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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. Watching the Yanks getting shelled. Good Lord the media here tomorrow is going to be full-blown apocalypse mode.

    Early season baseball means very little. The Red Sox look like a dumpster fire, but I imagine they'll right the ship. I wish fans and the media could just enjoy the games. 

    And damn that Altuve blast got out as fast and far as a Stanton homer. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    Not to thread steal or rile up Goo, but how in the everliving F can Rick Barnes win the Coach of the Year (today)?  The list should begin and end with Beard.  Tech was picked 7th in the preseason (Big 12) polls; TN 2nd.  TN ended up tied for 2nd, didn't win the SEC tourney, and lost to a lower seed in the tourney (yes 2 v 3, semantics).

    I did not keep up with any of this and just read he was coach of the year. I really don't understand how it was not Beard though. He is coaching in Lubbock for goodness sakes. 

  3. Outside of watching Gonzaga I have watched very little college basketball this year. I did see that phantom foul that screwed over Auburn and since watching Virginia play basketball is like spending an eternity listening to nails on a chalkboard I'll pull for Tech. Holy hell that call was horrific. Probably will skip the game like I did these two, but as long as Virginia doesn't win it'll be a good end to the season. 

  4. 24 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    So it's been 6 games and I've changed my mind. Fucking christ Voit and the rest of the team look absolutely helpless against trash competition. 

    I've been to four of the games. Missing very good players will make you look hapless at the plate. At least Boston has been equally atrocious during the first week. I think they'll be fine once the weather warms up. Voit looks like Kevin Maas at the plate so far though. He is guessing on everything.

  5. 17 hours ago, Beau Vine said:


    I watched him on opening day up here. If the Orioles were not trying to lose 110 games and they didn't owe him what they do, he would never have another at-bat as a major leaguer. I think Davis knows it as well. Worst player in baseball, by far.

  6. 15 hours ago, GSU&UT said:

    So she doesn't know a lot and is a puppet for having a staff that help make her informed? This is a bad thing? You people are fucking insane.

    This timeline we are in is really screwed up. I honestly at times feel kind of sad for the Americans following Trump because some of them are in my family. 

    Her staff is doing a great job and I do not use that praise lightly because I care very little for most politicians. I hope she keeps on fighting back against the lunacy she is up against. 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, TexArcher said:


    I'm honestly glad that the Trump campaign didn't collude with the Russians.  It's a relief.  I hope this means it didn't happen and not just that the tracks were very well-covered.  But given Mueller's reputation for thoroughness, I think we can all rest a little easier tonight.

    But those of you yelling "exoneration!" seem to be forgetting how many stones are left to overturn with this guy.  Obstruction is still in play, his tax returns can be subpoeaned, he's been in violation of the emoluments clause the whole time, etc.  And, oh yeah, he's probably a rapist.

    You are backing a bad man and you cannot deny that.  Doesn't that bother you at all?  As much as you disliked Obama and I disliked W, we couldn't say that they weren't decent men, honorable men.  We just disagreed with their policies.  

    Donald Trump is, objectively, a bad person on multiple levels.

    Why don't you care?


    Because owning the libs is the most important thing with that subset of the American population. It's somewhat incredible how Dotard has completely brainwashed millions of our fellow citizens and that includes some posters on here. 

  8. On 3/21/2019 at 3:12 PM, jimmyjazz said:


    I predicted this weeks ago -- now she's being cast as a puppet.

    It's almost as if old racist whitey Republicans can't stand the idea of an engaging, high energy, intelligent brown woman actually getting shit done in Washington DC.

    Incredulity, ChickenShit, I'm talking to you.  At least you're both too fucking stupid to actually hide your motivations.

    I fully support what she is doing. She will not get a lot of her proposals passed into law, but in die time her views will be more widely accepted. I respect her for wanting to so forcefully challenge economic inequality in our country. I mean this woman is 29 years old. There isn't a person on this board that knew their ass from a hole in the ground at that point, but here she is trying to fundamentally change how things work in America. It's a beautiful thing to see honestly. 

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  9. 5 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    He is.

    There’s been a shitload leading up to this that SHOULD matter...but it hasn’t. What the report actually says is beside the point, and always has been.

    I agree with this. The report, no matter what it said, is immaterial to me. I fully believe though that the biggest thing that comes out of the report is the investigations from Congress, the SDNY and the NYAG into Trump's finances. Any state investigations into him will worry him to no end. He is an extremely unpopular guy here (shocking I know) and I think the AG relishes the chance to go after him. 

    This could be proven wrong, and if so that's alright, but I think that the investigations all delving into his finances are what ends not only him being president in the 2020 election, but I also see him possibly losing his properties. If Dotard sees his properties taken from him he will just lose it in a way we have as yet not seen and dear Lord we have seen all manner of crazy and unhinged behavior with him. 

  10. 10 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Looking forward to Wofford vs Kentucky.


    Go Terriers! A member of my mother's family left a 100,000 in his will that was used to found the college. My grandmother was a Wofford and I told a humorous story at her funeral four years ago about the Wofford-Michigan tournament game from 2014. It's pretty cool getting to see them have a shot at Kentucky. I expect Wofford's season to end today, but it's been a great year for them. 

    • Like 1
  11. I am proud of how ambitious she is and that she wants to do things to help out the segment of our population that needs it. 

    She does say some things that are wrong and uninformed. What I chalk that up to is she is 29 years old. She has a whole lot to learn about the world around her. With age and experience you learn from things you said or did that were wrong or incorrect.

    To be that age though and trying to fundamentally reshape how out country works is a pretty daunting task, but she's trying. I think she will eventually find that she needs to meet folks halfway if she wants to get at least some of her agenda passed. 

    • Like 2
  12. 19 minutes ago, Dahobbs said:

    How the fuck is that the problem? Oh no, the freshman rep may have employed some competent people (unlike the fuck actually in charge of the census). The horror. Seriously, what an absurdly misogynistic post. 

    What a time to be alive right now. It's kind of fun seeing women taking charge of our government.

  13. I have a whole lot of respect for this woman. She is the representative for my district and seeing her actually doing something in Washington is pretty cool. As has already been said she has quite the badass staff supporting her. I hope she continues to grill assclowns like Ross and anyone of his ilk.

    • Like 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    It's REALLY hard for me to figure out who I want fucked over more, when comparing this shitstain to "America's favorite mayor".  On one hand the mayor is annoying as all fuck and is addicted to lying about anything/everything... but seems to legit have dementia.  I mean he can't even put his glasses on straight.  On the other hand,  you have DershDouche who still seems to have it together but has gone COMPLETELY off the deep end defending the indefensible - then having the gall to complain that his social life has been ruined... 

    DershDouche by an orange pubic hair...


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  15. 3 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Trump would still be better off not debating 

    That dumb SOB will not pass up a chance to be on TV. It does not matter that such an appearance will torpedo what small chance he has at winning because his narcissistic personality will not allow him to miss out on being in front of millions of people/Trumpkins. 

    • Like 2
  16. 1 hour ago, Coors yellow belly said:

    Yes it does. 

    10 years supervising 5 year olds, 6 year olds and 8 year olds. Glorified nanny, but she probably deserves it.

    Fuck off with this. You have no idea what you are talking about.

    My kindergarten teacher was the person who helped me learn how to read. Early education is extremely important.

  17. Pay them more. They deserve it for all the bull the put up with from students and parents alike. I have plenty of friends in Texas who teach who deserve more.

    My girlfriend is a kindergarten teacher for special needs children here on the UES. She absolutely loves what she does. She doesn't make as much as she would like to, but there is no other job she wants because this is her calling.

  18. I can't help but believe that "Christianity" has brought ridicule and derision on themselves. I am a Christian who went to a Christian university that was highly intolerant of any LGBTQ lifestyle. I am no supporter of what mainstream Christianity has become. It's the "fuck you pay me" of religions in this world right now. 

    Jesus taught us to love one another despite our differences. Way, way, way too many Christians have demonized and treated those who do not believe as they do with no respect or any kind. People are less often showing the care and love that Jesus would've shown to everyone. Non-Christians see this and are more apt to have a negative opinion of Christians.

    If you are a Christian and feel persecuted by the media in Hollywood or elsewhere stop and ask yourself what it is you are doing to contribute to the backlash against your faith. I have friends who are not Christians and they are honestly better human beings than 90 percent of the Christians I know amd associate with. 

  19. 5 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    No way is he 6'2" and no way would he exaggerate his height by only one inch. 

    Well he does shrink to around 5'10" anytime he stands next to Vlad at a press conference.

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