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Chilly Water

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Everything posted by Chilly Water

  1. Pink Floyd -Comfortably Numb
  2. We bought our house last summer and it has upgraded Pfister faucets throughout. Within a year the kitchen and mini bar faucets have failed. The kitchen faucet just stopped working. No hot or cold water. Blowing out the lines with compressed air made no difference. Our mini bar faucet had a slow leak where the hot and cold water is blended (whatever that parts called). We only discovered it after enough water damage had already occurred to the cabinet. Ended up going with Kohler for both but I’ve only had them for a few months so can’t speak to the longevity. I will be getting rid of all the Pfister faucets in the coming months though.
  3. Seems like you can get a lot cheaper handjob for less than the price of a horse. Not really buying this story. it’s great tabloid noise
  4. How much for the rock lamp next to the candle?
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/news/massive-blackout-hits-taiwan-affecting-050019727.html Here we gooo
  6. He really doesn't understand inflation
  7. He's only been one of the morons surrounding Washington forever. That cocksucker has been waiting forever for his time to shine, bouncing around from governor to POTUS candidate, to senator......fuck the trumper GOP but Romney is a neocon GOP leech clinging to another star. Cant believe some of y'all lefties are eating up his bullshit.
  8. Has Barry Manilow left Spotify yet or does he have bigger balls than all these authoritarian censorship twats who are bailing?
  9. Cumby, TX. Fuckers there have white emblems on white SUV’s makes it almost impossible to tell them apart from other cars. Pretty sure the towns only revenue comes from tickets they write on I-30
  10. Definitely a shit show. Sotomayer may be the worst justice on the bench. What an embarrassment.
  11. I worked on a world map puzzle with my brother and niece over the holidays, and I put together Kazakhstan...so this hits close to home
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