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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. My very first job I wanted to do when I was 4 was to be the tortilla maker at El Chico. Now I'm welder.
  2. Merry Christmas. Charity is one of the best feeling things to do. I know I feel better giving to those who need something more than I.
  3. Merry Christmas, Inka. Sorry to hear about your stepmom.
  4. You apparently do since you didn't like his opinion. As to your first paragraph, I don't give a shit.
  5. Ana pretty much pegs you correctly. You're a moron.
  6. Holy shit, this was spectacular cluster fuck.
  7. Cap them at a billion, because you get taxed astronomically, and seeing your other post about being double taxed, I'd also be pissed. Definitely don't think that corporations should get tax breaks either, if you're not going to do it for all businesses that have to compete with someone that has a leg up because of government giving them a good deal. Like the Amazon deal in NY.
  8. They're also tax payers, but yes corporate welfare should be nil. I mean I don't think they're gods among men, since they themselves are just men, but the question was why should we care if it doesn't affect us, and those are the ways we're affected.
  9. Did I just respond to an afro.
  10. Like blood off of a guillotine blade.
  11. They buy goods and services. They employ people. They give to charity. They help 3rd world countries. Do you think rich people hoard money w/o trying to make more, or trying to help people? I won't say they're great people either, but that's how they effect us.
  12. https://nypost.com/2021/09/17/pentagon-admits-its-killed-civilians-not-isis-terrorist-in-drone-strike/
  13. Joe paints the streets with the blood of kids he killed too.
  14. I feel like your entire last sentence was superfluous.
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