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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 1 hour ago, atomheartbevo said:

    I just found out this year that what maybe the last Red Green TV show tour ever is not coming anywhere near Texas.  That’s shitty. 

    Looked up the tour and see the closest stop is more than six hours from me. 

    Plans made to drive six hours two minutes later.

    • Like 1
  2. 52 minutes ago, Keef said:

    What, the Deutsche Bank guys thought Trump would stiff them on the loan if he won the presidency?  I for one am shocked. 

    Stuff like this is something else the Democrats should be highlighting. Our freaking president is found to not be worthy of receiving a loan because, well, he's a lying assclown in the view of Deutsche Bank. Think about just how embarrassing that is for us as a country. I just can't grasp how anyone still supports him outside of those who are likely ensnared due to money they received from foreign entities. 

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  3. 7 hours ago, Chrispy said:

    Well, you’re assuming that I’m of the belief that I’m entirely objective and rational. I’m just as prone to my mammalian failings as the rest of this board. 

    My family situation is administration proof, so that gives me the ability to be less emotionally invested than many on this board. Many of these “cataclysmic” events that litter these threads merely warrant a insouciant shrug from individuals such as myself. 

    You are definitely trolling. This is an extremely weird troll job, but nonetheless you are doing that. What I want to know is why you come here and lie about who you are as well as lying about a non-existent family. 

    What is it you gain from this? Is it a thrilling feeling to make up elaborate stories about a life that you do not live while sharing said lie with people you will never meet? I do not understand this weird phenomenon, but perhaps you have one honest bone in your body and can tell us why it is you present yourself in a false manner on this website. I just don't get people like you.

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  4. 7 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Both sides!
    Except, you know, without the worship of batshit Q theories and worshipping at the altar of lies. Other than that, though, BOTH SIDES!
    Shit, I think you may owe Anastasis royalties for that.

    I actually feel some pity for the poster you replied to. He will spend his entire life only caring about how everything affects him and what it does to him monetarily. 

    I honest to God feel bad for people like him because they care not about their fellow human beings and only themselves and those within their orbit. When you are able to think outside of that and you support decisions made that benefit someone besides yourself life just feels better. I can't imagine living life how that poster does. It seems like such a sad and irrelevant existence.

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  5. Brisket we have been a very unforgiving nation in recent years and really our history as well. To the Victors go the spoils I suppose. 

    We have to do better though. Do not look to Washington to set the example. We have to do better in our local communities. We have to treat one another better. We may argue and get angry over things, but by God we have to try and rise to the ideals we all want to live by.

    Almost none of us want to see the Republican Party ideals be the law of the land. However we have to come to some agreement as to how we want to see our great nation governed. For better or worse all 330 million plus of us are in this great American experiment together and we have to show the dictators of our time that America is still in control and they will not allowed to be able to run amok and destroy Democratic principles.

  6. 32 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    I’d be in favor of sending Stephen Miller and Kristjen Nielsen to Gitmo for their crimes. That’s me being nice. 

    Stephen Miller is the absolute worst person not named Dotard in this entire administration. He is the personification of evil and he should spend his remaining days in prison.

    However, If you gave me a choice of Dotard or Miller receiving a life sentence that could not be challenged in court I would give it to Miller.

  7. 5 hours ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    Anyone who disagrees with the leftists on this board is a liar, stupid, etc. it’s why there is such great discussion going on here and why the politics board is viewed with disgust by everyone else on surly

    I think if you look at the "leftists" you will see many of them were once conservatives. What happened in 2016 and the aftermath and continuing destruction of our democracy pushed many of them to support Democrats in the hope that they will stand up to a coward who wants to be a dictator.

    I have in my life voted for both Republicans and Democrats. The actions of the actors on the stage since November 2016 has pushed me into choosing a side. I said I would never again vote for either a Democrat or Republican a few years back. I set aside that and voted for every damn Democrat I could last November and where I was at I was able to help oust one of the biggest assholes in American politics in my lifetime. I am proud of the votes I cast that day. 

    The discussion has to be about our democracy and having people in our government who believe in it. The slowly dying Republican party does not believe in our ideals or the concept of our "Better Angels". They will never receive another vote from me because of the traitorous actions they have committed from the Oval Office down the last two plus years.

    I know Brisket will not agree, but our country is better than this, but the Republicans have to be completely eradicated from public office. My only hope is the party that replaces them has no racist tendencies and actually cares about all citizens regardless of race or ethnic origin. Iconoclastic I know you are ml mostly ostracized on here for your views, but try and think of how things are right now and perhaps understand that we are not living up to our ideals as a nation and we are definitely not a beacon for freedom at the moment.

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  8. On 1/31/2019 at 12:18 PM, Jhawk said:

    There aren't a lot of people on this thread calling for intervention.  There are a lot more people saying that people are calling for intervention.  Most people in this thread that think Maduro has to go aren't advocating for anything with the US actively trying to topple him (boots on ground/CIA).  The US has taken the same position as many other countries have.  Maduro's clock is ticking and it is wholly his own doing.

    He has to go. If you care about your fellow man and feel any way bad about millions slowly starving to death you have to want to see a stable government in place there. I said this before that we as a country have done a not so good job helping out those in need around the globe at times. We need to show that America is there for the average Venezuelan. We should not stand idly by while people suffer like this.

    At the end of the day we are all humans and when the most powerful country in the history of the world is in a position to shape the policy to where starving Venezuelans can get the support of the world community you do that. You just do dammit.

    My God we have to set aside stupid ass political ideologies and remember that we should embrace helping those who cannot help themselves. If you think otherwise on something as central to the human spirit as this you are honestly just an awful person. 

    • Like 2
  9. Just now, Mdhorn said:

    Trump doesn't give a f'k about Texans either. And apparently, neither does Ted Cruz or John Cornyn.

    Of course he doesn't. It amazes me how millions of Texans bought into his bs. This is the best example I have to give from my own family. My cousin is from Round Rock and lived in Marble Falls last I heard two years ago. When I still used facebook he railed against having to choose between "Two Yankees" for president. He was a Cruz supporter. As soon as Trump was the nominee everything was pro-Trump all the time. 

    The worst part of the whole deal is he supports the wall being built to the heavens if possible. I should mention his wife of two decades or so is Hispanic and they have three kids together. I will never be more embarrassed by a relative than I am of him. I remember him insulting someone I knew by calling them a typical black liberal. I have not spoke to him for two years. 

    • Fuck You 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Fucking awesome.  Holy shit, back in the day I always wished I could make money with a history degree

    I wanted to go this route as well because I absolutely love history. I try to always remember the past, study it and learn from it. History in its many forms is just fascinating.

    Were I in a position to travel whenever I want I would just travel the world visiting historical sites. I made my first visit to Gettysburg in early November. It was an overwhelming experience standing on Little Round Top and visiting the area where the grove of trees stood where thousands died within a few hours. Was crazy thinking about Lee standing less than a mile away a 155 years ago watching his soldiers get massacred.

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  11. On 12/31/2018 at 2:21 PM, Brisketexan said:

    They will always be the party of treason. Always. Forever.

    I think that this is something future generations need to be taught once the history of this era comes into their books. They have to know how American politicians wound up committing treasonous acts that benefitted a hostile foreign power. I can only hope that part of that as yet unwritten American history ends with several of them in Leavenworth. 

  12. 19 minutes ago, horncyclist said:

    I feel like this might be the end. He seems to be completely melting down.

    It seems that the end is nigh for Dotard or at the very least he is running his distraction campaign on all cylinders for whatever is about to be exposed next. 

  13. 4 hours ago, Biff Tannen said:

    God motherfucking dammit.  He better still get taken down.  I'm sure the trumpkins are having a field day with this.  I'm accepting this, as fucking surprising as it is and as much as it goes against what I wanted to be true and thought to be true.  Because I'm a sane rational person that believes in facts.  If the shoe were on the other foot, trumpkins would scream fake news and not believe their lying eyes and but hillary something.

    This doesn't surprise me. I never thought that call was to Dotard. He could just tell him in-person. I still find interest though in who he did speak with. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, bolverk said:

    Motherfucker needs more aides around him to talk with a couple of reporters than when he meets with America's number one foe.

    This is something the Democrats need to highlight and talk about repeatedly. A damned armada with him (Sanders big backside alone can pull that off) for an interview, but complete secrecy while meeting with the dictator from the country who did everything they could to help him win in 2016.

  15. 57 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    GOP doesn't give a shit about separating families that legally seek asylum at the border, but they will write a STRONGLY WORDED LETTER to the FBI because a privileged, white criminal wasn't arrested in a more respectful way. 

    Most people that hear "the Republican Party are traitors" probably chuckle and kind of dismiss it as partisan bloviating. America being under attack by the GOP is the actual reality. This isn't old school politics where Ds and Rs fuck with each other to pass some bill. The endless cruelty, bad faith, gaslighting, and lies from the GOP are nothing I've seen before in an American political party. They stopped playing games aimed at hurting a political opponent. They've focused their attack on actual civilians. Separating families, government shutdowns, voter suppression, racism, nationalism. They are promoting and encouraging support of their complete amorality.  Time for everyone to wake up. 



    Amen to all of that. They have to be stopped. The Americans still left who care about this country have to stop them. Point blank we have to all come together and rebuke this hideous ideology based in racism and good old days bullshit.

    And just fuck Lindsey Graham. Flake is leading the cowardly lion brigade while this attention whore and power hungry assclown is sucking every dick in sight including the one belonging to the grifter king. 

  16. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    Most of America is with you but we couldn’t even save Puerto Rico when they needed us and they’re Americans.

    Elections have consequences 

    One asshole stopped it. His party nodded in approval. That will never be forgotten. The Republican Party will eventually be swept into the dustbin of history. Put that black mark amongst the worst things they ever allowed to happen. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I hope you’re right but we actually fought a Civil War once over this type shit and it still never went away. 

    There is a long list of reasons why this will not end in another civil war. Take a look at the average American. Despite the bitching we hear most Americans have it fairly good. A comfortable nation is not going to rise up. Young people will not give up their IPADS and phones to go wage war.

    Old people are too concerned about all the meds they take and are in no shape to form the elderly version of the embarrassing Texas National Guard.

  18. 3 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    How so? 

    I get they’re losing on their initial investment but the goal of Russia isn’t stability.  It’s the opposite.  They want to create as many problems for the United States/West as possible.  By sucking up our attention and resources in the Western Hemisphere, it gives them more breathing room to make moves in their back yard.

    I don't give a damn how this relates to Russia and their love of destabilization. We need to help these people out. 

    I don't care if Dotard is the one that has to do it. We all know someone has to tell him how to be a human being so whatever on that. Just get these folks what they need in order to survive. This is embarrassing to see that we as a country aren't fully behind helping out millions who are in desperate need of aid from us.

  19. Venezuelans need our help. They are slowly starving to death. At this point we have to do whatever we can to help them. Thisnis not a political issue. This is a human beings need help from the most powerful nation on the planet. We cannot turn a blind eye to them line we have so often to other countries that needed help from us. Whatever has to be done just do it.

    When we are at a point where the discussion is just political bullshit and not a human beings starving to death discussion I feel a bit sad for who we are as a country amd what our values are. Set aside the dumbass political stuff amd get behind helping a nation in our own hemisphere that needed us yesterday.

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