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Burt Macklin

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Burt Macklin

  1. Campbell is an elite athlete, but his technique needed a ton of work. It doesn’t surprise me he’s not ready yet since he wasn’t an EE. People have been overhyping Campbell’s ability to play right away just based on his 5 star ranking, but he was always going to need a lot of development. He might be able to be better than Hutson right now, but the fact they out in Parr when Hutson went out makes me think they’re trying to avoid playing Campbell so he can work on his technique. Some guys need time and if you play them early, their muscle memory kicks in and they revert back to bad technique, which slows their development. Not if Hutson was playing RG at this level.
  2. huh? Sark gave him open deep shots with a clean pocket or easy short throws all game. Card just isn’t very good. He was missing wide open receivers a lot vs. UTSA because he drops his eyes to the pass rush way too early. There’s not really a game plan that fits Card other than don’t ask him to do much and try to lean on the run game. If his ankle’s better, we could mix in a bit of read option to try to open things up a bit.
  3. This reminds me of when 6th Street said a freshman Casey Thompson should be getting snaps over Sam. Moving a true freshman who has only repped at Nickel, and has struggled in games there, to outside CB would be one of the dumber moves the coaching staff could possibly make. Though, I can’t say I’m surprised this is the best 6th Street could come up with.
  4. We might need to have a different baseline. Average based on the last 9 years of Texas OL play would be what most programs call dogshit.
  5. And the face of Tom Herman. It’s allowed as long as they’re paying the charity for the player’s performance. The Texas law just says you can’t make a player’s pay contingent on performance, but it’s fine if the pay is to a third party.
  6. Two of our best runs against UTSA came off RT with Jones and Sanders blocking next to each other. I think Sark is starting to identify what works. He's moving away from inside zone and getting more creative.
  7. Hey, that's called a top 3 WR in Jimbo's offense.
  8. I’m not really sure what that phrase even means, but we’re not asking anything crazy out of our secondary so far. The coverages have been pretty standard. I think this stems from our DBs playing so far off last year and 9.95ers saying it didn’t give us time to generate a pass rush, which is true but we’ve basically just adjusted to normal secondary coverages this year. Most of the pressure is due to our DL winning up front, not excessive use of press coverage or stuff like heavy blitzing with Cover 0 behind it.
  9. Yeah, I think there’s something to that with him, but it’s also hard to attribute every single DL and edge playing clearly better to individual circumstances.
  10. UTSA was his best game, but he hasn’t been very good so far this year. Most of the improvement in the run game is coming from the improved DL play. They’re definitely letting the DL get after it. That statistical improvement is crazy with almost identical personnel. It also shows how bad the defensive coaching performance was last year.
  11. people keep trying to say this, but our OL was really bad at run blocking against ULM with Quinn in, so it’s not just about the QB. We will be better with Quinn and hopefully have improved creativity but 3rd and short and RZ will always be a challenge when you have an OL that can’t move people. I do think our numbers will get better in these areas as the season progresses but it will likely continue to be a bit of a struggle
  12. This is a great graphic and checks out with the eye test. Our offensive run success rate is god awful due to poor run blocking, and our offense as a whole is really being held back by only having Quinn for about 3 quarters. Defensively, we been good against the run and vulnerable to the pass. Our CBS were exposed some against UTSA and I expect that to continue into conference play. The other one that sticks out is our inability to convert red zone opportunities into points. We’re 93rd in pts/Eckel, which basically means we’re struggling to convert good drives into points. We’re also 101 in 3rd/4th conversion rate. I think both of these relate to our inability to get push on the OL. Both this year and last year Sark seems to get a lot less creative in the red zone and 3rd/4th in short resulting in a lot of inside runs that are stuffed. Hopefully Sark starts scheming some more RZ and short conversion plays to help out because I don’t see our OL being good in these situations at any point this year.
  13. You’re really misunderstanding what this represents. This isn’t trying to be predictive, like S&P+. This is an unadjusted stat showing per play efficiency, similar to yards per play. That’s it. This early in the season you have a lot of outliers due to easy non-con schedules, like Michigan. The stat will be a better showing of who’s played well once we get further into conference play, but it will always be an imperfect stat due to such variation in schedule difficulty. EPA translates better to the NFL where quality of opponent is much more similar.
  14. Looch hails from the Ian Boyd School of Brevity.
  15. You posted a box score showing we had a 99.8% post game win expectancy and your take away is that it was a game won on the margins.
  16. Bijan and Roschon 2.6 and 1.9 yards before contact against UTSA. Our OL seriously can’t run block. It’s a really good thing we have the best RB room in the country.
  17. Our OL continues to be above average pass blocking and very below average run blocking. Still seems strange to me. Unfortunately, we can’t take advantage of the pass blocking until Ewers comes back.
  18. Yeah, I’m highly skeptical of Traylor until I see what he can do without Harris. He makes up for so many issues for them.
  19. They’re just making a bet about who will be the Texas coach in 2024.
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