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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 17 minutes ago, UTexasFight said:

    Just about a perfect weekend for the Astros chasing home field.
    Started 1 back of the Yankees and 3 of the Dodgers
    Ended up tied with the Yankees and 1 back of the Dodgers.

    I looked at the Yanks schedule for September and they have a four game series in Boston. The rest of it playing mediocre to expansion-level teams. This week they get three in Seattle and three in the Bronx with Oakland. That could be a fun series. Oakland went on their run last year after their trip to New York. I have not looked at Houston or LA yet though. 

  2. On 7/10/2019 at 2:01 PM, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Holy Jeebus, the ball is juiced to make more HR's, to get more asses in the seats, to make more money.

    Next topic: why does a $6 beer cost $12 at an MLB game ?

    I don't drink beer, but seeing someone have to pay 15 for a tallboy in the Bronx is nuts. At least they allow you to bring in cokes or water if it is unopened and you can bring snacks in as well. But holy hell the beer prices are ridiculous. 

  3. Good for him. He made a bunch of money and he knows what the sport is doing to his body. You get one shot at life and he does not want to wind up like Jim MacMahon and not know where in the hell he is while out on a routine drive.

    I watch very little football anymore because I have a hard time seeing guys take big hits and knowing that the accumulation of repeated head trauma could lead them to do what Dave Duerson or Junior Seau did. I hope more guys walk away from the game with their health intact. 

  4. 1 hour ago, thestud said:

    And forgive me if this was already posted, but it’s fucking gold and made me giggle


    The credit card fraud is the best. Jim Boeheim completely trashed him a few years back with that as well when Gottlieb was pissing on the Orange. Gottlieb is worthless.

  5. 2 hours ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    This year is the best teams NYY and the Astros have had of the last three as well.

    The Astros starters are incredible. If those guys are all on I am not sure how they lose in October. The Yankees can trot out a great bullpen with Ottavino, Kanhle, Britton and Chapman. If the starters can get to them without being a total clownshow they have the next best shot. The Dodgers can mash and to me there is not a better place to watch a game than Chavez Ravine. I hope they make it to the World Series. The sport is better when they are good.

    We're I a fan of the Dodgers I would be a bit worried because they put up five runs in three games. Cleveland put up a touchdown in the first inning last week against this same team whose staff has looked like the Royals for the last month. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, WBT said:

    Game 2 about to end on a take out slide at 2nd?

    Actually it looked clean.  And with that being the case I don't understand why they didn't allow the run to score.

    The run should've counted. That was an easy call.

  7. That 9th inning was an umpire clownshow, but the Dodgers won. The time call on Gleyber was hilarious. What I have gathered in this series is Jansen will absolutely cost them a post-season game.

    Also despite the Yanks getting to feast on the O's and Jays, they would be even better off if they played in the NL West. I really like the Dodgers team, but man they give off a Buffalo Bills early 90's vibe when I see them play. I think they are the product of the worst division in baseball. They are easily a 95 win team in any other division, but the NL West makes them look a whole bunch better.The Astros or Yanks beat them in October. 

  8. I just called my friend. He informed me that Philly was up 7-0 in the 3rd. Miami put up 7 in the bottom of the inning. They have been outscored 19-2 since taking a touchdown lead. Sweet Baby Jesus this is the newest most incredible outcome of the 2019 season. 

  9. Miami has two TD's and a couple of safeties on the board tonight against the Phillies. A good friend is a Phillies fan. I am sure he's thrilled with seeing his team put up 9 and still getting doubled up by that collection of Triple A guys.

  10. This is the Beto I hoped to see. He has to just say fuck it and go right after that asshole in the White House. He is going to have to get in the mud and beat Dotard to a pulp. The being nice route was not a good choice for him or any other Democrat. 

    • Like 1
  11. 23 hours ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    LOL, look at these AntiHeroes.  No need to get creative, just call them the 'Retarded 4'.  

    Good God those people actually represent a state. Dan Patrick as the defeacto head of Texas politics is still the most baffling of all. 

  12. 11 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:


    His neighbor should've just finished things Mortal Kombat style. His dad I have had respect for. The son I had hope for, but holy hell he is a full blown retard.


  13. What a worthless racist coward. He's not even worth having his grave pissed on. Fuck him and the two people who conceived him. Hope they are all burning in hell together now and that they keep a spot warm for the other one. 

  14. 17 minutes ago, GhostOfTomJoad said:



    Cousy being too old & full of brain aids to be able to flip the 3 sheets of paper in the correct order to kiss Trump's ass is the most trumpkin thing ever.

    Of course the Cooze lived in an era when his pic was on the sports page of the Boston Globe whenever the Celtics won, and they put Russell or one the Jones up after a loss.


    Cousy can fuck himself. "Most extraordinary president of his lifetime". I hope Bill Russell punches him right in the face if they ever meet again. 

    • Like 3
  15. 6 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    That’s what makes this so difficult. There is  ZERO rationale, none, for that man to remain in a position of power. And yet here we are. 

    He's a useful idiot to the traitors with the R next to their name in Congress and the Senate as well as our enemies in Russia and China. 

  16. 1 hour ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    This should outrage the nation. People need to wake the fuck up

    Our nation of idiots is too busy posting photos on Instagram or starting drama on Facebook to care. 

    • Like 1
  17. 1 minute ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    I don’t know which thread to put this in, so

    I want to say this is just a total fucking moron talking here, but this goes a step beyond that. Also if Kudlow is a great friend of yours I know you are a grifting rube.

    Can we just give Florida to Cuba and let them deal with this shitstorm of stupidity?

  18. 19 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Enlightenment doesn't come all at once. The concept is correct, our founding fathers' worldview was just uninformed. Darwin didn't publish On the Origin of Species until 1859. Before that they just didn't know any better. Now we have no excuse. 

    The only excuse they had was skin color and thinking that being white made them superior intellectually. That just makes them some extremely dumb sons of bitches. We're they here today Dotard would have secured most of their votes. 

  19. On 8/19/2019 at 12:39 AM, bolverk said:

    If you believe that "all men are created equal," as stated in one of our founding documents, then no American -- Right or Left -- should have any problem denouncing shitheads who want to divide us along those lines. 

    As a kid I found that passage to be pretty powerful. As I got older and realized that most of those founding fathers supported slavery, or actually had them, itmade me realize that only men with my skin color mattered to them when it was written. Fuck the founding fathers for regarding people with darker skin as being lesser human beings. 

    If you think these dumbass Trumpkins regard anyone not lily white as being equal to them as a human being there is a bridge not far from me that I'll sell to you. 

  20. 6 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Those are a little more vague.  14A is pretty damn clear -- if you're born here, you're a citizen.  There is no mechanism save martial law to overrule such a simple and clearcut directive.

    We should probably all realize that Stephen Miller knows that and is working to do whatever he can to undo it,  the martial law step included.

    If you believe for even a second they do not have a plan to do some more heinously evil shit to brown skinned people you are not paying enough attention. Dotard has no interest in the rule of law. He is making it up as he goes along, disastrous consequences be damned.

  21. 33 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    He'll win again, very easily. He'll lose the popular vote by a wider margin this time, and he'll lose at least one of those rust belt states he won in 2016. But Florida is a republican stronghold now (both senators, and the governor) so he's already a lock for Texas, Florida, Arizona, and Ohio. Don't see a Democrat overcoming those losses. 

    I would venture to say that he loses Arizona and possibly Ohio once the unemployment rises to a level where people are taking handouts just for their family to survive.

    This election can be about so many shitty things he has done. The one thing that will cause even a functionally retarded Trumpkin to walk away is taking away their paycheck. Money talks and I know you know that. 

  22. 9 hours ago, UTDD said:

    Anecdotally I am seeing a similar sentiment of many I know in the "anyone but Hillary voters" that gave Trump a chance as the unknown outsider now realizing that Trump was a huge mistake.  I am really curious how it translates in 2020.

    It translates to that morbidly obese potato getting his ass trounced in the popular vote and the electoral college. 

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