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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by UpperWestside

  1. I did not really follow his career other than watching him on Friends and a few movies, but what I have gathered is that he never got past his addictions. Life can be really messed up. I am still glad that he did try to help others out in similar circumstances even if he could not help himself.
  2. I was just talking with a friend back in Texas about this and I think that the payout should be far higher and that the guys on the lower end of the salary scale should receive a higher check. I would start them out at 2 million for the lowest paid guy and work it up to 750k for the guy making the most. I would also tie their winnings to whether they actually played or not. The NBA is going through a period of unprecedented worldwide growth and this is something they can afford to do.
  3. Davenport, Burnet and Lampasas all finished in a tie for the district title thanks to Burnet’s upset win on the road against Davenport last week. I am guessing it means they all can claim a share of the district title, but for seeding purposes Davenport goes in as the 1 seed. Lampasas gets the 2 seed and Burnet gets the 3 seed. Taylor finishes in 4th and gets Boerne. I believe the win margin gave it to Davenport as each game gets a maximum of 17 points. 1st round games Davenport-Fredericksburg Lampasas-Uvalde Burnet-Somerset (Should be the best bi-district matchup) Boerne- @Armybrat
  4. I half expect the court to have motion sensitive light underneath it for the basketball when it gets dribbled. You might as well go all the way of you are going to have a court like that.
  5. Oh the plot for sure was pretty thin, but those camera shots of ghost kid robots on the security cam was funny. Sometimes good movies are simple and just make you feel nice when it is over.
  6. So first one was against Manute Bol (RIP) and the Sixers. The second came against the 3-32 Mavs led by Derek Harper and the immortal Sean Rooks (RIP). The 46 came against Detroit and Dumars had 39 in the game. Isiah Thomas does not get a RIP yet as he is still around plying his roster destroying ways in Phoenix at the moment with his new best friend owner.
  7. The thing I hope for him, as well as Holmgren and other guys of that height, is that modern medicine finds a way to keep them on the court. I don’t believe the human body at that size is meant to be stressed as hard physically as it is, but science and medicine hopefully keep these guys fully healthy because they can revolutionize how basketball is played. Maybe in my much younger days I’d not care, but the NBA is a good form of entertainment and you want to see the best players in the world on the court and not in a training room or in street clothes regularly.
  8. Harden is so incredibly and utterly delusional. Everything he says puts the blame on someone else for the failures of past teams. I thought that Embiid took the high road in his comments about Harden. It’s not a matter of if the JV team in LA falls short, it’s a matter of how it happens and what embarrassing thing or things they do to help their season end in as painful a way as possible. I feel like Harden will have a leading role in making it happen and he’ll then proceed to throw everyone else under the bus while demanding 45 million plus per season for his unique “System”.
  9. I think that he was just wired like this most of the time. Charles Pierce wrote an article on Defector detailing an interview he attempted to conduct with him years ago. It was strange to say the least how Knight treated him. I liked another coach who had quite a temper in John Chaney. The difference between them is Chaney pushed his players hard, but seemed to genuinely care for each of them. Knight is someone I never got that impression of. He was a massive bully and it carried over into how he acted away from the court.
  10. Aliyanah has been nice enough to share one of her pillows with Heiani. These two are pretty awesome together.
  11. This is what I envision the next career for Aaron Rodgers to be.
  12. This was something I contemplated seeing this evening, but I knew I would not have time to see it due to when it started here. I am going to watch it though.
  13. What Happens Later with Meg Ryan and David Duchovny. This was a good movie and the two of them had great on-screen chemistry. It is definitely worth spending a free afternoon or evening watching this when it is available for streaming. I liked the premise and how they looked back at their former selves and loves while being stuck in the airport. Not a long movie for those who have short attention spans which is another good thing. I would watch this again.
  14. I think you will get varied responses to this. If someone asks me to pray for them I will. Maybe a 100 other people prayed and it went unanswered. Honestly I don’t know and neither does anyone else as to the reason why it was not answered. That’s life I guess. An example here would be a friend’s family member in DeSoto (Former head high school football coach) that has been struck with an incurable disease. I pray for him, but am I just praying for him to be pain-free as he nears the likely end of his life or can he be healed? Again I don’t know how it plays out, but if letting someone know I prayed for their family member brings a measure of comfort I think that might serve its purpose.
  15. I pray, but I don’t really have a well thought-out answer on the specifics of any prayers I have. I stay away from asking for money and usually just ask God to be with my family and friends and to let me do whatever it is I am supposed to do today. Praying for money for myself just feels wrong and not in line with anything I should be doing. It seems selfish to pray like that I guess. The only thing I can consistently say that I ask for is to be able to help brighten someone’s day that needs it. It helps being in a large city, but sometimes just the act of talking to someone that looks like life threw the kitchen sink at them that day helps. I also steadily maintain to people that if you are not religious that you don’t have to be in order to do nice things for others. I would classify my mother as not religious yet she is the most giving and caring human being I have ever known. Always thinking of everyone else and how to make their day better.
  16. Not dickish or terse at all. I enjoy reading your posts on this site. You definitely cut through a lot of lawyerese in some threads that helps explain the judicial process. Same thing here as well. I firmly believe that if you are unwilling to learn from the observations or experiences of others you are not only making poor use of your own time, but theirs as well. It’s okay to say someone else can not only have a different perspective, but can also be more educated and knowledgeable about a subject. I feel like I can safely speak for others here and say your posts are always appreciated. They are well thought out and reasoned and I believe people respond better to how you interact with each of us.
  17. As a coach he was great. As a person, not so much. Doubt he really cared what anyone thought of him.
  18. I don’t mind them. When I go to Barnes and Noble I get a grande coffee with some half and half. Most of the time I make some coffee at home though, but nothing wrong with an espresso or regular coffee from there.
  19. Thank you for sharing that! I had no idea what happened to him after his career was over. I just read he met his wife in Greece when he was playing ball there. That’s really awesome that both his children, his daughter especially, became very good athletes. I can’t imagine staring down a 6’9” player in volleyball. He apparently is really involved and supportive as a parent. What a great story to read about today.
  20. This is a beautiful picture and I am glad you are able to have made it to this point where you can enjoy life like this. I ran across these things you are sitting on at The American Dream Mall on a trip over there one afternoon. My friends were off skiing and I had the misfortune to wander into what seemed like dozens of these things coming at me from every direction. I feel lucky to have survived the encounter! 😂
  21. Sorry if my message came across as disagreeing with anything you said. I find all of that to be true. Man is it a hard day to have to say you cannot control the beast and you either have to reach out for help or just put the stuff down cold turkey. One of the activities I partake in quite a bit is attempting to understand how and why people are the way they are which inevitably leads me down a long line of questions I would have about their life. Sometimes the answers to those questions are right in front of my face and sometimes not.
  22. Mike Smrek.
  23. Yes and that half travels the country giving terrible reviews on pizza. I think Long Islanders are going to murder him for giving a bad review to the pizza out east.
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