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Scooter Monzingo

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Everything posted by Scooter Monzingo

  1. It is the only thing the NCAA ever did that made sense. They took salary cap all the way to the Supreme Court, and lost. Their argument was simpleā€¦it would inevitably start an arms race. Ultimately dooming the smaller schools. And if they get left out, those anti trust exceptions that college athletics enjoy, could all go away.
  2. Yeah, I gotta go with the Kyrie. That Irish fucker for sure can handle his hands. And probably can take a pretty good punch to that square jaw.
  3. I thought it went without saying that their inconsistency is now obvious. Rileyā€™s ass checked out in September.
  4. Remember when Chip Kelly was all the rage? I rememberā€¦
  5. Where is he supposed to go?
  6. Just wondering. By chance is Castiglione siciliano?
  7. He looks like the last 24 hours were tough.
  8. Yeah, this move has TV executives on the phones. They need SC to be good.
  9. Anyone know the terms of the contract?
  10. Who knows, maybe they ainā€™t as reject as some thought. Time will tellā€¦
  11. I guess Iā€™m on the outside, but I believe Riley will clean house at SC. He will be back in the playoffs in less than two years. His scheme with Southern California talent is going to be a good match.
  12. Is LSU still dealing with the off the field stuff? Potential penalties could very well be influencing any potential coach.
  13. Joe didnā€™t hire those guys. Just sayingā€¦
  14. I got to admit, I didnā€™t think Michigan had it in emā€¦.
  15. I really have to wonder about that Washington state coach walking away from what apparently is a good team.
  16. I just like seeing all that film I have never seen before. The quality is far better than I expected.
  17. Is that some type of relic, or is that real world patina?
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