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Everything posted by GeorgetownLaw

  1. Banned again
  2. Here we come!
  3. What is wrong with you? You are an embarrassment to all Texas fans with your crude and ignorant comments. You must be another “t-shirt” fan who never actually attended a school as good as Texas.
  4. Just shut up. You’re an embarrassment
  5. Hope the Horns are paying attention
  6. Because when they tried it Dallas and OKC the attendance was awful.
  7. Perspective, my dear Pancho, perspective.
  8. I can help you with reading comprehension if you want to message me.
  9. Exactly
  10. You don’t seem to grasp the concept of “destination” job. There aren’t “6-19” (?) better jobs. 3 or 4 maybe. As Texas fans we are often too myopic in our viewpoints and understanding of the sport and wider culture beyond our cloistered experience.
  11. DESTINATION JOB, not good or great or top-echelon-the ultimate job in the profession. (OK, I’ll give you golf. 😉).
  12. Much of what you say is true but it doesn’t make it the ultimate destination. Not saying it isn’t a great job, but the ultimate job, “destination” position it just isn’t. At one point the football coaching job was, but no longer is. You forgot a little thing called “tradition”. Texas has only a mediocre historical basketball history, no one outside of the Longhorn incubator, would ever think of it as such.
  13. With the exception of several women’s team positions, no men’s sports are any longer considered “destination” jobs. $$$ doesn’t make a job an apex of the sport.
  14. You people do realize this is Texas basketball, not exactly a “destination” gig.
  15. Come on Texas, make it interesting
  16. They can win wearing anything. 🥴
  17. Lordy, we play some dumb basketball.
  18. Quite the comeback by Kansas.
  19. So you REALLY believed this Texas team is going to win the Big 12 outright, this year?
  20. Obviously, never played the game beyond the backyard. “Nut up”. 🤭
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