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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 4 minutes ago, gmr548 said:

    I should be appalled but my first reaction is to be shocked at how goddamn dumb he is.

    As mentally addled as he is, he still knows the score right now. He says it because he faces no repercussions for doing so. If any other president had said that they would've been removed before the sentence was finished, Democrat or Republican. Dotard is completely running the Republican party and they do nothing to stop his insanity.

  2. Surprise, surprise he's a damn coward. If Jesus himself walked up to him he'd have ICE have him deported because we all know he thinks the Lord is a fair-skinned man and not the dark-skinned man he actually was who had matted hair and probably not the best hygiene as well. 

    Good on your wife for participating in this though. I would like to participate in stuff like this. Dotard needs to be called to the carpet every single waking moment that he has.

  3. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:



    AOC accepting a $4,500 raise (not even voting on it, just accepting an automatic adjustment) - WHAT A HYPOCRITE!


    Trump the swamp-drainer repeatedly funneling millions of taxpayer dollars to his golf resorts - TOTALLY LEGAL, TOTALLY COOL.


    These guys are a blast to watch. Shooting themselves in the dick repeatedly will never stop being funny.


    This stuff is honestly incredible to watch. Dotard is treating the people's money like his own personal bank. But here we are watching dumbasses get mad about this. What a shitshow of a country we live in right now. 

  4. 7 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    I could live with Nixon not going to jail, and I despise Richard Nixon. His crimes were political and related to politics and then about the cover-up. He was brought low.

    Trump is a crook to the soles of his feet. He's a lying thief who happily sells out his country for his personal gain. In the daily crowd of scandals, the money scandals are getting short shrift from the dull-minded television media. Kushner taking Saudi money. His administration funnels money to more than questionable vendors. 

    I will puke if Trump is let off the hook "for the good of the country" or to "end our long national nightmare." Trump walking is a public endorsement of the dirty truth that the rich can get away with anything. Disgrace is not nearly enough for him to pay.

    Trump offers himself up as an excellent example of the price of crime. The Americans will jail even a rich president if he has done wrong. Trump's name will be the go-to warning to children about the law catching up with you.

    Trump is bizarro Lincoln. Dishonest, weak, stupid, and criminal. He should die in jail.

    Amen to all of that.

  5. 2 hours ago, spystud13 said:

    Angel got Cora & Woodward in less than the span of a half-inning. 



    I have no idea how that guy keeps his job. He is universally despised by players, fans and managers. The only time I have ever heard an umpire booed when his name is put on the jumbotron during pre-game is him. Just seeing his name is able to trigger anger and disgust out of fans who mostly don't give a damn about umps. He is absolute trash. 

  6. Just now, theaveragejon said:

    All he cares about is power. 

    Well that is obvious, but he still had a chance to do good with the power he had at his disposal. He chose to be a terrible human being instead. I cannot send anyone to heaven or hell, nor would I want to, but McConnell is not on the fast track to the first choice. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, Jhawk said:

    I think he was a big influence on his own return but I think it was because of his loyalty to the team and because of the pressure of fans, haters,  and press. Including myself.

    If we had known he had an Achilles injury then no one would have questioned his status. Maybe some gamesmanship is to blame as he was always speculated to return and that could have pressured him to do so. But damn. Terrible for him in any and every way. Kudos to him trying to prove himself when he didn’t have anything to prove. 

    I think it was fairly obvious he had suffered a serious injury and was not playing due to that. I think he played tonight because he wanted to be out there. I would imagine the medical staff signed off because he probably said he was playing no matter what they advised. If the Dubs win the series this was his Willis Reid moment. 

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  8. Somehow this asshole survived Polio only to go on and become one of the most soulless and vile Americans to ever hold public office. He could've used his position in the senate to help those who cannot help themselves and paid it forward in a way after the help he received from kind-hearted souls when he was a child battling a life-threatening illness. 

    I often wonder what it is that gets people like McConnell to choose to willingly be a terrible human being, but I think in his case it is just who he intrinsically is. He is bereft of anything good on the inside. Being a heartless bastard is a feature and not a bug. Helluva sad life he has led overall. History will be most unkind to him. 

  9. Question. Has there been a scene for this season where they are, and I hope I remember this correctly, are announcing a boxing match or something of that nature? I was at the Wall Street tree lighting ceremony again last December and they did 5 takes of a guy announcing an upcoming fight and we had to cheer each time. Had no idea that was happening before we got there.

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  10. 4 hours ago, Beau Vine said:


    That's an awesome response. I personally would've just walked to each base, flexed like Brett Gardner does in the 1st inning roll call at Yankee Stadium as I got to each one and then told him to enjoy being in last place until his ass gets traded to a contender. I think Muncy was far more professional about it than I could ever be.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    The worst segment of society is the majority of society. We’ve always been evil assholes, we’ve just been real good at lying to ourselves about it.

    Jim Crow. Lynchings. Chinese exclusion act. No Irish need apply. Women couldn’t have their own credit until the 1970s. We’re not a shining city on a hill. We’re a mound of shit with some shiny stuff stacked on top as a distraction. Any decency we’ve had is exceptional and/or accidental.

    I don't disagree with any of that. The thing is that as marred as our history is by racism and outright violence we are somehow still (or at least were until Dotard took the oath) the country the rest of the world has looked to for leadership. Right now we aren't doing that, at all. 

    I run across almost every race and nationality this world has where I work in Manhattan. We are still viewed through the prism as being this amazing country to most of those folks. They see the results of American ingenuity and like it.

    The one thing I almost always hear though right now is a universal condemnation of Dotard. The rest of the world is waiting to see how the Americans handle him. I just hope we do the right thing and put his ass on the curb and let the law do its work in NY the moment after he leaves. 

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  12. We are a country that got fat and lazy and gave control of it to the worst segment of our society. This is what happens when the electorate is indifferent and doesn't give a damn. I still maintain we can do better (and by better I mean getting these racist assholes and their supporters back under the rocks and bridges they came from), but holy hell that light at the end of the tunnel is damn near non-existent right now. 

  13. 5 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    jesus christ, i just saw more of the laura ingraham interview (about pelosi), and it was like-


    trump - she makes this statement about me...

    ingraham - while you're overseas.

    trump - right, while i'm overseas.  (and he goes on about how inappropriate this is)


    so you can't make a statement about trump while he's overseas, but he's up in the middle of the night in london tweeting to the world that bette midler is a "washed-up psycho".  it's amazing how often he reverts to "but he/she started it!"  totally normal behavior.

    That that stupid bitch was allowed to set foot anywhere near that sacred ground on that day is fucking infuriating. Seeing those graves in the background of heroes, people who gave their last full measure as a human being to the cause of freedom, being used as a background prop for this fatass piece of shit and his propaganda is so damned maddening.

    We know Dotard's stupid ass will go into a childish rant no matter where he is, but fuck Ingraham for that interview. Her ugly ass deserves to die broke and destitute in a ditch in some shithole in Kansas. What a fucking piece of shit.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Captainant said:

    US immigration detention centres caught serving spoiled food as investigation reveals nooses in cells

    Our nation is committing fucking atrocities in the name of "DEY TURK UR JURRRRBS!" and tin-pot ultra right wing economic theory. All just to dehumanize and abuse people seeking a better life and future. This is America. Our reality TV show president really is the best representation of our nation at home and abroad.

    EDIT: And in case anyone thinks this is some partisan reporting, here's the DHS Inspector General report covering all four facilities. Complete with pictures for those of us who can't read good.

    It's incredibly sad to see this. These people are largely making America a better place and they are treated like animals. We are being lead by some soulless and sadistic assholes. 

  15. On 6/4/2019 at 11:53 AM, Brisketexan said:

    So....not a wall.  Even though you said "wall."  Which is a word.  With a definition.  That means a physical structure.

    Jesus tapdancing christ you people are fucking stupid beyond belief.  "I said wall, but I didn't mean wall."  Well, I say you're a dumbass, and I mean "you're a dumbass."  You people are too fucking stupid to even argue with.

    I just want to be certain about the intent of your comment to chicken sandwich. Are you inferring he is a dumbass or is there another meaning of dumbass that I am not aware of? The Trumpkins just need a double clarification from you Brisket. 

  16. 20 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    So have I but think parts of Michigan are worse. And I’m not talking about inner city Detroit. Suburbs of Detroit that have deteriorated to the point where its just, well, who gives a fuck. 

    Those jobs all left to Mexico, thanks to not only the republicans, but the dems as well thanks to nafta and the Clintons as well. Not that hard to see why Hillary lost there. Hate to say it but Michael Moore was totally right about what could happen and did happen in 2016. Trump, manafort and the russians were not as dumb as we all thought they were. 

    Moore was right about several things in 2016, but he knew the landscape better than most. I have never set foot in Michigan. My Oma lived there for a few years in Escanaba (Believe that is right from what little I know) when she came over in the 60's with her only son and abusive pos Anerican soldier husband. 

    The Midwest is kind of a wasteland in many parts of it. While I would never live there many people do and I kind of feel for them and the false hope they have been given, especially by Dotard. I wish I knew what could specifically be done to this reenergize that part of the country economically.

  17. 28 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    I agree with this sentiment. I’ve been all over this country. And while Florida is the white trashiest, the south is the poorest, the southwest is the friendliest but totally poor outside the cites, etc.. the most depressing region I’ve ever been to is the rust belt Midwest.

    Its like a visiting bombed out Dresden except it wasn’t bombed, just had all the money taken out from it. Its a symbol of the American dream that used to value the middle class but now pisses all over it. I’d rather spend my time In Mississippi where they never gave a shit about that and accepted the rich and poor as it was. The rust belt is just depressing given the comparison to what it is versus what is was. 


    My time in the rust belt has been thankfully limited, but driving through parts of Ohio are just beyond depressing. Just nothing positive going on, at all. 

  18. It's hard to fathom what those men saw and encountered 75 years ago. An entire continent's liberation depended upon them walking right into a hailstorm of lead and yet they did it. They served the cause of freedom and many never saw another day beyond June 6th, 1944. 


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