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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UpperWestside

  1. What stories did your father tell you about his experiences in the Pacific? I would love to hear them if you are willing to share them on here. I am sure others would enjoy that as well.
  2. Thank you for sharing that story. That’s honestly really awesome to get hear about the experience of the regular soldier who fought in those places.
  3. Just talked with one of my friends that coaches at Carter and he is looking forward to the challenge of playing Stephenville this week. He stepped away from coaching football for 23 years I believe (He’s a basketball guy first and foremost), but the last time he was coaching football he was part of one of the biggest upsets in Texas HS football history. He was a young coach on the staff at WW Samuell when they shocked top ranked Highland Park in the first round (Before getting bounced by Ennis the next week). He still to this day has never willingly scheduled Highland Park because of the racist things that were said by their fans after the game in the parking lot to their players and coaches. He’s still salty anytime that school is brought up.
  4. I wanted to share this because perhaps some of this video can help or relate to some of us. Buss is pretty private about her life outside the Lakers, but her and her now husband Jay Mohr talk about addiction and the intervention she got for him. I have admired Buss for her business acumen as well as just being a good person so seeing her and Jay open up really cool.
  5. I read a book called A World Undone over the summer and oh man does that take you on a wild ride through The Great War and the many insane decisions made by those who were leading it. It’s by GJ Meyer and it’s well worth the time spent reading it.
  6. You kind of spelled out my thoughts with this. The cloak room is okay. I can tolerate and be fine with reading someone’s differing opinion there. We all look at the world differently. I am sure people think it’s a liberal echo chamber, but that’s more on having so few posters willing to engage on topics in good faith because of who they voted for in 2016 and 2020. Chrispy gets shown the door in there repeatedly and GRHorn does on the rare occasions he comes in under a new name. Outside of that there’s not much out of the norm going on.
  7. It’s college athletics. That’s it. Nothing more and nothing less. Yes I find it odd behavior how angry people get over athletes 18-22 or so years old. It’s entertainment and nothing more. Of all the things in life to spend time being angry about being upset about college sports, or really sports in general, are something that I cannot understand anymore as I get older. For me it took a couple of moments in life to reach this point because I was guilty of the same misplaced anger about sports. You get one shot at life and wasting years of your life being pissed over something that should be a nice diversion from real life is sad to me.
  8. And I hope the prior message was not taken personally because there is no offense meant. It is observations on my part, nothing more. I have read you plenty in other spaces on this board and I enjoy your contributions, especially when you helped guide me through taking care of my first tattoo when it hurt like all get out to walk.
  9. I find people like this man to be really cool in how they can channel all of their passion into so much positive energy. He seems like a really kind soul. More of us, myself included, can stand to learn something from an example like this.
  10. I don’t much care if you’re left or right of center or way out in left field. How middle age people and beyond behave about a college sporting event is odd, at best. The vitriol and negativity in general on the football board has no equal on this site.
  11. I don’t watch much college football, but seeing people who are legitimately upset with how Texas looks despite being 9-1 now is incredible. It’s a game. If you start to take it too seriously back away from it and reevaluate where you are in life. I can understand the 20 something fan having an attachment to the team, but not older folks getting angry over this stuff. The football board is the most toxic forum on this site.
  12. I looked at SJSU’s schedule and they are more like a seven win team. They lost early to USC, Oregon State and a now 9-1 Toledo Rockets. If they had played a couple or three more cupcakes they’d be 7-2 right now.
  13. UCLA is the Iowa of the west now.
  14. I think if you gave that guy complete anonymity to say what he thinks of Irving it would be as brutal a takedown as he did on Harden. Since talking about the Mavs is how he pays his bills I think we’ll have to wait until Kyrie is off to his next team to burn down. I also don’t think it matters who Harden is teammates with. He has zero understanding of anyone outside of himself. He does share that trait with Kyrie.
  15. If Brian Ferentz needs a place to make a soft landing after Iowa cans him I think @Sbbruin’s guys seem like a nice place to go to. No expectation to score points and you get better weather.
  16. I am reading a book right now that focuses on a few of the individual Marines that fought on Tarawa. Reading about them reminds me about the level of sacrifice each of them made to repel Japan and destroy their armed forces completely. That battle was pure hell on earth. I have nothing but admiration for them and everyone else that has served our country. My father was German, but within three years of coming to the states he was drafted to go to Vietnam. He would get his citizenship over there and he was placed in the motor pool. Despite qualifying as a marksman (My dad was a heckuva shot) he was sent to the motor pool where he did what he excelled at unlike any person I have ever met. He received the Bronze Star during his tour, but never said how he got it. He was so proud to be an American citizen and to have served in the armed forces of his adopted country. I will never forget when my uncle died in 2006 and my dad had lost his sight due to a doctor’s tragic mistake, he got up and he saluted my uncle (Also a Vietnam vet that got his leg blown off by friendly fire. Found that out 15 years later.) while they played taps.
  17. Well I gotta tell you that wherever he got it done it’s noticeable. Big upgrade. I am pretty certain my man is also on the spectrum like I am which means he’s probably an encyclopedia of Knox City football and their other sports in general. It would be cool to meet this guy at some point in life because I can guarantee he’d be entertaining to listen to. Also Knox City is 1st in the state and national six man rankings right now. They beat the number two team in the state and nation early in the year by 4, but look to have to play them again in a couple of weeks going by the brackets
  18. Pretty sure 15-0 qualifies as Brian Ferentz running up the score and doing a victory lap.
  19. Whoa, whoa, whoa…That’s a bridge too far right there.
  20. 6-0 in the Bottom of the third. What riveting stuff. BUT, and brace yourself for this, they have thrown the ball 23 times and 13 of those have been caught by guys in Hawkeye jersey so far. They may hit that magical 300 yard barrier of total offense before this one is done.
  21. HOO BOY…WOW. I mean that guy just said everything on live TV that fans say about him. That was a takedown from the top rope.
  22. Outside of THOSE GUYS I really don’t actively want to see other teams fail. Age will do that to you as a fan. Whatever team employs Morant though is one I want to see go face to concrete over and over. He should not be playing at all this season.
  23. Man I am with you on having seen one of these late. IB I enjoyed for the humor it provided. Django I think I saw in the theater, but who knows. I was maybe more lukewarm on that one. I just didn’t connect as well with it. Does not mean it wasn’t a cool movie overall. Sometimes a movie can just fail to captivate you as to where most everyone else may love it.
  24. Here is something else Knox City related. The original video I saw because of Danny Balis and Corby getting the audio played during a broadcast of The Hardline. I wondered if this guy was still around and by God the Knox City Superfan still is! Looks like he has had some dental work done at some point in the last dozen years, but as big a fan of the home team now as he was then!
  25. He's on 97.1 The Freak now. Along with Mike Rhyner. Well how about that. Learn something new everyday. I thought Rhyner had retired as well.
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