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Scooter Monzingo

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Everything posted by Scooter Monzingo

  1. I’m not a big Reverb guy, so I will only say I would look elsewhere. That said they are a cool alternative to a LP Jr.
  2. This is real? You’re not making this up?
  3. I never looked at it like that. Very cool..
  4. Elmo McElroy….Formula 51. Great fucking movie.
  5. Well, Hendrix did claim Kath was as good as anyone alive at the time.
  6. So, should we form a quorum to resolve these issues!
  7. Never changed the strings? Not even stoned and bored?
  8. Manual or selectric? 15 words faster with the IBM.
  9. Do I not understand the thread title? You guys are mentioning some artists that in no way should be mocked? Now, my Yanni reference up thread, that you can mock the shit out of.
  10. Sambora? No shit? I never knew there were people who thought he was even worth a mention? Bon Jovi was good at one thing…they knew a commercially successful hook when they heard it.
  11. Yep, and that coolness reads something like this. Billy’s Pearly Gates Framptons Phenix Duane’s Gold Top Clapton’s Beano Jimmy’s 59 Walsh’s 59 Gary Moore, Paul Kossof’s 59’s, the list just goes on and on. I always liked being a small part of that.
  12. Poor child, you really don’t know. I love this place.. *Im just having fun, you’re a good dude.
  13. PRS is a damn fine instrument. I’m just not going to buy one before I bought a Les Paul.
  14. Add in that all the former pros he works that are forced to pander to him, all think he is an asshole.
  15. I’m going to guess there is more to this story.
  16. I can entertain friends when I’m drunk. I think it is because I really relax after a few shots. My go to move is the opening of “If you wanna get to heaven.” As I am a big Steve Cash fan…
  17. I agree with this. I was forced to retire at 55. I was fine financially, and probably would have retired in a few years anyway. But, it was the loss of title, responsibility, and my opinion that caused much anxiety. It was the most difficult element of retirement that I had to adjust to. Wife said it took two years before she could see I was finally at peace. I asked her how she determined that. Her response was she could tell when I started laughing a lot, and started following the weather.
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