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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. Go tell parents they have no say at school. It's a winning strat.
  2. I don't know why he cut maternity leave when the two months that was used was paternity leave that people had an issue with. Hell it wasn't that he left two months, but that no one noticed while our supply chain is messed up. https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/oct/20/pete-buttigieg-back-two-month-paternity-absence-ci/ Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who has been on paternity leave for about two months during a worsening shipping crisis, said Wednesday he has a “new appreciation” for the Biden administration‘s policies that allowed him to take time off from his Cabinet post.
  3. MAGA indeed. I also didn't know father's needed 2 months of paternity leave. That's why this is being brought up.
  4. If taxpayer money was used, then why couldn't we be sued? Do you think America is so innocent?
  5. She didn't say "alone." She said if Donald Trump told her to take it. Which was part of the conversation that you must not have read. Him being over the CDC and Fauci and people being scared that he was twisting their arm to agree with him. Here another one about being wary of vaccines.
  6. Prig? Huh, the more you know https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/prig a person who obeys the rules of correct behaviour and considers himself or herself to be morally better than other people
  7. It really sounds like he didn't miss anything. She must have bomb ass pussy to try to chain her down in marriage.
  8. I mean wulaw had be part of the Eiffel Tower, so still more than your lonely ass.
  9. What? I never said to throw up hands and give up. I asked what should be the end goal? I agree with you on your ending paragraph for sure. If the employer wants everyone to vax up, you need to leave and look for something that works with what you're looking for. The best thing to come out of all this is that people who can stay at home to work should just stay home unless important meetings. I don't get why this wasn't a thing beforehand. Fewer people on the roads, fewer people in contact with each other to spread communicable diseases.
  10. That's not the reason for my question. You go ahead and be a fuckhead though, it suits you. Unless you're here to tell me that it can't happen, then what is the end goal? Do we wear masks till it's gone for good, or go more extreme like Australia where they're allowed an extra hour of being outside for being vaxed?
  11. Wouldn't the consequence be dying from Covid? I wonder if you think Australia is a sane society? When is the end of this? Even if vaxed, and everyone else was vaxed you would still be able to pass it on and catch it. As Dr. Fauci said, humanity has only been able to get rid of one disease.
  12. Hell yeah, destroying government property was pretty metal. Oh you also mean private property. I'm not sad if those rioters got shot. fafo.
  13. Couldn't you get infected in between tests and get everyone infected anyways?
  14. I hear that that lovely decision was also used to set up good precrdent too... What were those laws again?
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