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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. https://shadowban.yuzurisa.com/?s=09 Looks like you can check what you have throttled.
  2. Yes, I don't think that progress for the sake of progress is a good thing. It usually comes to no bad tactics.
  3. No, you started with speculating is disinfect. That's where started, you told me that speculation is disinfo. I'm saying that just speculation is not. That's why we're here.
  4. This sounds like consequentialism, and that thinking can lead to dicey directions.
  5. With disinformation, you need intent. You can speculate on disinformation, but that is ignorance that's not intentional.
  6. You said here that speculation is disinfo here, what meme? I brought you the actual definition, then you said you were too big to talk to me when you had nothing.
  7. Show me how disinfo is just speculation then.
  8. Got proven wrong, so you say it ain't worth it. Okay.
  9. Wow, maybe try harder. You're missing intent. Speculation with intent is disinfo not just speculation.
  10. Fucking lol. I didn't know speculation was disinfo.
  11. I feel like position would make me check it or not.
  12. I'd hope the Jewish space lasers would protect us.
  13. I put my snowballs in the freezer, but by next Christmas they're gone. Freezers are not a safe space for snowflakes.
  14. I have to ask what fringe shit do I follow?
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