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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. It was Germany, and Russia to get Poland.
  2. Matthew McConaughey gif on redheads.
  3. That Ukrainians are fighting for their sovereignty. As I said before good on them, but do you understand the joke?
  4. Most people love a good underdog story. Ukrainian people doing great with what they have against a power that in all intents and purpose should steam roll them, but they aren't. I'm hoping Taiwan is looking at this with a very diligent eye, and they likely are.
  5. Fuck it, become the militia. Ukraine is literally giving out automatics to its citizens, and the citizens are willing to pick them up. Fuck yeah, make it hurt. Poland doing good work getting back at Russia supplying the Ukrainians witore weapons.
  6. I mean, that's what the paper bag is for.
  7. I'm going to hld till I want to give to the kids, or when shtf
  8. Pm have gone up since I last bought.
  9. He opposed communism, after they were friends. A guy I work with who's family heritage is Ukrainians sounds like hillbillies compared to Russian. They should be easy to hear, apparently.
  10. I was told I wouldn't mind getting nuked, because I love Putin. Yep, I'm being divisive.
  11. What an idiot.
  12. Someone posted "Remember the Alamo!" Has a lot of that feel to it.
  13. You seem well practiced. You should stop it.
  14. Gonna get a lot of practice. Hopefully it's more Finland (even though they lost.) than Poland number 2.
  15. It looks really popular in Ukraine.
  16. I'm pretty sure you eat your boogers, which, while gross, I'm not going to judge. But perhaps your boogers make you dumber. Give not being a booger eating moron a try; perhaps it helps. If not, and you're hungry, hit us up for donations for food instead. Nothing. Good to know that. Hey, next time don't scratch your ass before you sniff your finger. It'll smell like shit, like your take.
  17. .... Sorry you hate Patton, and don't think the Second amendment, which is American, should go to the rest of the west. Why do you hate America?
  18. The west should have freedom to bear arms.
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