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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. They're also able to trace COVID if I remember.
  2. Fauci? All I could find is deaths overall since COVID lockdowns started, and nothing of how old people were, so point taken. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/drug-overdose-data.htm
  3. Kids lost their parents to drugs from the lockdowns, I haven't heard too many dying from their kids. Hell, what even is the data on that?
  4. Is he wrong that Europe didn't mask kids at all? Looks like they didn't in Britain. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/27/us/students-masks-classrooms-britain.html
  5. https://twitter.com/QTRBlackGarrett/status/1491287183831232515?s=20&t=cWlZg00y5ecYoIcVasM4tw
  6. Ohhh.... I'm hurt that you had no real comeback.
  7. Like your shitty gif was so compelling. As you can see, an older person masking up kids for older person's preservation. Pretty self explained.
  8. He wants his son to love him. He may actually give him crack instead of floor cheese.
  9. Exactly, they should do what the left does and replace guns for dildos for the 1000 time.
  10. Sucks that we then said the unvaccinated nurses and doctors had to leave, and the vaccinated ones got to stay and work even if they had COVID.
  11. Yeah, whites are over served. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-crack-pipes-racial-equity/
  12. I mean New York is doing this. https://news.yahoo.com/york-legislature-oks-gerrymander-could-222520005.html
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