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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 1 hour ago, JimmyJames said:

    While there are much more far worse forms of torture, when it comes to ultimate humiliation, its hard to beat tar and feathering someone. 

    Normally I oppose it. But when it comes to a guy like Benedict Mitch though, who is actively using his great power to seriously undermine his country, I’m at least willing to consider an exception, just for him.

    The dems should make that part of their platform or at least propose it for a vote at the convention. Should Benedict Mitch be tarred and feathered?

    Aye or nay. 

    I regret to say I would vote aye. 

    Fuck that guy. He is just the ultimate personification of the evil that is that party. I hope when his day of reckoning comes that he is sentenced to spend eternity listening to his own damn voice on a loop that repeats every damn awful thing he has ever uttered. 

  2. Well that's fun to get home and hear God apparently has it out for the good 'ol US of A since He hand-picked Dotard for us according to this steaming pile of monkey dung.

    I go to church and enjoy it. Not as often as I want to, but I get there. I take a detour with these cretins like Sanders on many things and this is one of them. I believe there should be a separation of church and state. As strong as I feel about my beliefs I do not want those beliefs governing a country of 330 million plus people.

    We are a diverse nation and we should not be pushing Christianity on anyone. There are many different faiths and that's okay by me and it should be okay with every Christian. (Yeah I know how that goes over with the Southern Baptists or a sizable chunk of the Bible Belt). Do not use the Christian faith as a governing principle, especially when you have a president who has never even read the Bible.


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  3. 8 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    I tried to explain some of the Russia stuff to one of my right leaning friends over the last few days. 

    I told him I couldn't convince him of anything and he would have to investigate on his own and decide for himself.

    I checked back with him last night and he said he was looking into it. 

    He then sent me a link to a 36 minute youtube video of Dan Bongino proving the whole Mueller investigation is a fraud which he said he fact checked as he watched. 

    This is a true story. 

    You have a friend whose medulla oblongata is not working properly. Find new friends or move somewhere not populated by fucking morons.

  4. 5 hours ago, Dahobbs said:

    I think she may learn to do ok with this politics thing. At first I was indifferent to her. I definitely dig her style now. 

    As much as she will position herself as an outsider, she is smart enough to know she has to figure out how Washington works. She is doing that and will eventually understand how to get shit done.

    We need more men and women there just like her who give no fucks about anything who will do whatever is necessary to fix our completely broken system amd country.

  5. 38 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Why is he basically running silent after yesterday’s twitter escapades?  This mornings tweet felt like something somebody composed to sound like him.  

    It's kind of like the scene where Cartman tries to sing "Kyle's Mom's a Bitch", but Kyle interrupts him amd warns him not to do it. So he backs down says he won't and then does it anyhow. We basically have President Cartman. Give Dotard some time. He'll unleash a twitter shitter tirade soon.

  6. 1 hour ago, Degenerate Gardner said:

    I take exception to Flake being pronounced most loathsome.  The race to the bottom ain't over yet.

    Flake is rounding 3rd right now and it's Juan Pierre and not Vlad Guerrero trying to throw him out at the plate.

    • Like 1
  7. 7 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Being utterly half-assed and spineleless is EXACTLY how you get EVERYONE to hate you.

    Jeff Flake is the political equivalent of "well, I agree, OU sucks...but Tuck Fexas, too."  Brilliant move.  You managed to make every single human on either side of the Red River hate you.  What a strategist!

    He is the most loathsome and cowardly Republican, by far. He never bowed up and took direct shots at Trump. Ot was tweets from Africa taking indirect shots about their elections. The pussy could never bring himself to just say "Trump is a got damned menace and is the biggest threat to our country in its history." Anytime he had the forum where he could've roasted our asshole-in-chief he shied away. 

    We all know the Republicans keeping quiet are a bunch of traitorous bought and paid for cowards. Flake is just a bitch made pos who is now going to profit from his cowardice and will continue to pretend he is different from the rest of his party. He is not. He stands by and watches the Republic burn, but he's getting paid so what does it matter to him? He's the Mack Brown of politicians. 

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Hank Kingsley said:



    Flake is the most spineless of the entire lot. He had no courage to stand up to Trump or any of his acolytes when he had the chance to do so. Just a worthless opportunist who desrves nothing but ridicule. He needs to just fade away and never be heard from again. 

    • Like 2
  9. As much as I respect those in uniform  who serve our country, they seem to be part of the group of Americans that can be fooled easily and it appears the Trumptator and his backers realize this. Sad to see this though.

  10. 12 hours ago, relapse98 said:

    See: Men running conversion therapy clinics that then come out as gay. They hate themselves so go hard against what they really want.

    And you do not want pictures of Donna Campbell doing anything with her girlfriend. Based on what I saw driving one of Donna's Lexus SUV's - neither one is a pretty sight.

    Not Texas legislature related, but I know a complete assclown of a human being I worked with who has renounced being gay due to his Jehovah's Witness faith, but is clearly still gay. Yes he now treats the gay folks as being below him that he manages.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Constant said:

    He has no shame sharing with the world that he does not understand, even in the slightest, what global warming or climate change actually are. 

    I hate that this fucking moron represents our country. 

    When your entire life is built upon lies it's just what you do I guess. The dumb son of a bitch could be told how global warming works by scientists in the Oval Office, given detailed information on what it is (lol he isn't reading any of it) and he'd still go on a twitter shitter rant about it not being real.

    This is just who this fraud is. His cult slops it up like pigs at a feeding trough. They don't care if he tells the truth. As long as they hear what makes them feel at ease they are good with that.

    • Like 1
  12. 14 hours ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    So, the GOP has controlled Texas since the mid 90's and there are supposedly 95K illegals voting?  Where is the evidence for this besides a release from the Sec State?

    Anyone whose head isn't shoved up Trump's enormously fat ass knows the numbers are made up. He is throwing out made up numbers to FULLY DISTRACT THE MEDIA AND CITIZENS about what is happening to him. Keep your eyes on the prize and just laugh at his and Fox and Friends bullshit propaganda attempts.

  13. On 1/26/2019 at 10:11 PM, JimmyJames said:

    Its gonna be in the back of a jersey chop shop. Price of admission will be $2.89, cash only, no change given.

    There are some schools on Long Island that I think would consider it. The olds out in Suffolk County like this clown. I could see Stony Brook putting in a bid if some donors pushed them to do so. 

  14. 15 hours ago, Post Oak said:

    Hannity is slowly morphing into a thumb 

    It should've been Hannity being six feet under and not Colmes. It amazes me still how evil assholes consistently outlive decent human beings who actually care about their fellow man or woman.

    • Like 1
  15. I think this is a fairly incredible moment in the history of our country and the world as a whole. A 78 year old Italian woman, who stands around 5'5", has done what no man has ever done to Dotard and stared him down, called his bluff and got him to fold. 

    The majority of Republicans have let this traitorous asshole run amok for two years and it has come down to this woman in charge of The People's House to stop him and holy hell has she done that.

    If you are still supporting Trump right now while watching this you are seriously deranged mentally and need to get some professional help ASAP. 


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  16. 5 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Well, it also demonstrates a complete misunderstanding of an economic system built on the flow of money.

    Let's take the ABSURD cost of a massive deportation effort out of the equation.  Let's just imagine, as a fantasy, that the Lord God Jehovah issued a command booming from the heavens, and POOF, every undocumented person in America was teleported back to their country of origin.  Let's look at the cascade of economic effects there.

    Farms?  They're fucked.  I hope you like your strawberries and lettuce in rotten piles on the dirt, because that's where they'll be.  Alternatively, quadruple the price.

    Construction?  Totally fucked in much of the country.  I mean, as a litigator, I'd love it -- the blown deadlines and liquidated damages litigation would keep me going for YEARS.

    Restaurants?  They're fucked too.  Some will close (some have already closed in Austin because they can't find adequate staff at wages that make the business work).  At the rest, prices will go up.

    Landscaping and janitorial services?  Same story.

    How many landlords would go broke after losing many of their tenants?

    How many stores (think La Michoacana on N. Lamar, and 100 other stores like it in Austin alone) will shut down because of a loss of customers?

    How many local restaurants would take a similar hit?

    And of course, we're also not including any of the calculations netting out their contribution to the tax base -- remember, when that illegal buys a new pair of boots, those are taxes going into our coffers.  When the apartment complex he was in depreciates because it can't fill its beds, that's value off of our tax base.  When he isn't working on that construction project, even under a fake SSN, those are SS dollars that aren't going into the coffers.

    Immigration is one of those issues that, because of a minor itch, we seem intent on shooting ourselves in the dick economically with a .357.  It's just so fucking stupid.


    Great post and I agree with all of that.

    Anyone arguing to send the evil brown people back to where they are from had better get used to paying 2 or 3 times what they currently pay at restaurants. Take a look in kitchens in pretty much any restaurant that serves any kind of food almost anywhere across our country. Think it's a bunch of Italian chefs and cooks back there making that 40 dollar bowl of pasta?

    I worked for a guy on Long Island once and he's pretty well off because he owns Gino's Italian Ice due to his dad. He has four other restaurants and the one I was at the entire kitchen was from El Salvador. Cooked their ass off and made some great Italian food. But yeah let's get all of these men and women home and get those disenfranchised whites back into the kitchens making the minimum. I am sure that would end well.

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