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Scooter Monzingo

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Everything posted by Scooter Monzingo

  1. C’mon. It ain’t if aggy fucks it up. That’s a fucking given. It is in the incredibly stupid way in which they will fuck it up that provides the entertainment.
  2. Mullens is starting to look comfortable.
  3. aggy has had talent before, still managed to shit down their leg.
  4. I understand that is Illegal in Georgia? You know SEC, SEC what not.
  5. Yeah, it’s fucked up. But humor me and check out “Within attraction”, at least until the drum solo. That is a tight fucking band.
  6. What a strange post? I’m sorry you’re embarrassed for being Frank.
  7. Yanni - Live at the Acropolis. I have no fucking idea why I like it, but I do.
  8. Your two examples are nothing alike. Shannon has a career 29-25 record, Urb likes pussy.
  9. How does Shannon get considered for any coaching job?
  10. You are a goal post moving kinda guy…and for the record. This particular kid ain’t going to college to get a degree. He is simply buying his required time. Meanwhile his head coach has multiple endorsement deals, is surrounded by both current and ex NFL players, and is probably agreed to get the kid on somebody’s payroll.
  11. No one said it was the same thing. We are saying if you got the goods it really doesn’t fucking matter.
  12. Ask him no questions, he will tell you no lies….
  13. Uh? I’m guessing some still don’t understand George Martins role, aka “the fifth Beatle”. You couldn't get a better musical education at Juilliard.
  14. Combined with how easy it is to see how he can change his entire team’s philosophy from week to week. Just because you “want” to run doesn’t mean you can. Yet Bellichik manages these adjustments incredibly well.
  15. It is an uninspiring hire. Doesn’t mean it won’t work out. It just means no one will be surprised if it doesn’t.
  16. I have seen Manning play, it was simply a benchmark.
  17. You can get anything you want at Alice’s Restaurant…
  18. Has anyone actually seen the kid play? And if you have compare him to the Manning kid.
  19. Your analysis is slightly flawed when considering the aggregate. No, they probably will not score as much, but they probably won’t surrender as many points.
  20. It’s an uninspiring hire, but that doesn’t mean very much.
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