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Scooter Monzingo

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Everything posted by Scooter Monzingo

  1. I have always believed that the best guitar tone ever recorded, was the live side of Fandango. Not the quality of the songs in the medley, just the guitar sound. Obviously everyone has their own thing. But, for me it is that sound. I have tried to duplicate it many times, no luck. I have read many contradicting interviews about what was used to record that. So it is anyones guess what we are really hearing. But it is wonderful…
  2. I loved them as a kid. Then I married a woman that thought we should eat them 3 times a week. We divorced in 93, I haven’t had the desire to eat one since.
  3. Actually, besides the fact it was cleaver to use the prismacolor pens. You obviously know how to use them. I have some of those things, and like all mixed media they require some skill. The overall color/contrast transition really pops in that photograph. It flat catches your eye. Especially the yellow/orange/red area on the horn. That really photographed well.
  4. You really did a good job on that. It has a real Tim Burton thing going without over cooking it.
  5. That is like Tony Stark giving his address in IM3….
  6. I liked the guy simply because he made Salisbury resort to the only defense that dumb fucker ever had in a battle of wits….(Oh Yeah? Did you play?)
  7. You know, I really didn’t notice that until you pointed it out. But yeah, that looks like a scrap piece.
  8. That is a weak effort to recognize Ted McCarty.
  9. The opposite to this of course is Mark Knopfler. I once saw him do the entire Sulton solo without moving his feet, and just staring around like he was waiting on a bus. I get that he was tired of the fucking song, but damn.
  10. You say it like it is a bad thing. Yet, even Carlos practices his face making…very important shit face making….
  11. Played Gawain in Excalibur (1981). That was my first memory of him.
  12. Ha, ha, I was expecting that from you. Well done…
  13. You’re speculating, just like the rest of us…
  14. I’m not a fan, but Brady is bad ass. He would start ahead of anyone not named Rodgers.
  15. The crazy thing is regardless of Brady’s age, who would you take ahead of him?
  16. Syriana I thought it a great film of choices, and repercussions
  17. For those who have not seen Les Paul “bumblebee” capacitors.
  18. I like the thread to have lots of pictures..
  19. My experience is that sugar is far to expensive, and it fucks with the huge profits available from sales. Selling roughly $0.04 of ingredients for a $1.00 or more is a golden goose. Karo syrup is the go to move for restaurants. Especially mom and pop establishments.
  20. Seriously? I had no idea people followed trucks.
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