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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. Exactly what I was gonna say.
  2. Grade a good shit, man.
  3. To answer your question, no the off grid stuff doesn't seem like a big market unless you live near a mountain.
  4. Is he gonna Smollett his suicide?
  5. This was taken back in February in Washington. I hope ammo is cheaper up in Alaska.
  6. I'll have to invest in a saw, and ax before energy gets too expensive. I'll start cutting and chopping wood to sale to keep homes heated for cheaper.
  7. What? I'm telling you how I felt about the movie. We don't agree, that's okay.
  8. Good, but stop asking assholes for help.
  9. I just paid $61 of diesel to fill up 13 gallons. What he said on the other thread says that we have about the same gas prices. If he wants to keep his limit, he shouldn't shoot the shit out of it. I mean I'm not saying he shouldn't, but yeah it's getting spendy out there.
  10. Strangelove wasn't slap your knee funny. There was some chuckles, but not funny as shit.
  11. Hey, good intentions and all that.
  12. You do, and you're not convincing me otherwise.
  13. You should lose some weight.
  14. Canada America. Works with idiots
  15. The Truckers got censored. I know it's hard to believe, since you liked what the government was doing, but closing people's bank accounts without a court order is that.
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