALDS. But, you know, baseball.

    It really would not be shocking. Tampa has a very unique team that can beat the big payrolls of the sport. Hitting this many homers tonight is nuts though. 

  4. 27 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    60% of Republicans, despite the memo saying he mentioned Joe Biden and Trump himself not denying he talked about Biden, still believe Trump didn't mention Biden in the call. 

    We live in a country full of people that have been brain-washed by a guy who has a barely functioning mind. This is just incredible. 60 freaking percent have put on permanent blinders. There is no saving any of them. 

  5. 13 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    lulz at lumping border wall in like its part of the bill of rights. 

    I had to just laugh at that part. What isn't laughable though is the millions of people who read that tweet and agree with him completely. 

  6. On 9/30/2019 at 7:21 PM, Helobious said:

    Trout is so valuable that he’s never played on a team that’s accomplished anything. 9 seasons in the bigs and nothing to show for it but fancy sabermetric numbers. Not even so much as 1 playoff victory. 

    In my unbiased opinion DJ Lamahieu should win it. Strong case for Bergman too. 

    I take Lamahieu. Not because he is a Yankee, but because without him they do not win the division. He can play any position in the infield and give you Gold Glove caliber defense. I told a friend when the Yanks signed him that it was the best signing they had made this winter and their best in a long, long time. 

    They did not initially have him leading off, but once he attained that spot in the order everything fell into place. Nothing against the other players, but Lamahieu was more valuable to the Yanks than any player in the game this year was to their team due to the litany of injuries they had throughout the season.

    He's the glue guy and was the difference in just another wild-card appearance versus winning the division. I guess we'll see how he holds up to the pressure of October baseball in the Bronx. I think he has that rare mentality that can withstand the ridiculous amount of pressure of playing for the Yankees in October. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Wow, Trump's threat of civil war was finally enough to get condemnation from a GOP House Member.  Maybe there is hope for this country yet. 


    When he replaces the word repugnant with "let's impeach this asshole" let me know. Trying to be dignified when you have supported a monster does not make you a good person. 

  8. Just now, Ghost of LL said:

    Agreed—no reason I should have to subsidize Robert Jeffress’ money-making scheme.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I am so tired of it. I believe in God, but these nutjob evangelicals have made me wish Barry Goldwater were here to see his prophetic word be realized. 

    • Like 6
  9. 5 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    No more tax exemptions.

    I just had the tax exemption conversation with my girlfriend 30 minutes ago. She is virulently anti-Dotard, but boy did that not go well...lol. 

  10. 1 hour ago, 4th&Five said:

    He’s already inspired multiple mass murders. He doesn’t give a shit. He cares about himself and that’s it. 

    He doesn't care about anyone outside of Ivanka. Hell he would throw her under the bus to save his ass if and when he has to. 

    The guy is a lunatic. We have a man who has all of the nuclear codes, the person who has more power at his disposal than any human being who ever set foot on this small planet of ours, and that person happens to be not only batshit crazy, but also likely suffering from some form of dementia.

    This is the nightmare scenario. In the 20th and early 21st century we could point to who our main adversary was in regards to wanting to destroy our version of Democracy. That was always a foreign agent or nation. We could point at our threat and focus our attention on it knowing it was not an American (yes we have had spies and defectors as almost every country has) trying to ruin us from within. 

    Now we have a completely illiterate buffoon who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground in charge of everything. This is a turning point for us as a country. We either force those in Washington to do their damn job or we just let our country wander aimlessly. Brisket's airplane crashing into the mountain scenario is not far off the mark. I say that as someone who hopes those who are currently doing the wrong thing decide to put party over country and do what is right, if for no other reason than it being what is best for the majority of this country we all live in. Looking at the current evidence of their actions I do not think they will though and I hope hell has a nice hot seat waiting for them.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    That’s exactly right. There is no rehabilitation. This is what they are. It’s ALL that they are.
    Fuck em all.

    That is the description of a gutless coward. I would love to meet some of these clowns and tell them exactly what I think of them as human beings. Just cowards who give zero shits about our country. 

  12. Man it has been a privilege to watch the King pitch. I remember when Dave Cameron coined him with that nickname on the USSMariner blog. He was electric in a way few guys ever have been on a major league mound. I saw him last season. I had to leave the game when he was up 5-0 at Yankee Stadium. I got home and heard John Sterling's radio call of the Yanks somehow winning. Microcosm of his career with the M's. I saw him again this year in the Bronx. It was utterly sad to see him get shelled. I was watching a broken man out there. It was not fun. 

    I also want to say fuck you to the Mariners front office for consistently surrounding him with garbage when he was in his prime. One of the best pitchers of his generation toiled in obscurity because management couldn't put together a team that could win the PCL. 

    Look for him to resurface in Houston next year and win 15 games if he doesn't just retire. That guy deserves at least one trip to the post-season after everything he endured.

    • Like 1
  13. Not a great deal of excitement this weekend so I'm just following who winds up with the most homers as a team. It was 301-299 Twins coming in, but the Yanks have hit 5 in their home away from home in Arlington and the Twins have two against the Royals so far. We might see another 10 from each team this weekend. 

    Still can't believe that even with a juiced ball that we are seeing two teams go over 300. This is video game stuff. 

  14. 51 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    i could give two shits about secret deals with foreign leaders.

    but he's making secret deals (threats, cough) to try to be in charge for another 4 years, and that, i have a large problem with.

    for anyone thinking "yeah, he might resign", take a minute to realize how many (and what type) of laws he's breaking just to try to win a second term.  he's not going anywhere voluntarily, or quietly.

    I am so damn disgusted with all of this. That he was coercing a foreign leader to help eliminate a possible presidential contender is just batshit crazy in any other timeline, save this one. 

    Folks we have to stand up wherever it is we live at in this country and just say no more. Maybe the effort is futile, but we have to resist this insanity. 

    • Like 2
  15. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    Fuck that people on that list. Jesus this isn't hard. Show some damn conviction and do the right thing. The other option is to be on the wrong side of history and forever be remembered as doing nothing while our Republic burned to the ground because a fat fucking retard ran unchecked and did whatever the hell he wanted. 

  16. Andrew Heaney is definitely making a blooper reel for whatever the heck that throw was. He completely lost control of the baseball. Looked like when Josh Reddick flubbed a throw here earlier in the season. 

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