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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 7 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    FWIW, I agree with the Trump admin move on this one (and am thankful that they didn't have to be put in the positions of "thought leaders" on the issue).  Yes, a showdown -- an internal showdown -- is in the making literally as we speak.  This is how the dam breaks....if it's going to break.

    It's not a move without risk, but in the full calculus, it's the right one right now.  You don't make a chess move because it makes you feel good.  You do it because of the position it will put your opponent in.  A lot of folks just made a move that puts Maduro in a tight spot.  And for the opposition to know that it's not alone gives it further legitimacy among the public -- there's kind of a spiral effect.

    I fully support this. I think we all realize someone had to tell him to do this so kudos to the person or persons that convinced him to begin the final push of getting Maduro out. One of my best friends is from Venezuela and this happening is a big deal for him. He needs to return to Caracas for personal reasons, but due to the turmoil there he has not gone back.

    It's been sad watching the people there suffer so greatly. I hope this is a step in the right direction. Venezuelans deserve a chance to live normal lives.

  2. Definitely need to have patience. You can't just walk in and set the whole place on fire. Well I guess you can if you are an asset of a foreign government currently occupying the Oval Office.

    I am very much in support of Democrats being thorough and patient. Let these traitorous clowns continue to hang themselves and just come in and clean up the mess. They won't entirely erase the Republican party, but crippling it to the point that it no longer has any power at the federal level for the foreseeable future would be a nice start. 

  3. 34 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Crushed financially....and aesthetically. He looks like a fucking cartoon villain. Fuck him.

    His eyes look so damn weird, especially when he puts those ridiculously small glasses on. If for no other reason put him in prison so his crazy ass is no longer on TV.

    If that doesn't happen I hope he winds up broke and destitute and that I see him riding the subway begging for spare change.

  4. On 1/18/2019 at 5:12 PM, Iconoclast Texan said:

    As long as the GOP gets reshaped to become a party that (1) no longer slavishly supports free trade, (2) abandons neoconservative foreign policy and embraces a semi-isolationist stance and (3) limits both legal and illegal immigration, getting blown out next election because Cheeto dick is incompetent will be worth it. We will have smarter people run who can excite the base in a more refined style. Guys like Ron DeSantis will be coming up the pipeline. Driving out the neoconservative Bush war criminal element from the GOP has me very excited about the future of the Party.

    I realize you are just trolling, but what satisfaction do you take from posting something like this on here or really any other website for that matter? 

  5. 38 minutes ago, ChiTownDoc said:

    LOL @ these Trump supporters that wanna turn on him now.  WTF did you expect, you stupid motherfuckers?  This is exactly who you supported.  He fucked over any group he could and you were fine with it, but after missing a couple paychecks, you pieces of shit decide you've had enough?  LOL  

    Fuck all of you. 

    The simple answer is it's okay so long as those evil brown people are feeling Dotard's wrath.

    Thinking that Jim Bob in bumbfuckville had enough money to wait out this shutdown is where Dotard really screwed the pooch. He will cave and he will be humiliated. His base will still blame the Democrats. Just look at history to see how rubes will support authoritarians who feed them a steady stream of whatever the hell sounds good to them. It is going to be a painful moment for all of us when Dotard's cultists finally wake up and realize the the ruse they have supported was all a mirage.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Looks like the TODAY show jumped on the media apology train yesterday and immediately booked this interview. Subsequent videos showing MAGA kids being disrepectful to a group of girls and the kid making a rape joke only fueled the fire again.  

    This will be ugly. NBC, Today Show, and interviewer Savannah Guthrie are all getting tons of shit on Twitter as we speak. Really wish Sandmann would have laid low, nothing good will come of this. 



    This ridiculousness gave Dotard another distraction and by God if the media didn't once again gladly cover it. Cover everything he is doing to actively destroy our country and stop following him on stuff like this. 

  7. 41 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    LOL, calmer than you are dude.

    This guy went on a neg spree after I negged one of his posts. I read this board for a bit before posting on it so I cannot say I was surprised that he became unhinged over a neg.

    He's a Trumpkin that eventually has to be brought back into society once this ordeal is finally over though. Perhaps he will be amongst the contingent that admits they were wrong. 

  8. 4 hours ago, SimonBolivar said:

    Man it's hard to watch in spots from a sadness point of view. One thing that jumped out at me were the teeth. I mean I know they're British, but that's one thing Downton Abbey got wrong.

    I cannot get that young man's face out of my head that looked right at the camera on the Sunken Road. That was the saddest part for me. 

    We're a century out from the "War to end all wars" and humanity has learned little to nothing since then. I respect the hell out of all those men who fought in those conditions.

    That hygiene thing though...I mean I know we make fun of the Brits still to a degree about their teeth, but Good Lord I think many of those young men never used a toothbrush. 

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  9. 6 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

     Two Netflix docs by a British professor, David Reynolds, that you should see. 

    Long Shadow - 3hrs - Puts it in historical context, and how people actually felt about It at the time, and not what we think they felt about it. 

    Armistice - 1hr - puts the end in modern comtext 

    I will make it a point to set aside some time and watch them. I try to think about the prism of how people thought about historical events during their time so that interests me. Thank you and I will watch both. 

    • Fuck You 1
  10. 22 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Wider release in February. It’s done better than they expected so it’ll be running more dates, etc. 

    I am glad they will be doing a bigger release. More people need to see this and realize what war really is like. That scene on the Sunken Road is haunting. That look of fear on that one young man's face will stay with me. I would have been as big a mess as he was. I will go back and see it again if they show it here. So many of our modern issues as a world can be traced to that war. 

    I also can't get that song out of my head. Pretty catchy.

    • Fuck You 1
  11. It's just Mt. Brady. His career is so stunningly incredible that putting anyone else up there just cheapens it.

    If Barry Sanders had played for an elite franchise and not the one who employed him he would have some titles and should be there. 

  12. Just watched this in Manhattan. Absolutely stunning to see. The years of work that went into this were well worth it. The thirty minutes Jackson spent talking about it after it ended were entertaining. He got several laughs from the audience. Overall I would recommend everyone see this at some point. 

    I also concur on the song at the end being great as noted above. The fellas he got to sing it and how it happened is pretty funny.

  13. 10 hours ago, Chooky said:

    Our country is totally fucked up.

    There are few things that really get under my skin, but screw him for that. I worked with a guy who is of Turkish descent and holy hell do most Turks hate that guy, but few are able to speak out. I don't know what he took from his friendship with McCain, but he must've missed the part about not being supporters of ruthless authoritarian assholes.


    Oh and fuck Hedo Turkoglu for supporting him so strongly and being a puppet for that dictator. Much like his NBA career, his political views and support are worthless. I'd pay good money to watch Enes Kanter beat the ever-loving shit out of Turkoglu.

    • Like 4
  14. You still have to get the senate on board with impeachment. This will not move the needle with those clowns. You could have Dotard having a meeting with Putin on video where he says I hate America and they would not vote to impeach on party lines. The November 2020 vote/massacre is where this ends, no sooner.

    Get ready for two more years of complete asshattery from the Pubs who will gleefully go down with the ship while grifting all they can along the way.

    • Fuck You 1
  15. 15 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    Trump will take a deal to keep his kids from being prosecuted.  

    And I'm fine with all of those crooks walking if it gets that fucking con man away from the nuclear football.

    If the deal involved Ivanka he would. The rest mean nothing to him. I do think if Melania sees Barron being threatened in any way she will toss the Hamberdler under the bus in front of Congress.

  16. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    A foreign war isn’t the political tool it once was... This country is sick of that shit and will not rally to support Trump in that endeavor, it will turn on him harder

    I do not think starting one is viewed the same anymore either. Stop to remember who it is we are talking about here and who Dotard's base is. If it potentially involves killing Muslims they are right there cheering him on in their power scooters.

  17. 2 hours ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The only war Trump is going to start is a civil war.

    Pay no attention to the Iran shit.  It’s just saber rattling.

    If this idiot sees the impeachment train rolling down the tracks and believes in his addled mind that starting a new foreign war is a way to ensure his survival he will attempt to do it.

    Everything he does is about himself and his own survival. He does not care about anyone outside of Ivanka. He'd sacrifice the rest of his kids and the entirety of our country if it meant the two of them would survive.

  18. 2 hours ago, Bama Chick said:

    A free pass to what???

    Coney Island?

    I swear, these old white dudes still so good obsessed with Hillary Clinton have some kind of pathetic pathological inferiority complex about powerful women.

    And not for nothing, Hannity has a hall of fame punchable face.

    I will say this. I remember watching Hannity & Colmes years ago. I felt bad for how Alan was treated on that show. He attempted to be professional and present his argument and side, but would always get shouted down. It was never a coherent argument. Just yelling like a damn teenage girl from Hannity until Colmes just ceded to him.


    He seemed like a good human being to me and was a man who seemed to have a conscience for his fellow humans and principles. Cancer took him way too early.

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  19. 11 hours ago, Gardner Barnes said:


    It’s going to be a Biden/Beto ticket.


    That would be fine with me. I would prefer a younger candidate to be president, but both of them are very positive human beings and I like that. We need more of that in our country and less of the braying ass type currently occupying the White House. 

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