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Scooter Monzingo

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Everything posted by Scooter Monzingo

  1. You sort of provided why he was a rape’n. When it comes to celebrities. If you gotta tell them who you are, you probably ain’t the slice of pie you think you are.
  2. I didn’t think much about it until I got married. The wife would watch a BBC broadcast that always featured period pieces, and I would get stuck watching with her. What I walked away with, is that there are a lot of English actors and actresses that are really fucking good at their craft. The depth of talent in the U.K. is amazing.
  3. I’ll never think of Welch’s in the same way.
  4. Harbaugh’s strange inability to land a great QB is baffling.
  5. There is a photograph of him playing a Epiphone Broadway floating around. I found it at Equipboard. That said I have no idea what the man played, but I am interested.
  6. My quick search has photos of James playing an Epiphone? Interesting topic actually.
  7. Ain’t nothing as a bad as a Saab. Same old Saab story.
  8. Trick question....neither. As there ain’t no porn in either stack. What do I win?
  9. Best is subjective. Influential is a little different. There were two songs that were the staple of every garage band in the country when they were released. Wipe out will always be number one. Though few do it as well as The Ventures. People seldom notice just how important the guitar work is when performing that song. Bogle and Nookie Edwards are incredibly good at hitting every string EVERY time. No distortion to hide a bad night. The other is Iron Butterfly’s In-A-Gadda-Vida. This song changed the roll of the drummer in a modern rock band. It was 17 minutes of confusion, but it had that long almost conceptual drum solo that allowed a competent musician to demonstrate the possibilities of putting the drummer out front. Just my take...
  10. Appreciate it. I want to take a crack at this and needed Gumbo for dummies.
  11. Oh, I can do a Duane impression. It ain’t good, but it’s an impression. And maybe it is the high quality recording that we enjoy today. But I find a lot of what the Trucks kid does with a slide to be a little easier on my ears then Duane’s style.
  12. Other then the glaring plot hole with the train, I liked the pilot.
  13. If there is any federal financial benefit from reporting COVID-19 as either the cause of death, or contributed to death. You can bet your ass there is corruption. I don’t care to do the mental gymnastics to speculate how. I’m just relying on my 6 decades of watching humanity make a buck.
  14. Why do you think your grandfather stashed it? He knew it was shit.
  15. The JK Simmons scene made that movie for me.
  16. You don’t have to be mean. Just state the facts. People like me really want to hear your experience, good or bad before we buy.
  17. That looks very much like an old Hermonos Camps I had.
  18. Can you elaborate on the melted plastic issue? This thread has convinced me to buy one of those, and would appreciate a photo to educate me as to what exactly melted, and can it be corrected?
  19. I wondered about the Pegasus/horse tag being on a Martin. I was unaware of a Steve Miller model.
  20. I’m more alive than I have ever been. And I appreciate things at this part of my life that I never would have bothered with as a young man. I was always far to busy trying to improve my life with the trappings of material things that I thought were important. Who knew that the secret to life was never beat yourself up to bad. And a fine glass of bourbon, a proper cigar, and great food were the only things I ever really needed.
  21. I found a certain peace in aging. I learned to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, something I cheated myself out of in my youth.
  22. Roosevelt Leaks and I. M. Hipp. Honorable mention: Jarvis Redwine Christian Okoye
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