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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 2 hours ago, Fozzz said:



    Has AOC said shit about the coup?  Maybe too busy livestreaming her instapot cooking on the gram.

    Good Lord you're a beatdown. If you are so disenfranchised with everyone in Washington then go and run for office in your local congressional district. Get Anastasis to run your campaign. I'm sure it'll be successful.

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  2. 27 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    ah, sorry, my bad, first citation of contempt is for the DOJ refusing to comply with the unredacted report subpoena. 

    they haven't issued a subpoena for barr yet, but they will.

    nadler: "he is terrified of facing a skilled attorney."

    The fun thing, well none of this is fun, but Nadler going after Dotard is somewhat fitting. The two hate each other and Trump always thumbed his nose at him when their squabbles took place in New York and not the world stage. 

    Now the people Dotard treated with disdain for decades have the power to hit him where it hurts most, his wallet and his fraudulent New York business empire built upon tax evasion and never paying his damn bills unless Fred did so for him. The incoming attorney general in New York is going to investigate him and he can do shit all about stopping it. I know the focus is on the Mueller report and his clear obstruction of justice, but I will argue that is not where you hurt him. 

    Hitting him in New York and getting his name removed from buildings and erasing any sign of him will destroy him. Be it the roadside park north of the city that bears his name, Trump Tower on 5th, Trump International Hotel or hell even the building in Stamford, CT that bears his name is how you break him. He is no different than any other person suffering a narcissistic personality disorder. This rube just happens to be the most powerful person in the world. He cannot deal with his name being erased into the dustbin of history. The narcissist in him cannot fathom that he not the center of the known universe. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    It’s ok, I just mock the hijab wearers in private or convey my disgust in conversation when I’m with someone. I even chastised some young Iranian women at Halal Guys for wearing hijab. I only went there at the insistence of my girlfriend to check it out. I asked them in Persian why are they even here in the US if they want to wear that garbage. Unfortunately, the younger Iranian-Americans infected by woke progressivism don’t carry on the tradition of hijab shaming like us older generations.

    You and every other American who claims to be a Christian, and makes similarly hateful statements, really need to read Matthew 7:21-23.

    • Like 2
  4. 15 minutes ago, pearlandhorn said:

    Made it to Citi Field to catch a Mets game tonight. Fantastic park and great food and beer.


    Still haven't gone out there for a game. My friends all live in Queens and want to go to a game sometime soon, but I will probably skip going. I took a friend out to the Bronx for his first game there recently and we sat in section 204. Within 15 minutes he told me why he understands why I enjoy sitting out there.

  5. 8 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    i have a bad feeling the random incidents of violence will be worse if he loses, unfortunately.

    I like to hope that his defeat at the polls in 2020 will bring an end to one of the worst periods in the history of our Republic. I will concede that his impending loss in 2020 could lead to some violence. However, I just don't see the crippled, cane-wielding warriors of the white race, doing a whole helluva lot once their orange idol is defeated by a record number of votes cast against him. 

  6. Watching Billy Hamilton play makes me wonder how much better his career would've gone to this point if he could consistently hit big league pitching. He's so ridiculously fast and seems like a pretty good guy. 

  7. 22 hours ago, Helobious said:

    Don’t know who works in the strength & conditioning department for the Yankees, but they should probably replace all of them. Tulo & Bird always live on the DL no matter what, but everyone else is just ridiculous. 

    Matt Krause is in charge. He's been there for six years from what I read. Whatever the hell he is doing is horrific to be nice. It stops being just random bad luck when everyone is injured. Today's batting lineup has one guy you would've expected to play in LeMahieu. You could count Frazier as well if you believed he was ready to take the next step to being an everyday player. 

    • Like 1
  8. 27 minutes ago, youdunnf'dup said:

    He’s pretty fucking jacked. I didn’t realize that until this week.

    I was kind of surprised as well. Too bad he is stuck on the White Sox. Seems like a helluva player.

  9. I don't know where Gardy's early season power surge is coming from, but cool to see it again tonight. Hopefully he can get above the Mendoza line permanently sometime soon.

  10. 37 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

    One opinion piece, and the word "opinion" is literally in the URL of your link, written by a strategist for Mitch McConnell who runs a Republican PR firm, is your idea of a source?

    Come on, man.

    I clicked on it and saw who wrote it and did not read a single word. Anyone associated with McConnell on any level can go fuck themselves. That opinion author, and anyone else who has rolled with Mitch, deserve constant ridicule.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    There is no normal. Not again. Not ever. We are broken right down the middle, and it will only get worse.

    I believe in not quitting. Send his cult members back under their rocks in 2020. Our Republic is at its breaking point and I believe you go after these imbeciles every chance you get. Whatever the new normal is after ousting this con man in 2020 is better than this. 

  12. 24 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    Yeah, the democrats suck at politics.  I get it.  

    They have to fight dirty and that is what they are terrible at. They are dealing with the worst human being to ever hold the office of the presidency and they continue to try and use proper decorum when they need to be slinging his own shit back at him 24/7. 

    You don't beat this cancer by wishing it away. You aggressively fight back every moment possible and make his life a living hell. You put him on defense every waking moment and take away his ability to control the narrative. I believe the Dems will have their version of a come to Jesus moment at some point this year and finally work in unison again this cretin. What finally gets them to go on a full-blown offensive is anyone's guess because Christ, as stated by others many times, they are bad at this.

    The time to be nice and cordial has long-since passed. Get down and dirty and get this country back to some semblance of normal instead of whatever the hell this is right now.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, yoladu said:




    Hahahaha...Very little tine to watch TV. I sometimes have to remember this is the president tweeting and not some random bum yelling obscenities on the subway at night. 

  14. 50 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:



    26 minutes ago, henrygandorf said:

    eh, maybe he will and i'll be happy to have some closure on the idiocy.

    There will be no closure and that's exactly what Dotard wants. It's a neverending shitshow that is a reality-style presidency. 

    This is how he has acted his entire adult life. Everything is chaos with him. It is weird to rational and sane human beings, but to him it is just another day at the office. I would not be shocked if his last day on earth is spent on the shitter tweeting out hatred towards Hillary, McCain and everyone else on his bizarro-world, Game of Thrones inspired, Arya-style list of people he went after. He will never stop with his craziness. 

    • Like 1
  15. After watching the Yanks and White Sox combine for 15 runs last night, in a constant downpour the entire game, the White Sox get one hit today in CC's season debut. Nice to see a really cool guy like CC have a good start to his final year. Going to miss watching him pitch in the Bronx. 

    Bullpen had a great last four innings. It's always fun to see Chapman pitch as well. I can't imagine stepping into the batter's box and facing him.

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