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Chilly Water

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Everything posted by Chilly Water

  1. Great question. I bet cosplay pussy Grosskreutz, illegally concealing a Glock, can answer that.
  2. Lincoln Riley still gets his annual Christmas picture taken sitting on a mall Santa’s lap
  3. Lulz Fuck espn - forced commercial to give Eli a little talking to
  4. Lulz safety
  5. Somebody’s cloooser
  6. Hahaha fuck the Yankees
  7. Holy shit I’m dying 😂
  8. Hell muthafuckin yeeeeaaahhhhh!!!!
  9. I forgot to get pics of all the Trulys and Smirnoffs I drank earlier while the ribs and bacon wrapped jalapeños were on the smoker.
  10. The whyfe and kids are out…let’s fucking go
  11. I had 2 generators, several heaters and a few 5 gallon gas cans in case we needed them. We never lost power but because of the water pressure loss and boil notices, we definitely need more water storage. 4 days with no hot shower fucking sucks
  12. That was pretty fucked up. Never mind the egregious police work. 20 out of some 100 confessions proven false. The rest...haha, whatever
  13. Can a dictionary really define those? Shouldn't be that be a search in an encyclopedia? Or a lengthy history book? My faith in humans wains.
  14. This country is so far gone from where it should be. I blame the 2 party system. We need a third seat at the table....Until then, I'm here for the show
  15. You come off as the creepy ass dude that wants to feel up my drunk gf.
  16. I'm fascinated with the logic behind these kinds of posts....If the best the Dems could put up against a total failure like Trump is neck and neck in an election, what does that say about your party?
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