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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. We had to wear masks at Zion to get on the shuttle, but a day later we didn't at Bryce Canyon shuttle. I'm guessing it had to do with the plane mask requirement?
  2. So joe isn't doing a great job? I thought this the sunshine pumper thread.
  3. Oh, that's what makes it okay to destroy democracy.
  4. See we accuse things of others, so when we do it we can feel good destroying democracy.
  5. Ummm... He needs to die. Unless that's what you meant.
  6. You seem to think Dems aren't as shitty, and destructive. That's the context.
  7. I've been hearing about the implosion, or destruction of the Republican party for years, it's not happening. It's like the phrase "I can't wait for the olds to die, then we can change." Yet gun laws have been expanded, abortion is being limited, and crypto is looked at much more favorable. The people who say that phrase definitely aren't in favor of those things.
  8. You think that 4yo went like. After see what he did to a kid.
  9. Hell no, economy is runny hot. Too much money going for too few supplies. I'm glad BBB didn't pass. I feel like you say this a lot which makes it mean nothing.
  10. A mcwoody sounds a lot like you get to shoot your gun a lot on the cheap.
  11. I mean both of y'all are right on this one. He's also not going to vote GOP, because racism against Mexicans when they say they should tighten the border, so nothing will get done
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