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Everything posted by workswithseed

  1. What, why are you lying? When did I say my apartment was set on fire by antifa? Look it up. Like being accused of saying shit about Covid you love to lie about my words. You can look it all up, but go ahead and live your life head in your ass. Go ahead and search MLK Republican video that I posted.
  2. Good, I'm glad you're dumber than me. Good waste of some point you tried to make.
  3. Struck a nerve. Next you're going to tell me how fascism and right wing libertarianism is the same.
  4. "I'll just shit out my mouth, and state things that didn't happen." - an idiot
  5. If we kill all fetuses at your determined time when they're not human, are we not eradicating the human race? It seems under your thought process, it would be okay legally because they're not really human yet.
  6. He was a socialist, but he was never a communist. His religious upbringing wouldn't allow it, he also agreed that capitalism had merit.
  7. I would add the caveat of if you're lost and you have a gun.
  8. I guess at some point when you think they're ready to learn how to use a firearm you'll give them the safe code for safety purposes to protect themselves from intruders. I'm not sure, but I could see it.
  9. Whoops, my bad. I'm just biased towards you cause I like you more.
  10. I agree. I wish this didn't happen. I'd rather the kids had their dad back, and people didn't have to see a man die. It was egos going full regard, and you should never go full regard. I'm not going to cry if Kyle goes to prison, I'm just giving my opinion on how I think the law will go and why.
  11. @TwiceHorn already said it wasn't kidnapping. If a person kidnaps my kid, I'd do anything I can to get them back, but I'd also call the police to the house where I was at.
  12. The guy lives there, he has no interest? Get mad go get the cops. He sent them to the gma's house because he thought the kid was over there. I don't know why he just didn't leave.
  13. He's from California. They already have one of the most strict gun legislation in the country. They still had a school shooting. https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/15/us/california-school-shooting-friday/index.html
  14. Depends, if you're on their property and don't want you on it, I say property owner has the right to kick you off their lawn with force if you're not doing so.
  15. Yeah, you can hear it in the video I posted. You have to be 18 and up and signed in to watch the video for obvious reasons.
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