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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. You're saying you should do your own research? That sounds like medical disinfo that you're okay with.
  2. Exactly, the Dems should look terrible.
  3. He makes a lot of money just asking questions.
  4. Then you also think that mandating something that has no gender be genderless is stupid, right?
  5. Are you actually the Cookie Monster and feel slighted if someone doesn't want your cookies?
  6. I don't think Gulag Archipelago has the word Oklahoma, but if he had been sent to Oklahoma, he would probably write a book about how much worse it is in Oklahoma than the Gulags.
  7. I didn't know that California culture stays in California. Keep going on the stupid train though. You might be closer to say that pure calimex is in California, but you didn't say that at all, and I'm gonna let you guess what type of Mexican food Portland has closer relationship with.
  8. Damn, you showed me. Now wonder why no one else comes out to Portland for their Mexican. I will say Portland has the best tortilla chips though.
  9. You're wrong. So wrong. I'd gladly trade you for an okay texmex joint. Thier idea of spicy salsa is adding hot sauce into a tomato sauce.
  10. Good question, I don't know. @Gil Bang do you know why?
  11. Maybe cause they lessened the charge for knowingly giving someone HIV? https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/blog/laws/do-i-have-to-tell-a-sexual-partner-that-i-am-hiv-positive-in-california/
  12. I bet you never seen South Austin's mom either. Fucking scrub.
  13. Well fuck, do you just stand there getting your ass whipped?
  14. At least I used gun stats, and not just general homicides.
  15. What, that it doesn't show what type of homicide it is, or that NYC has no rights to protection except if you're rich. Do you think my .4% of gun ownership even covers the middle class of New York? As to the blog numbers from ownership of guns, that number came from here. I couldn't find any new numbers of gun ownership. As to Houston, I can't find any number of gun ownership. I can't say to how many gun owners are in there. https://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/20/nyregion/20guns.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=illegal guns&st=cse
  16. Loss of second amendment protections, fear of being attacked by someone who has a gun illegally for 12 less homicides per 100,000? I don't even know if those are gun related homicides.
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