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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 1 minute ago, cactusflinthead said:

    If you haven't heard yet the cruelty is the point. They want it to be so undesirable to be here that they stay there. It's not any more complicated than that. Who cares if they die? That's going to send a message. 

    That's what we're up against. Miller gives zero fucks. Reince Priebus and his post mortem report on making inroads into the Latino community were summarily dismissed. They don't fucking care. At all.

    What got Trump momentum way back when there were 12+ candidates?

    A Stupid Fucking Wall. Fear of a brown planet. 

    And so here we are. Taking rosaries away and treating them worse than dogs at the pound. 

    It's a goddamn disgrace. 

    Cruelty being the point is the worst of it. It is showing the entire world that America is no longer a beacon of freedom. We closed that chapter on our history. This is a very dark chapter that historians will be denouncing for centuries to come. 

  2. 6 hours ago, TheFlagship said:


    That is the LOLMETS in a nutshell right there. Good God they are a completely dysfunctional mess and will be as long as those Long Island clownshows own the team. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, Celery Man said:

    The fact is that there is an entire generation of Americans coming of age at a time when we are the bad guys, unequivocally.  We are going to have to look at post WWII Germany to figure out how to move forward.

    This is also something that is tragic. Our youth are seeing us be assholes to our fellow human beings and they are taking this in. Not good at all. 

    I will say this about the Germans. They are still, almost three quarters of a century later, very loathe to speak about that period in German history. I think that is a mistake. We have to own what we have become as a country and denounce it every chance we get and once Dotard is gone we need to educate every generation that follows about how to treat people. We need to use what Dotard did as the reasoning behind what you do not do to your fellow man. We cannot repeat this era again if we survive it.

  4. We are not in a good place as a country. This is absolutely horrific to see the United States being associated in any way, shape, or form with the term concentration camp. 

    Folks we have completely lost our way thanks to this asshole and his racist supporters. We are all human beings and anyone that can't see how awful it is what we are doing does not deserve to live here. If you are still supporting Dotard while seeing what we are doing to refugees just do the rest of us a favor and drive to Hoover Dam and jump. This is not just unAmerican and against all of our values, this is just fucking cruel. Hurts my heart to see what we have become. 

    • Like 2
  5. 6 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Jesus. He beclowns himself in epic fashion. Again. And it matters not, because suck it libs!

    He is completely gone mentally. I realize Dotard has never been mentally fit or well, but this stage of his decline is absolutely dangerous. I am glad there are some people in Washington keeping him completely out of the loop on at least some urgent matters.  

  6. 1 minute ago, henrygandorf said:

    thanking himself in the third person is becoming normal behavior. 

    He normalized it a long time ago. His narcissism combined with his brain being mush leads to everything he says either being a word salad or self-congratulatory shit like that. Dotard has no ability to think clearly. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Our American oligarchs love Trump too because he gives them cover to rob everyone blind.  

    This is one of the biggest robberies of the People's money we have ever seen. He is enriching himself in broad daylight with the money he is directing towards his properties by staying there.

     That article from the other day went into great detail to show how much taxpayer money he is stealing. He is flat out robbing all of us and 40 percent of this country gladly fucking hands him the money. I just can't get past it and it should be a gigantic fucking talking point for everyone who gives even the slightest damn about our country. 

  8. 1 hour ago, ChiTownDoc said:


    Pretty sure if Steamboat gets his wish, Trump won’t be around to worry about his precious property.  Just a hunch...

    I feel fairly certain that were to happen that his grifting-ass offspring would gladly take federal funds and turn it into his "presidential library".

    Slap the name Trumpland on the front door and watch the mouth-breathers go to the maga version of Graceland. They could put his gold toilet in there with a TV playing all his greatest twitter shitter rants 24/7. His shithead thieves for kids will gladly continue grifting from Trumpkins. 

  9. Caught most of the 2nd round and when they got to the last pick I tell my friend I am watching it with that the Kings will just draft some random guy from Serbia with the last pick.

    Lo and behold Vanja Marinkovic. Thanks Vlade!

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, UTexasFight said:

    Fans in that section in RF were just doing an “Astros suck” chant.

    2 pitches later, Yordan sent 113 at them.


    It was out of here in a hurry. You knew it was a jack as soon as he made contact. 

  11. 34 minutes ago, UTexasFight said:

    I think Yankees ground crew uses the same brand of tarp as Cincinnati.

    I hate that I know this


    These guys do a pretty good job when it rains. They have it down to a science with the amount of times they have had to go out there so far this season. 

  12. That guy is a national treasure. My brother told me to look him up a couple or three months ago. If he was broadcasting games and I had to pay to listen to it I would do so in a heartbeat.

  13. 26 minutes ago, spystud13 said:

    7 IP, 4 H, 0 R, 2 BB, 10 K with a broke-ass nose. 

    My guess is he finishes the season in the Bronx. He is just incredibly tough mentally and is still a bad ass on the mound. I figured he would pitch, but I don't think anyone who follows him even in the slightest bit thought he would miss this start though...lol. 

  14. This has been a very odd game. Yanks have 12 runs on 8 hits. Scored 6 in the first on three hits and now 6 in the 7th on 5 hits including Gleyber's 1st career grand slam. They had no hits in the prior five innings. Baseball is such an odd sport at times. 

  15. 1 hour ago, Mojo Hand said:


    "Thanks to your favorite president we're opening up 8 new steel plants within a month! They're going to be big manly steel plants. Beautiful plants like you wouldn't believe!

    Don't listen to the fake news saying their is weakened demand for US steel. You can NEVER believe the enemy of the people or anything they write. SAD!"


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