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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. Did they not say that you had a pretty mouth?
  2. This reminds me how Sherman's were so weak, and lightly armored. That's because it wasn't only going to the western front, but also eastern front as well. It had to be light enough to ship across both oceans, and easy to fix. It didn't even really get into fights with the more deadly tanks at the end of the war since Germany was dealing with shortages, and losing in all fronts, more importantly the eastern front.
  3. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-16212447
  4. Yep, and a bug out bag already loaded up with essentials you can throw on isn't a bad idea either.
  5. Full auto isn't the way to go anyways. 3 round burst would be a better option.
  6. Whoever said that KOTH was Texas anime, well here's your proof.
  7. Watching the Micheal Keaton Batman on VHS.
  8. Everything is Covid. There are no other sicknesses.
  9. This isn't true till the vaccinated stops giving it to other vaccinated.
  10. what is this commie talking about?
  11. Hey, I live in the hell-hole that is the PNW where I have to take vitamin D to keep from getting SAD (seasonal affective disorder). I don't think you or anyone else on here would be the reason I kill myself. I do appreciate the sentiment. I'm trying to be as honest on this subject, without getting my elephant riled up. I could just lash out and call y'all murders, I just don't think that would be conducive. I really do think that there could be common ground with some stuff that @Sawbonz said (just noticed there's a sawbonz, and sawbones). I would be willing to say that a strong safety net would be good if abortion rates in general went down. The first trimester argument will persuade most people. I would say those who believe life starts at conception don't want to control women, but it would be getting closer to people who just think women are property, which are horrible. I'm not wanting to outright ban abortion, since I don't think it will work out, I only think changing hearts and minds the best way to have fewer abortions.
  12. I will agree that when you believe that humans are being murdered at an astronomical rate, that there is a moral dilemma. You don't care who it hurts to stop innocent people from being killed. The fastest way to do that is top down government, which I don't think is good. People who say that those people couldn't care about babies after they are born probably only think government is the only correct way to give. Most seem to think that there aren't private charities that do what they're asking for already, and since no one on the right is asking for more government intervention that way, they must not care. I'd argue that they don't believe that would get rid of abortion, or even reduce abortion. It would give more money towards a government program that would suck away thier charity donatiotn, and actually be run down by the beuracracy that is the government to end up to be less useful to the people they want to help.
  13. You're a eugenicist then. This gets us nowhere, but we said what we believe the worst of the outgroup.
  14. Cause the underlying thought is that it's only about control of women. People don't care if others have sex for the most part. It's how babies are made. It's the killing of the unborn. You can call it whatever, that's what they believe is happening. You can yell at people that they're trying to control women, they'd argue they're trying to save a baby. Y'all aren't trying to be eugenicists, they're not trying to control women. Can we agree to my last sentence? If not, we can't go further since people prescribing the worst from the get go.
  15. "They just want to control women!" Keep parroting it, you might convince someone, I'm sure.
  16. And y'all gave @Anastasis a hard time for "Eugenicists gonna eugenicists."
  17. It burned through work, and got the fiancee's parents. If I had it, it was barely a sniffle.
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